Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Acquit, clear, exonerate, forgive, free, liberate, release, pardon, set free, discharge, exempt, exculpate.

      Ant. Accuse, condemn, convict, impeach, charge, compel; obligate, oblige, bind.


      Absorb. Take in, consume, imbibe, swallow, suck up, exhaust; engross, engage, immerse, occupy, arrest, rivet (of attention).

      Ant. Give up, disgorge, send out, radiate, throw off, eject; dissipate, distract, disperse.


      Absorption. Absorbing, imbibing, assimilation, destruction, consumption, exhaustion; engrossment, engagement, occupation, immersion.

      Ant. Ejection, rejection, expulsion, discharge; inadvertency, inattention, oversight, disregard.


      Abstain. Refrain, resist, forbear, desist, deny one’s self, avoid, cease, stop, withhold, give up, relinquish.

      Ant. Indulge, wanton, revel, yield to, gratify.


      Abstemious. Abstinent, sober, moderate, temperate, sparing, frugal, self-denying, continent.

      Ant. Sensual, self-indulgent, intemperate, greedy.


      Absterge. Wipe off, purge, cleanse, purify, scrub, sponge, scour.

      Ant. Soil, pollute, begrime, contaminate, bespatter, bedaub.


      Abstersive. Cleansing, purging, purifying, scouring; detergent, cathartic.

      Ant. Corruptive, contaminative, offensive.


      Abstinence. Temperance, abstemiousness, self-control, self-restraint, self-denial, sobriety, fasting, continence, moderation, frugality.

      Ant. Excess, intoxication, self-indulgence, sensuality, wantonness, intemperance, greed, gluttony, revelry, dissipation.


      Abstinent. Abstaining, fasting; abstemious, sober, temperate, self-restraining, self-denying, continent, austere.

      Ant. Sensual, self-indulgent, intemperate, epicurean, dissipated, incontinent, debauched.


      Abstract, n. Epitome, summary, abridgment, compend, synopsis, syllabus, outline, digest, brief, compendium, gist, drift, contents.

      Ant. Amplification, disquisition, exposition, expansion, expatiation.


      Abstract, v. Appropriate, withdraw, remove, separate, take away, detach, purloin, part, eliminate, distract, discriminate, abridge.

      Ant. Add, complete, increase, restore, unite, conjoin, fill up, strengthen, combine.


      Abstracted. Separated, withdrawn, removed; subtle, refined, abstruse; inattentive, preoccupied, dreaming, absent-minded, oblivious, thoughtless, negligent, indifferent, heedless, absorbed, absent.

      Ant. Intelligible, lucid, transparent; attentive, intent, observant, alert, prompt, ready, thoughtful, wide-awake.


      Abstraction. Disconnection, disjunction, removal, isolation, separation; preoccupation, revery, inattention, absorption, absence; taking, abduction, seizure, stealing, appropriation, purloining; classification, generalization.

      Ant. Addition, conjunction, union, restitution, importation, restoration; enumeration, analysis; attention, specification, observation, individualization.


      Abstruse. Hidden, difficult, recondite, profound, deep, curious, occult, dark, obscure, mystical, hard, vague, indefinite, mysterious, abstract, transcendental.

      Ant. Patent, simple, obvious, trite, intelligible, manifest, lucid, clear, easy, plain, popular, superficial.


      Absurd. Ludicrous, monstrous, nonsensical, preposterous, senseless, ridiculous, foolish, irrational, wild, unreasonable.

      Ant. Sensible, rational, reasonable, logical, wise, sagacious, sound, substantial, philosophical, reflective, consistent, true.


      Absurdity. Unreasonableness, irrationality, foolishness, folly, fatuity, idiocy, extravagance, drivel.

      Ant. Reason, possibility; truism, axiom, maxim, adage.


      Abundance. Profusion, wealth, affluence; flow, flood, overflow; copiousness, fertility, richness, largeness, store, plenty, exuberance, plenteousness.

      Ant. Scarcity, deficiency, rarity, scantiness, dearth, failure, poverty.


      Abundant. Abounding, flowing, plentiful, liberal, bountiful, sufficient, lavish, plenteous, much, copious, replete, full, teeming.

      Ant. Rare, scarce, scant, deficient, insufficient, short, niggardly, sparing, impoverished, dry, drained.


      Abuse, n. Misuse, dishonor, maltreatment, outrage, reviling, obloquy, defamation, insult, disparagement, reproach, ill usage.

      Ant. Kindness, praise, deference, respect, honor, good treatment, good usage.


      Abuse, v. Harm, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, wrong, maltreat, oppress, molest, malign, impose on, ruin, victimize, slander, violate, ravish, defile, disparage, damage, defame, misuse.

      Ant. Cherish, protect, regard, shield, respect, care for, tend, benefit; laud, favor, applaud, extol, eulogize, praise; uphold, sustain, vindicate, conserve.


      Abusive. Insulting, rude, denunciatory, reproachful, injurious, offensive, reviling, insolent, scurrilous, opprobrious.

      Ant. Respectful, attentive, laudatory, kind, flattering, courteous, complimentary, obsequious.


      Abut. Be adjacent, extend, impinge, project, approximate, be contiguous, adjoin; end, border.

      Ant. Diverge, recede, return, retreat, recurve.


      Abutment. Terminal support, buttress.


      Abuttal. Adjacency, contiguity, nearness, juxtaposition; boundary, terminus, limit, termination.

      Ant. Interval, separation, gap, chasm, interspace, fissure, breach.


      Abyss. Gulf, gorge, deep, chasm, profound, abysm; the pit.

      Ant. Surface, abutment, adhesion, contact, contiguity; heaven.


      Academical. Scholastic, learned, literary, collegiate, classical.

      Ant. Illiterate, ignorant, unschooled.


      Academy. School, seminary, institute, college, gymnasium, high school; scientific body, association of artists.


      Accede. Consent, assent, acquiesce, comply, agree, accept, concur, approve, coincide.

      Ant. Decline, withdraw, refuse, demur, protest, dissent, reject.


      Accelerate. Hasten, quicken, speed, precipitate, despatch, expedite, hurry, urge, push forward, press on; forward, advance, further.

      Ant. Delay, impede, clog, hinder, retard, drag, obstruct.


      Accent, n. Stress, beat, emphasis, rhythm, pulsation, intonation, cadence, tone, modulation, ictus.

      Ant. Monotony, equableness, babble, flow, smoothness.


      Accentuate, Accent, v. Lay stress upon, put the ictus on; emphasize, mark, make prominent.

      Ant. Make light of, make insignificant, underestimate, ignore.



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