Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Читать онлайн книгу.noise abroad; offer for sale; inform, notify, apprise; promulgate.
Ant. Suppress, ignore, hush, conceal; mislead, misinform.
Advice. Counsel, suggestion, admonition, instruction, caution; tidings, intelligence, notice; deliberation, care, forethought; recommendation, exhortation, information.
Ant. Remonstrance, restraint, expostulation, prohibition; deception, delusion.
Advisable. Judicious, expedient, politic, prudent, desirable, beneficial, profitable; proper, fitting.
Ant. Imprudent, undesirable, inexpedient, improper, detrimental.
Advocate. Counsel, lawyer, attorney; defender, promoter, friend, patron, supporter, pleader, maintainer.
Ant. Accuser, impugner, gainsayer, adversary, opponent.
Affable. Open, free, frank, unreserved; accessible, familiar; cordial, social, courteous, polite, obliging, urbane, benign, gracious, mild, well-bred; condescending.
Ant. Distant, unapproachable, inaccessible, haughty, contemptuous, supercilious.
Affair. Business, concern, function, matter, circumstance, question, subject; event, incident, occurrence, performance; battle, combat, engagement, skirmish, collision, brush, encounter.
Ant. Detail, item, feature, point.
Affect. Influence, change, transform, modify, alter; concern, interest, touch, move, impress; crave, yearn, desire, like; assume, adopt, feign, pretend; operate, act on; melt, soften, subdue, overcome.
Ant. Shun, repel, repudiate, spurn, dislike, eschew.
Affectation. Airs, mannerism, pretension, pretense, foppery, display.
Ant. Simplicity, artlessness, naturalness, genuineness.
Affection. Feeling, passion, attachment, fondness, tenderness, love; propensity, disposition; endearment, devotion, partiality; attribute, quality, characteristic, mark.
Ant. Indifference, repulsion, disaffection, repugnance.
Affiance. Trust, confidence, homage, reliance, betrothal, fealty, faith, plighting.
Ant. Disloyalty, distrust, treason, suspicion, infidelity.
Affiliate. Associate, adopt, join, connect, incorporate, annex.
Ant. Sever, transplant, separate, disjoin, dissociate.
Affinity. Relationship, kin, consanguinity, propinquity; likeness, resemblance, relation, analogy, connection, correspondence; sympathy, attraction.
Ant. Repugnance, discordance, antipathy, antagonism.
Affirm. Assert, swear, state, declare, maintain, allege, protest, confirm, ratify, approve, endorse, aver, asseverate, assure, avouch, establish.
Ant. Deny, doubt, demur, contradict, negative, gainsay, impugn, oppose, dispute.
Affirmation. Avowal, declaration, statement, assertion, testimony, deposition, confirmation, ratification, approval, endorsement.
Ant. Doubt, denial, contradiction, disputation, disapproval.
Affix. Join, annex, attach, fasten, connect to, unite to, append.
Ant. Remove, detach, separate, unfasten.
Affliction. Adversity, misfortune, grief, sorrow, distress, tribulation, disaster, trial, misery, calamity, pain, anguish, trouble, hardship.
Ant. Consolation, relief, blessing, gratification, pleasure.
Affluence. Wealth, fortune, riches, opulence, abundance, plenty, profusion.
Ant. Want, scarcity, poverty, penury, lack, indigence.
Afford. Supply, furnish, contribute, bestow, offer, confer, bear, endure, support, yield, impart, administer.
Ant. Withhold, deny, retain, stint, grudge, withdraw.
Affray. Quarrel, tussle, scuffle, scrimmage, collision, brawl, disturbance, fight, rumpus, struggle, contest, strife, encounter, feud, tumult.
Ant. Peace, amity, friendship, good will.
Affront. Outrage, insult, abuse, annoyance, displeasure, offense, provocation, wrong, vexation, wound, exasperation, irritation.
Ant. Courtesy, homage, amends, compliment, apology.
Afire. Ablaze, burning, ignited, aflame.
Ant. Out, quenched, extinguished.
Afloat. Adrift, at sea, abroad, loose; happening, betiding, brewing.
Ant. Moored, anchored, aground, stranded, fixed, steadfast, firm.
Afoot. Afloat, preparing, forthcoming, ready, brewing, on hand, astir.
Ant. Unprepared, unprovided for, inactive, sluggish, latent.
Aforesaid. Above-mentioned, foregoing, preceding, abovenamed.
Ant. Following, subsequent, subjoined, forthcoming, after-cited.
Afraid. Fearful, timid, apprehensive, anxious, alarmed, terrified, frightened.
Ant. Fearless, bold, confident, reckless, venturesome, indifferent, secure, hopeful, audacious.
Afresh. Anew, again, newly, frequently, repeatedly, once more.
Ant. Uniformly, connectedly, continuously.
After. Subsequent, later; following, behind, rear, back, posterior; concerning, about, for, in relation to; in imitation of, in the pattern of.
Ant. Before, preceding, introducing; in front of; opposite; facing; previous or prior to, afore; in advance; previously,
Again. Anew, afresh, repeatedly; further, moreover, besides; on the contrary; back, in answer or restitution, in return; once more.
Ant. Once, continuously, uninterruptedly, uniformly.
Against. Opposite, across, adverse to, counter to, athwart; facing, fronting, close up to, in contact with; for, in preparation for, in expectation of; in compensation for, in requital of, to match.
Ant. With, for, beside, accompanying, aiding, promoting.
Agape. Yawning, open-mouthed; wondering, gazing, dazed, amazed; curious, inquisitive, agog, astare, eager.
Ant. Listless, lukewarm, incurious, indifferent.
Age. Duration; period, date, epoch, time; maturity, generation; era, century.
Ant. Infancy, youth, boyhood, childhood; moment, instant.
Agent. Actor, doer, operator, promoter, performer; cause, force, power; deputy, factor, attorney, representative, substitute; means, instrument.
Ant. Counteragent, counteractor, opponent, neutralizer; chief, principal; originator, inventor.
Agglomeration. Accumulation, heap, pile, mass, conglomeration, cluster.
Ant. Dispersion,