Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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blank; Nirvana.

      Ant. Perpetuation, immortality; genesis, evolution, development.


      Annotation. Note, comment, remark, observation, gloss, scholium, explanation, illustration, elucidation.

      Ant. Narrative, text, assertion, proposition, statement.


      Announce. Proclaim, publish, report, herald, make known, state, reveal, tell, declare, communicate, promulgate, circulate, enunciate.

      Ant. Suppress, secrete, hide, cover up, conceal, bury, withhold.


      Announcement. Notice, proclamation, declaration, advertisement, notification, manifesto, promulgation.

      Ant. Suppression, concealment, secrecy, equivocation, ambiguity, insinuation.


      Annoyance. Trouble, discomfort, vexation, torment, infliction, nuisance, irritation.

      Ant. Gratification, delight, ease, pleasure, relief.


      Annual, n. Yearly publication, year-book, annals; plant living but a year.

      Ant. Perennial, biennial, triennial; exotic.


      Annul. Cancel, abrogate, recall, repeal, revoke, countermand, reverse, rescind, abolish, nullify, supersede, invalidate.

      Ant. Conserve, confirm, maintain, enact, establish.


      Anomalous. Abnormal, unnatural, irregular, peculiar, exceptional, aberrant, unusual, singular, eccentric, erratic.

      Ant. Normal, regular, usual, ordinary, common, wonted.


      Anon. Soon, shortly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, directly, ere long; afterward, presently, again.

      Ant. Herewith, now; already, previously.


      Anonymous. Nameless, unacknowledged, of unknown authorship.

      Ant. Identified, authorized, authenticated, attested, signed.


      Answer, v. Reply, rejoin, respond; be accountable, responsible, or liable, go surety; correspond, be similar; do, serve, suit, pass; refute, defend; satisfy, fulfil.

      Ant. Challenge, defy, question, interrogate, query, summon.


      Answerable. Refutable, responsible, amenable, liable, accountable; corresponding, correlative, suitable, proportionate.

      Ant. Independent, irresponsible, irrefutable; unsuitable, dissimilar, different.


      Antagonism. Opposition, contradiction, hostility, animosity, enmity.

      Ant. Amity, alliance, association.


      Antecedent, a. Preceding, previous, prior, foregoing, anterior, precursory.

      Ant. Subsequent, posterior, sequent, following.


      Antedate. Date before the true time; anticipate, forestall, foretaste.

      Ant. Postdate, follow, succeed, supervene.


      Anticipate. Forestall, expect, foretaste, antedate, forecast, apprehend, hope for, look forward to.

      Ant. Postdate, follow; reflect upon, recall, recollect, remember; despair of, doubt, dread, fear.


      Anticipation. Expectation, prospect, hope, trust, contemplation, abeyance, foreboding, apprehension, presentiment; prescience, prevision, forethought.

      Ant. Realization, consummation, despair, enjoyment, surprise, doubt, dread, wonder, fear.


      Antipathy. Repugnance, repulsion, aversion, detestation, abhorrence, hatred, hostility, loathing.

      Ant. Attraction, affinity, congeniality, sympathy, harmony.


      Antiquated. Quaint, obsolete, bygone, ancient, archaic, old-fashioned.

      Ant. Modern, modish, new, recent, stylish, fashionable, fresh.


      Antiquity. Ancient times, eld, early days; ancients, people of early days; great age; (pl.) relics of ancient days, archeology.

      Ant. Modernity; futurity, eventuality, posterity; the present, to-day.


      Anxiety. Perplexity, apprehension, care, concern, solicitude, worry, dread, trouble, foreboding, misgiving, eagerness, diffidence.

      Ant. Ease, confidence, contentment, apathy, acquiescence, calmness, nonchalance, assurance.


      Apathy. Stoicism, calmness, composure, lethargy, unconcern, indifference, insensibility, immobility, quietude, phlegm, stillness.

      Ant. Fury, frenzy, susceptibility, sensitiveness, anxiety, excitement, agitation, feeling, passion, vehemence, emotion.


      Ape, v. Mimic, imitate, counterfeit, copy, affect, personate, represent.

      Ant. Vary, modify, change.


      Aperture. Opening, hole, gap, rift, chasm, loophole, orifice, cleft.

      Ant. Closure, blank wall; seclusion, imperviousness.


      Apex. Acme, vertex, pinnacle, summit.

      Ant. Base, nadir, foot, root.


      Aphorism. Adage, maxim, proverb, saying, dictum, apothegm, saw.

      Ant. Lecture, disquisition, discourse, sermon.


      Apiece. Each, individually, severally, distributively, separately.

      Ant. Together, collectively, synthetically, in the aggregate.


      Apocalyptic. In or from “The Revelation of St. John the Divine”; prophetic, mystical, mysterious; manifesting, revealing, unveiling.

      Ant. Concealing, obscuring, shrouding, eclipsing.


      Apocryphal. Unauthentic, uncanonical, legendary, fictitious, false, equivocal, doubtful, spurious.

      Ant. Palpable, authorized, accepted, authentic, genuine, current, verified, attested.


      Apology. Plea, excuse, defense, confession, acknowledgment, justification, vindication, explanation, extenuation.

      Ant. Charge, censure, imputation, condemnation, insult, complaint, offense, wrong.


      Apostate. Renegade, turncoat, backslider, deserter, pervert, traitor.

      Ant. Adherent, supporter, zealot, dogmatist, fanatic.


      Apothegm. Saying, dictum, proverb, aphorism, precept, byword.

      Ant. Sermon, discourse, tirade, harangue.


      Appall. Terrify, frighten, dismay, shock, daunt, alarm, affright.

      Ant. Reassure, embolden.


      Apparel. Clothes, dress, raiment, attire, costume, habit, guise, garments, robes, vesture, wardrobe, equipment, trappings.

      Ant. Nudity, deshabille, rags, tatters.


      Apparent. Seeming, probable, likely, obvious, conspicuous, manifest, clear, patent, evident, plain, legible, specious.

      Ant. Real, hidden, dubious, improbable, doubtful, unimaginable, unsupposable, minute.



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