Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Читать онлайн книгу.Ascend, mount, get up, stand up; rebel, revolt; result, eventuate.
Ant. Descend, dismount; submit, cower; cause, instigate.
Aristocracy. Government of nobles; nobility, peerage, gentry.
Ant. Democracy; people, populace, masses, rabble.
Arm, v. Equip, array, furnish, gird, accouter, provide; fortify, cover, protect, guard; prepare.
Ant. Divest, disarm; expose.
Army. Soldiery, legion, armament, forces, host, phalanx, troops.
Ant. Individual; citizens.
Aromatic. Fragrant, spicy, balmy, redolent, odoriferous, ambrosial.
Ant. Scentless, malodorous, fetid, offensive, noisome, rank.
Arouse. Excite, provoke, instigate, stimulate, animate, kindle, warm, whet, summon, awaken.
Ant. Allay, mitigate, moderate, still, quiet, assuage, quell.
Arraign. Accuse, charge, indict, impeach, denounce; prosecute.
Ant. Acquit, discharge, condone, release.
Arrange. Settle, determine, adjust; dispose, group, marshall, rank, range, distribute, place; plan, contrive, project, devise, construct, organize.
Ant. Confuse, disturb, jumble, disperse, disorder, derange.
Array, n. Order, parade, show, exhibition, collection, arrangement, line of battle, disposition.
Ant. Disorder, confusion, jumble.
Arrest. Apprehend, capture, seize, detain, hold, take prisoner; stop.
Ant. Liberate, free, dismiss, release, discharge; expedite.
Arrival. Advent, coming; comer, person or thing arrived.
Ant. Departure, going.
Arrive. Reach, get to, come; attain, touch, overtake; happen.
Ant. Depart, set out or forth, be gone.
Arrogant. Haughty, insolent, proud, lordly, disdainful, supercilious, self-important, egoistic, overbearing, dogmatic, imperious.
Ant. Humble, diffident, polite, bashful, servile, considerate.
Art. Craft, business, calling, employment, trade; practical knowledge; creation of beauty; skill, dexterity, sagacity, aptitude, cleverness, ingenuity; cunning, artifice, deceit, guile.
Ant. Misrepresentation, caricature; candor, simplicity; incompetency, inability.
Article. Thing, substance, commodity; part, portion, particular, point, item, member; essay, paper, monograph, brochure.
Ant. Nothing, nullity, cipher; totality, entirety, unity, integer.
Articulate. Join, unite, connect, fasten together; enunciate, utter distinctly, pronounce.
Ant. Disperse, separate, rend, dissect, disjoin, disconnect; whisper; render mute, silence, muzzle.
Artifice. Cunning, craft, machination, stratagem, guile, device, contrivance, cheat, imposture, trick, ruse, maneuver, wile.
Ant. Fairness, frankness, candor, openness, sincerity, truth, honesty, artlessness, ingenuousness, simplicity.
Artificial. Unnatural, factitious; feigned, counterfeit, fictitious, spurious, sham; affected, forced, strained.
Ant. Natural, genuine, spontaneous, transparent, artless, unaffected.
Artist. Designer, contriver, skilled workman, artisan; mechanic, operative; painter; sculptor, carver; master, master-hand.
Ascend. Rise, mount, soar, aspire, go up, tower.
Ant. Descend, fall, sink.
Ascendancy. Power, authority, sway, dominion, rule, mastery, control, government, influence.
Ant. Subordination, servility.
Ascertain. Determine, establish, settle, fix, define, verify; discover, find out, get at.
Ant. Guess, surmise, suppose, presume, conjecture.
Ascetic. Austere, rigid, severe, self-denying, abstinent, stern, puritanical.
Ant. Lenient, indulgent, epicurean, pampered, mild, tolerant.
Ascribe. Impute, attribute, assign, refer, charge, set down.
Ant. Dissociate, exclude; deny, refuse; disconnect.
Ask. Request, petition, solicit, entreat, beg, beseech, supplicate, require of, crave, demand.
Ant. Refuse, reject, deny; command, claim, exact, extort, enforce, insist.
Aspect. Air, mien, look, countenance, expression, feature, bearing; state, attitude, posture, condition, appearance; direction, outlook, prospect.
Asperity. Acrimony, sourness, sharpness; sternness, severity, bitterness, sullenness, ill-temper; roughness, unevenness.
Ant. Sweetness, pleasantness; gentleness, mildness; smoothness.
Asperse. Slander, calumniate, traduce, vilify, attack, abuse, blemish, besmirch, vituperate, disparage, censure, slur, malign.
Ant. Eulogize, vindicate, clear, defend, extol, praise, shield.
Aspiration. Pronouncing with the rough breathing; yearning, longing, ardent desire, craving, spiritual ambition.
Ant. Apathy, inertia, indifference, dulness, aversion, repudiation, avoidance.
Assault. Attack, invasion, charge, onset, onslaught, aggression.
Ant. Resistance, defense, repulsion, retaliation, undermining.
Assemble. Gather, collect, convene, congregate, meet, come together.
Ant. Disperse, scatter, dismiss.
Assembly. Concourse, company, gathering, congregation, assemblage, meeting, convocation, throng; congress, parliament, legislature, synod, diet, council, convention; ball, dance, dancing party.
Ant. Dispersion, dismissal, disunion, disruption.
Assent, n. Acquiescence, acknowledgment, approval, concurrence, approbation, accord, consent, agreement, compliance.
Ant. Disagreement, dissent, difference, protest, declension.
Assertion. Asseveration, protestation, allegation; position, statement, word, declaration; vindication, defense, maintenance.
Ant. Denial, contradiction, abandonment, protest, disavowal, retraction, repudiation, confutation, abjuration.
Assess. Tax, value, appraise, estimate, compute, fix, assign, determine, impose.
Ant. Discount, rebate, allow.
Assiduous. Diligent, industrious, untiring, indefatigable, devoted, constant, attentive,