Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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bespined; bridled, angered, offended.

      Ant. Smooth, soothed, allayed; prone; bare, nude, scant, devoid, vacant.


      Brittle. Fragile, crumbling, shivery, frail, easily broken.

      Ant. Tough, stout, strong, hardy.


      Broach. Open, pierce, tap; suggest, hint, approach, break; utter, publish, proclaim, give out; originate, propound.

      Ant. Repress, cork, bottle, secrete, conceal, hide.


      Broad. Wide; large, ample, extensive, vast, spacious, capacious; liberal, tolerant, free, hospitable; spread, diffused, open; gross, vulgar, indecent, coarse.

      Ant. Narrow; contracted, restricted, confined, limited; prejudiced, illiberal, bigoted, reserved; veiled, enigmatical, shrouded, shaded; refined, delicate, sketchy; specific, pointed.


      Broil. Affray, quarrel, contention.


      Brook. Tolerate, bear, suffer, endure, abide, submit to, undergo, permit.

      Ant. Resist, resent, reject.


      Brotherhood. Fraternity, fellowship, association, sodality, society.


      Browbeat. Bully, intimidate, bulldoze, overawe.

      Ant. Rally, support.


      Bruise. Pommel, crush, squeeze, break, pound, batter, deface.

      Ant. Heal, soothe.


      Brunt. Shock, attack, impulse, onslaught, onset, assault.

      Ant. Repulse, resistance, endurance.


      Brutal. Brutish, animal, beastly, bestial; savage, ferocious, cruel, harsh, uncivil, rude, rough, gruff, impolite, brusque; sensual, carnal.

      Ant. Humane, self-controlled, civilized, enlightened, elevated, noble, refined, intelligent, grand.


      Bubble. Toy, trifle, fancy, conceit, dream, vision, froth, trash.

      Ant. Prize, treasure, reality, substance, jewel, good, advantage.


      Buffoon. Wag, clown, jester, mountebank, harlequin, droll, punch, fool.

      Ant. Wit, genius, pedant, philosopher.


      Build. Make, form, shape, figure, model; construct, erect, raise.

      Ant. Demolish, overthrow, destroy.


      Building. Architecture, edifice, structure, fabric, pile, erection.

      Ant. Ruin, demolition, dilapidation, dismantlement.


      Bulk. Magnitude, size, volume, mass; greatness, amplitude, massiveness; majority, major part, most, principal part; dimension.

      Ant. Portion, section, atom, particle; diminution, tenuity, contraction, dismemberment, disintegration.


      Bulwark. Rampart, fortress, fortification, stronghold, intrenchment, bastion, parapet, citadel.

      Ant. Siege, bombardment, cannonade, boarding, storming.


      Bungler. Botcher, clown, fumbler, clumsy workman, novice.

      Ant. Adept, adroit, master, artist, proficient workman, professor.


      Buoy, v. Float, support, sustain; elevate, inspire, assure, animate, cheer.

      Ant. Sink, drown, depress, swamp; crush, betray, fail, deject, overcome.


      Buoyant. Light; cheerful, hopeful, sprightly, vivacious, joyous, blithesome, jocund, sportive, jubilant, elastic, floating.

      Ant. Heavy, dejected, depressed, moody, joyless, cheerless, desponding.


      Burden. Load, weight; cargo, freight; capacity, tonnage: impediment, incubus, grievance, trial, trouble, affliction, sorrow; chorus, refrain; topic, drift, tenor, point, substance.

      Ant. Ease, lightness; facility, airiness, light-heartedness; consolation, assuagement, alleviation, liberation, mitigation.


      Burial. Interment, sepulture, entombment, burying.

      Ant. Exhumation, disinterment.


      Burlesque. Parody, travesty, caricature, ridicule, farce.

      Ant. Classic, history, fact.


      Burn. Char, consume, cremate, scorch, set on fire, singe, ignite, incinerate, kindle, blaze, cauterize, glow, smolder.

      Ant. Smother, stifle, subdue, extinguish, cool, put out; subside, glimmer, lower, pale.


      Burnish. Brighten, polish, make to glisten, glaze, gloss.

      Ant. Dull, bedim, cloud, scratch, abrade.


      Burst. Break, open, explode, blow up, rend, split, crack, discharge, shatter, disrupt.

      Ant. Cohere, hold, stand, stick together, adhere.


      Bury. Inter, cover up, entomb, inearth, inhume, inurn; shroud, conceal, secrete, hide; immure, confine; cancel, compose, hush, cover with oblivion.

      Ant. Resurrect, exhume, disinter, excavate, expose, resuscitate; publish, announce, advertise.


      Business. Employment, craft, trade, commerce, handicraft, traffic, transaction, work, vocation, job, affairs, avocation, profession, occupation, calling, concern, duty, office, interest.

      Ant. Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.


      Bustle. Activity, stir, commotion, excitement, haste, hurry, energy, eagerness, flurry.

      Ant. Idleness, inactivity, vacation, stagnation, quiet, indolence, indifference, unconcern.


      Busy. Engaged, employed, occupied; diligent, industrious, active, working, sedulous; brisk, stirring, bustling, agile, spry, nimble; meddling, officious.

      Ant. Idle, lazy, indolent, slothful.


      But. Save, except, furthermore, barely, besides, however, just, only, notwithstanding, though, unless, yet, still, merely, nevertheless, provided, moreover.


      Buxom. Bonny, blithe, shapely.

      Ant. Lean, slender, ill-shaped.


      Buy. Purchase, bargain, acquire; bribe, corrupt, pervert, suborn, subsidize.

      Ant. Sell, hawk, retail, vend.


      By. Through, with; at, on; from, according to; near, close by; past; along, over; before, in the sight of, in the name of; per, at.


      Cabal. Confederacy, conspiracy, conclave, combination, faction, crew, junto, gang, coterie, plot, political intrigue, league.


      Cadaverous. Bloodless, pallid, pale, wan, ghastly, deathlike, ashy.

      Ant. Rosy, blushing, sanguine, incarnadine.


      Cage, v. Imprison, immure, confine, incarcerate.

      Ant. Liberate, free, dismiss, unbar.


      Caitiff. Rascal, miscreant, villain, wretch, coward, sneak, traitor, scoundrel,

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