Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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lavish, misuse, waste, fool away, fritter away, muddle away, spend foolishly.

      Misstate, v. a. Misrepresent, falsify, state wrongly.

      Misstatement, n. Misrepresentation, falsification, wrong statement.

      Misstep, n. Wrong step, false step.

      Mist, n. Fog, haze.

      Mistake, v. a. 1. Misapprehend, misunderstand, misconceive.

      2. Take (one for another).

      Mistake, v. n. Err, make a mistake, be at fault, be wide of the mark, be on the wrong scent, be in the wrong box, bark up the wrong tree.

      Mistake, n. 1. Misapprehension, misunderstanding, misconception.

      2. Blunder, error, slip, fault, lapse, trip, oversight.

      Misterm, v. a. Miscall, misname.

      Mistranslate, v. a. Misconstrue, misrender.

      Mistress, n. 1. Female head, female sovereign.

      2. Instructress, female teacher.

      3. Sweetheart, flame, doxy.

      4. Concubine, paramour.

      Mistrust, n. Distrust, suspicion, doubt, misgiving, want of confidence.

      Mistrust, v. a. 1. Distrust, doubt, be suspicious of.

      2. Fear, apprehend, suspect.

      Mistrustful, a. Distrustful, suspicious.

      Misunderstand, v. a. Misapprehend, misconceive, mistake.

      Misunderstanding, n. Misapprehension, misconception.

      Misuse, v. a. 1. Misemploy, misapply, desecrate, profane, pervert, put to a wrong use.

      2. Abuse, maltreat, ill-treat, ill-use.

      3. Waste, squander, fool away, fritter away, muddle away, spend foolishly.

      Misuse, n. Abuse, perversion, prostitution, profanation.

      Mite, n. Particle, atom, monad, corpuscle, molecule.

      Mitigate, v. a. Moderate, alleviate, appease, soothe, soften, mollify, pacify, assuage, quiet, still, calm, quell, allay, abate, temper, attemper, lessen, dull, qualify, blunt.

      Mitigation, n. Alleviation, moderation, relief.

      Mitigative, a. Lenitive, lenient, soothing, mollifying, assuaging, assuasive, emollient, mild.

      Mix, v. a. Mingle, commingle, commix, unite, combine, blend, amalgamate, compound, incorporate.

      Mix, v. n. Be mixed, be blended.

      Mixed, a. 1. Mingled, blended.

      2. Promiscuous, of various kinds.

      Mixture, n. 1. Compound, medley, olio, farrago, salmagundi, hotch-potch, gallimaufry, hodge-podge, olio.

      2. Miscellany, variety, diversity.

      Mizzen, a. (Naut.) Hindmost.

      Mizzle, v. n. 1. Rain (in small drops), drizzle.

      2. [Colloquial.] Abscond, run away, take one's self off.

      Mnemonic, a. 1. Of the memory.

      2. For the help of the memory, to assist the memory.

      Mnemonics, n. Memoria technica.

      Moan, v. a. [Poetical.] Lament, deplore, mourn, bemoan, weep for, grieve for.

      Moan, v. n. Grieve, mourn, make lamentation.

      Moat, n. Ditch, fosse, graff.

      Mob, n. 1. Tumultuous rabble, rude multitude, lawless crowd.

      2. Populace, canaille, riff-raff, lower orders, vulgar herd, scum of society, dregs of the people, rag-tag-and-bob-tail.

      3. Mob-cap.

      Mob-cap, n. Mob.

      Mobility, n. Susceptibility of motion.

      Mobilize, v. a. (Mil.) Draft (troops) for active service.

      Mob-law, n. Lynch-law.

      Mock, v. a. 1. Ape, mimic, imitate, counterfeit, take off.

      2. Deride, ridicule, jibe, jeer, taunt, scout, chaff, laugh at, make game of, make fun of, treat with contempt, treat with scorn, make a butt of, make merry with, poke fun at.

      3. Illude, deceive, disappoint, balk, cheat, dupe.

      Mock, a. False, counterfeit, pretended, feigned, assumed, sham, spurious, clap-trap, not real, make-believe.

      Mocker, n. Scoffer, scorner, derider, railer, despiser, jeerer.

      Mockery, n. 1. Ridicule, derision, scorn, jeering, contemptuous mimicry.

      2. Sport, subject of ridicule.

      3. Show, imitation, counterfeit.

      Mock-lead, n. [Term used by miners.] Black-jack, blende, sulphuret of zinc, false galena.

      Mock-nightingale, n. Black-cap warbler, black-cap.

      Mock-sun, n. Parhelion, sundog.

      Mode, n. 1. Way (viewed practically), method, manner, style, process, course, means, form, fashion, custom.

      2. Modification, quality, affection, accident.

      Model, n. 1. Pattern, prototype, paradigm, archetype.

      2. Standard, gauge.

      Model, v. a. Shape, mould, form, plan, fashion.

      Moderate, a. 1. Temperate, sparing, frugal, not excessive.

      2. Cheap, unexpensive.

      3. Reasonable, judicious, deliberate, cool, mild, not extreme, not violent.

      Moderate, v. a. Assuage, soothe, allay, mitigate, soften, mollify, appease, temper, attemper, quiet, quell, still, pacify, repress, subdue, abate, reduce, lessen, dull, blunt.

      Moderation, n. 1. Temperance, frugality, sobriety.

      2. Calmness, coolness, deliberateness, sedateness, mildness, equanimity, composure.

      Moderator, n. Chairman, president, presiding officer.

      Modern, a. Recent, late, new, novel, not ancient, not antique.

      Modest, a. 1. Unpretending, unobtrusive, unassuming, retiring, humble, unostentatious, meek, not presumptuous.

      2. Chaste, pure.

      3. Moderate, not excessive, not extravagant.

      Modesty, n. 1. Unobtrusiveness, meekness, humility, retiring disposition, freedom from presumption.

      2. Chastity, purity.

      Modicum, n. Pittance, fragment, trifle, small allowance, small portion.

      Modification, n. 1. Alteration, variation, qualification, change.

      2. Form, mode, affection, accident.

      Modify, v. a. 1. Shape, give form to, give a special mode to.

      2. Alter, change, vary, give a new form to.

      Modish, a. Fashionable, stylish, genteel, courtly, in fashion, in vogue, à la mode, having a run, the rage.

      Modulate, v. a. 1. Attune, harmonize, tune.

      2. Inflect (as the voice), vary in tune and accentuation.

      Modus operandi, [L.] Process, way, method, mode of operation, way of doing.

      Mohammedan, n. Mahometan, Mussulman, Moslem.

      Mohammedanism, n. Mahometanism, Islamism, Islam.

      Moiety, n. Half.

      Moil, v. n. Labor, toil, drudge.

      Moist, a. Damp, humid, dank, wet.

      Moisten, v. a. Dampen, damp.

      Moisture, n. Dampness, humidity.

      Molar, n. Grinder, grinding tooth, molar tooth, double tooth.

      Molasses, n. Treacle.

      Mole, n. 1. Jetty, pier, breakwater.

      2. [Zoöl.] Mouldwarp, molewarp.


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