Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Читать онлайн книгу.n. Summer solstice.
Midwife, n. Accoucheuse.
Midwifery, n. Obstetrics.
Mien, n. Air, look, aspect, manner, port, carriage, demeanor, external appearance, bearing.
Miff, n. [Colloquial.] Pique, slight anger.
Miff, v. a. [Colloquial.] Affront, displease, offend slightly.
Might, n. Power, strength, puissance, force, main, potency, efficacy, ability, efficiency.
Mighty, a. 1. Strong, powerful, robust, vigorous, sturdy, puissant, courageous, valiant, valorous, bold, able, capable.
2. Vast, enormous, immense, huge, stupendous, monstrous, Cyclopean, Herculean, very great.
3. Violent, vehement, impetuous.
4. Forcible, efficacious, effective.
Mighty, ad. [Colloquial.] Very.
Migrate, v. n. Change residence (from one country to another).
Migration, n. Change of residence (from one country to another).
Migratory, a. Nomadic, wandering.
Mild, a. 1. Tender, kind, gentle, merciful, clement, compassionate, indulgent, pacific, not severe, not harsh, not cruel.
2. Soft, gentle, bland, pleasant, not violent, not intense.
3. Lenitive, assuasive, mollifying, soothing, emollient, demulcent, not acrid, not corrosive.
Mildew, n. Rust, blight, blast, mould, must, mustiness, smut.
Militant, a. Fighting, contending, belligerent.
Military, a. 1. Soldierly, soldier-like.
2. Martial, warlike.
Military, n. Soldiery, army, body of soldiers.
Militate against, War against, contend against, operate against, be opposed to, be repugnant to, be hostile to.
Militia, n. Trainband.
Milkiness, n. Lactescence.
Milk-livered, a. Cowardly, timorous, white-livered.
Milkmaid, n. Dairymaid.
Milksop, n. 1. Piece of bread sopped in milk.
2. Poltroon, craven, dastard, coward, effeminate man.
Milkweed, n. Silkweed, wild cotton.
Milky Way, n. Galaxy.
Mill, n. 1. Manufactory.
2. [U. S.] One tenth of a cent.
3. Fight, contest.
Mill, v. a. 1. Stamp (as coin) on the edge.
2. Full (as cloth).
3. [Low.] Beat (with the fists).
Miller, n. Moth.
Miller's-thumb, n. River bull-head (Cottus gobio).
Millionnaire, n. Nabob, Crœsus, Dives, capitalist, very rich person, person of great wealth.
Milt, n. 1. (Anat.) Spleen.
2. Semen (of fishes), sperm, soft roe.
Milter, n. Male fish.
Mime, n. Mimic.
Mimetic, a. Imitative, mimic.
Mimetical, a. Imitative, mimic.
Mimic, a. Imitative, mimetic, mimetical.
Mimical, a. Imitative, mimetic, mimetical.
Mimic, v. a. Ape, imitate, mock, counterfeit.
Mimic, n. Mime.
Minaret, n. Turret (of a Mahometan mosque).
Minatory, a. Threatening, menacing.
Mince, v. a. 1. Hash, cut into small pieces.
2. Extenuate, palliate, be mealy-mouthed about, be reserved in speaking of.
Mince, v. n. Affect delicacy.
Mince-pie, n. Meat-pie.
Mince-meat, a. Chopped meat.
Minced-meat, a. Chopped meat.
Mincing, a. Affected, over-nice.
Mind, n. 1. Soul, spirit, inner man.
2. Intellect, understanding, reason, sense, brains, thinking principle, intellectual powers, common sense, intellectual faculties.
3. Inclination, disposition, will, wish, liking, desire.
4. Belief, opinion, thoughts, sentiments.
5. Memory, remembrance, recollection.
Mind, v. a. 1. Notice, heed, regard, mark, attend to, take notice of, pay attention to, give heed to, fix the mind on, trouble one's head about.
2. Obey, be obedient to.
3. [Poetical.] Remind, put in mind.
Mindful of, Regardful of, heedful of, observant of, attentive to.
Mindless, a. 1. Destitute of mind.
2. Regardless, careless, heedless, forgetful, neglectful, negligent.
Mine, v. a. Sap, undermine.
Mineral, n. Inorganic body.
Mineral oil, Petroleum, mineral tar, rock oil, mineral oil, Barbadoes tar, Seneca oil.
Mineral pitch, Asphaltum, native bitumen, Jew's pitch.
Mineral tar, Mineral oil.
Minever, n. [Written also Meniver.] Ermine, stoat.
Mingle, v. a. 1. Mix, intermix, commingle, intermingle, compound, blend.
2. Jumble, confound, confuse, huddle together, shuffle together.
Miniature, n. Small portrait.
Miniature, a. Little, small, diminutive.
Minikin, a. Small, little, diminutive, wee, tiny, Pygmy, Pygmean, Liliputian, dwarfish.
Minim, n. 1. Minnow, pink.
2. Drop, sixtieth part of a drachm.
3. (Music.) Two crotchets, half a semibreve.
Minimum, n. Least quantity, least part.
Minion, n. Favorite (in an ill sense), creature, dependant, parasite, hanger-on.
Minister, n. 1. Administrator (of executive authority), executive officer (of a sovereign or of a government).
2. Ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary.
3. Clergyman, divine, priest, parson, ecclesiastic, churchman.
Minister, v. a. Give, afford, supply, furnish.
Minister, v. n. Serve, perform service, do service.
Minister to, Aid, help, assist, succor, give assistance to, supply with what is needed.
Ministration, n. Agency, instrumentality.
Ministry, n. 1. Cabinet, council, administration.
2. Office of a clergyman, ecclesiastical function.
Minium, n. Red lead, red oxide of lead.
Mink, n. Minx, North-American pole-cat (Mustela vison).
Minnow, n. Minim, pink (Lenciscus phoxinus).
Minor, a. 1. Less, smaller.
2. Inferior, subordinate.
3. Inconsiderable, petty.
Minority, n. 1. Nonage, pupilage.
2. Smaller number.
Minstrel, n. Musician, singer, bard.
Minstrelsy, n. Music, melody, harmony.
Minute, a. 1. Little, slender, capillary, very small.
2. Circumstantial, particular, critical.
Minute, n. 1. Sixtieth part of an hour.
2. Sixtieth part of a degree.