Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Ant. Widen, expand, liberate, unfasten, loosen, extend, dilate.
Confirm. Sanction, uphold, assure, establish, strengthen, substantiate, settle, corroborate.
Ant. Shatter, weaken, upset, annul, abrogate, cancel, destroy, shake.
Confiscate. Forfeit, seize, escheat, condemn, sequestrate.
Ant. Release, restore, refund.
Conflagration. Fire, arson, ignition, incendiarism, combustion.
Ant. Extinction, quenching; smoldering.
Conflict. Contest, battle, struggle, encounter; clashing, interference, disagreement, discord.
Ant. Amity, reconciliation, pacification, arbitration.
Conform. Agree, consent, harmonize, comply, correspond, comport.
Ant. Dissent, disagree; antagonize, secede; vary, differ.
Confound. Confuse, perplex, bewilder, mystify; surprise, astonish, astound, startle; destroy, ruin, overwhelm; disconcert, abash, shame.
Ant. Clear, set right, arrange, enlighten; save, protect; calm, console, soothe, restore.
Confront. Oppose, threaten, encounter, challenge, face, intimidate.
Ant. Encourage, abet, countenance.
Confuse. Mingle, confound; derange, disturb, perplex, embarrass, obscure, mortify.
Ant. Arrange; relieve, assist, allay; calm, restore.
Congeal. Freeze, convert to ice, benumb.
Ant. Melt, thaw, dissolve.
Congenial. Kindred, similar, sympathetic, suited, natural, proper, agreeable.
Ant. Disagreeable, abhorrent, unnatural, alien, dissimilar, unsuited, unsympathetic.
Congenital. Coeval, connatural, innate, inherent, ingenerate.
Ant. Unnatural, assumed, extraneous, acquired, artificial, adventitious.
Congeries, Congestion. Conglomeration, aggregation, accumulation, plethora, repletion.
Ant. Dissipation, diffusion, clearance, dispersion.
Congratulate. Felicitate, compliment, rejoice with.
Ant. Console, condole with, commiserate.
Congregate. Assemble, collect, meet, convene, gather, throng.
Ant. Disperse, disappear, separate, part, scatter.
Congregation. Assembly, meeting, audience, conference.
Ant. Dispersion, dismissal.
Congress. Parliament, conclave, cabinet, council, assembly, legislature, synod, convention, conference.
Ant. Cabal, sedition, uprising, mob; intrigue.
Congruous. Accordant, agreeing, harmonious, coherent, suitable, consistent, proper, appropriate.
Ant. Discordant, heterogeneous, inharmonious, improper, unsuitable.
Conjecture, n. Supposition, surmise, guess, hypothesis, theory, notion, divination.
Ant. Calculation, inference, deduction, proof; fact, surety, certainty, security.
Conjuncture. Combination, concurrence; emergency, crisis, exigency, juncture.
Ant. Provision, preparation, arrangement.
Connection. Conjunction, combination, union, association, dependence.
Ant. Independence, disjunction, dissociation, dissolution.
Conquer. Overcome, subjugate, master, vanquish, subdue, rout, defeat, overpower, overthrow, prevail over, reduce, win, surmount, worst, checkmate, beat, crush, down, discomfit.
Ant. Surrender, capitulate, cede, forfeit, fly, yield, retreat, withdraw, retire, submit, succumb, fall, lose, resign, fail.
Conquest. Victory, subjugation, triumph.
Ant. Defeat, failure, surrender, submission.
Conscience. Moral sense, intuition, integrity, principle.
Ant. Irresponsibility, laxity, undutifulness, unscrupulousness.
Conscientious. Scrupulous, exact, upright, high-principled, honest, honorable, equitable, incorruptible, fair, faithful.
Ant. Lax, unprincipled, unscrupulous, reprobate, dishonorable, faithless.
Conscious. Sensible, cognizant, aware, intelligent, advised, apprised, assured, sure, certain, informed; thinking, reflecting, rational, intellectual.
Ant. Insensible, unaware, ignorant, dead, cold, deaf; irrational, thoughtless.
Conscription. Drafting, impressment.
Ant. Volunteering, enlistment.
Consecrate. Dedicate, ordain; sanctify, hallow.
Ant. Desecrate, defile.
Consecutive. Sequent, continuous, orderly, following.
Ant. Disordered, rambling, discursive, illogical.
Consent. Assent, approve, agree, yield, comply, acquiesce.
Ant. Refuse, resist, decline, dissent.
Consequence. Result, issue, sequel, effect, outgrowth, event, end, upshot; importance, dignity, moment.
Ant. Cause, occasion, origin; axiom, postulate, premise, antecedence; insignificance, paltriness.
Consequential. Following, resulting, coherent, cogent, connected; pompous, self-conceited, arrogant, vainglorious.
Ant. Incoherent, illogical; affable, accessible, humble, considerate.
Conservation. Protection, perpetuation, preservation, maintenance.
Ant. Neglect, exposure, destruction, abolition.
Conservative. Stationary, traditional, opposed to change.
Ant. Radical, progressive, changeable, transitional, modifiable, innovating.
Consider. Think, ponder, meditate, reflect, investigate, weigh, deliberate, observe, attend, regard.
Ant. Guess, conjecture, ignore, chance, hazard.
Considerate. Kindly, thoughtful, reflective, careful, prudent, deliberate, serious, charitable, forbearing, cautious.
Ant. Rash, careless, imprudent, thoughtless, rude, selfish, overbearing, injudicious.
Consignment. Custody, commission, delegation; sending, shipping.
Ant. Miscommitment.
Consistency. Density, solidity, compactness, coherence; agreement, congruity, correspondence, uniformity,