Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Carnage. Massacre, bloodshed, slaughter, havoc, butchery.
Ant. Deliverance, ransom, quarter, redemption.
Carnal. Sensual, fleshly, lustful, lascivious; natural, unregenerate, earthly, temporal.
Ant. Spiritual, ethereal, refined, pure, exalted, temperate, self-controlled.
Carnival. Festival, revel, masquerade, rout.
Ant. Fast, retirement, Lent, penance, mortification.
Carol. Sing, warble, chirp, twitter, chant, whistle, hum; hymn.
Ant. Whine, lament, dirge, cry, croak, weep, groan, moan.
Carousal. Feast, festival, banquet, revel, debauch, wassail, orgies.
Ant. Fast, abstinence, starvation; temperance, moderation; self-denial.
Carp. Cavil, find fault, object to, pick flaws, challenge, censure, hypercriticize.
Ant. Concede, admit, compliment, approve, applaud, acquiesce, assent.
Carpet. Covering for floor; table or board (metaphorical), consideration, consultation.
Ant. Shelf (metaphorical), rejection, oblivion, disposal.
Carry. Convey, move, transport, lift, bring, bear, transmit, support, sustain, take; impel, urge, push forward; signify, infer, involve, implicate.
Ant. Drop, let go, throw down, fall under, shake off; retard, impede; leave, be separate from.
Case. Box; covering, sheathe; state, condition, plight, predicament; instance, example, occurrence; circumstance, event, contingency; suit, action, process, trial, cause; question, subject of discussion; form, inflection.
Ant. Hypothesis, supposition, fancy, theory, conjecture; generalization, principle, universality.
Cash. Coin, money, specie, currency, capital.
Ant. Paper money, greenbacks, bills.
Cast. Hurl, throw, pitch, fling, drive, thrust, sling, toss; shed, lay aside; calculate, compute, reckon; found, form; direct, turn; assign, appoint, allot; impart, shed, diffuse, communicate.
Ant. Raise, elevate, erect; accept, approve, retain, carry; miscalculate; break, dismember, dissipate.
Caste. Grade, rank, order, lineage, dignity, respect.
Ant. Abasement, degradation, disrepute, taboo, reproach, ostracism.
Castigate. Whip, flagellate, cane.
Ant. Reward, encourage, caress, pat.
Casual. Accidental, incidental, fortuitous, chance, contingent.
Ant. Regular, certain, fixed, ordinary, periodic, systematic.
Casuistry. Sophistry, fallacy, quibble; refinement.
Ant. Reason, common sense, conscience.
Catalogue. List, register, index, enrolment, entry, record, roll, inventory, schedule.
Ant. Non-registration, obliteration, oblivion, forgetfulness; non-entry, oversight, omission.
Catastrophe. Revolution, disaster, mishap, misfortune, calamity, cataclysm, blow, visitation.
Ant. Victory, triumph, benefit, ovation, success, felicitation, blessing.
Catch. Grasp, seize, clutch, capture, clasp, secure, snatch, take, arrest, ensnare, entrap, grip, lay hold; comprehend, apprehend, understand.
Ant. Lose, miss, fail of, let go, give up, release, restore.
Categorical. Plain, absolute, distinct, positive, declaratory, affirmative.
Ant. Obscure, ambiguous, dubious, hypothetical, contingent, mystical, enigmatical.
Category. Class, division, order, rank; universal aspect, primitive relation.
Ant. Essence, truth, being, substance, nature.
Causality. Causation, potentiality, eventuality, operativeness.
Ant. Counteractivity, barrenness, sterility; finality.
Cause. Agent, origin, source, creator, spring; reason, power; designer, antecedent, originator, author, producer; condition, principle.
Ant. Effect, result, end, production, issue, accomplishment, development, consequence, creation, fruit, event, outcome, outgrowth.
Caution. Care, heed, wariness, circumspection, forethought, discretion; warning, admonition, advice, counsel.
Ant. Temerity, heedlessness, unguardedness, improvidence, imprudence.
Cavalier, a. Arrogant, haughty, overbearing, insolent, disdainful.
Ant. Courteous; subservient, servile; civil, polite.
Cavil. Carp, object, censure.
Ant. Approve, allow, concede.
Cavity. Opening, gap, aperture, hole, fissure.
Ant. Obstruction, filling.
Cease. End, finish, desist, leave off, quit, stop, refrain, abstain, discontinue, pause, terminate.
Ant. Begin, commence, continue, originate, inaugurate, start, set going, set in operation.
Celebrated. Famous, renowned, distinguished, famed, illustrious, eminent, glorious, notable, exalted.
Ant. Obscure, unknown, unnotable, mean, insignificant, inconspicuous.
Celebration. Solemnization, observance, commemoration, laudation, praise, commendation.
Ant. Oblivion, desuetude, non-observance.
Celebrity. Fame, renown, reputation, glory, honor, repute, eminence, distinction; person of note, “lion.”
Ant. Obscurity, ignominy, disgrace, contempt, meanness; infamy; oblivion.
Celerity. Rapidity, speed, haste, velocity, swiftness, fleetness, despatch.
Ant. Slowness, tardiness, inertness.
Celestial. Heavenly, angelic, supernal, ethereal, atmospheric, immortal, seraphic, divine, godlike.
Ant. Earthly, terrestrial; human, mortal; infernal.
Censure. Blame, disapproval, reproach, disapprobation, reprimand, condemnation, remonstrance, rebuke.
Ant. Praise, approval, eulogy, commendation, encouragement.
Center. Middle, midst.
Ant. Perimeter, rim, bound, circumference, boundary.
Central. Convenient, medial, accessible.
Ant. Remote, inaccessible, inconvenient.
Centralize. Concentrate, collect, localize.