Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Intreat, beg, beseech, implore, supplicate, desire, long for, hunger for, yearn.

      Ant. Demand, insist, require.


      Crazy. Shattered, broken, tottering; distracted, mad, lunatic, insane, delirious, cracked, demented, deranged.

      Ant. Sound, robust, vigorous, sane, whole.


      Create. Form, produce, make, originate, cause, occasion, appoint, constitute; beget, engender, generate; imagine, compose, fashion, design.

      Ant. Destroy, demolish, annihilate.


      Creature. Created being, being, animal, man, person; dependent, vassal, parasite; wretch, miscreant.

      Ant. Chimera, ghost, hallucination, fantasy, phantom, conceit, crotchet.


      Credence. Belief, trust, faith, acceptance, confidence, reliance.

      Ant. Denial, distrust, disbelief, doubt, skepticism.


      Credentials. Diploma, missive, title, warrant, vouchers, certificates, testimonials.


      Credible. Probable, possible, reliable, trustworthy, likely.

      Ant. Improbable, unlikely, incredible, unreliable, untrustworthy.


      Credit. Trust, belief, faith, confidence, credence, reliance; reputation, influence, power; esteem, regard; loan, securities.

      Ant. Insecurity; distrust; shame, disgrace, censure.


      Credulity. Gullibility, credulousness, simplicity.

      Ant. Skepticism, suspiciousness, incredulity, shrewdness.

      Creed. Belief, catechism, confession, articles of faith, tenets, dogmas, doctrines.

      Ant. Protest, abjuration, disbelief, recantation, retraction.


      Crestfallen. Downcast, dispirited, dejected, disheartened, depressed, desponding, low-spirited, down-hearted.

      Ant. Exuberant, elated, confident, inspirited.


      Crew. Gang, set, band, horde, crowd, mob, throng.

      Ant. Supercargo; bevy, galaxy, cream, élite.


      Crime. Offense, misdeed, wrong, felony, sin, iniquity, misdemeanor, enormity, transgression, wickedness, delinquency.

      Ant. Good deed, well-doing, exploit, achievement, duty, service, benefit, benefaction, heroism.


      Criminal, a. Immoral, iniquitous, sinful, unlawful, wicked, wrong, vile, nefarious, culpable, abominable, illegal, vicious.

      Ant. Virtuous, moral, innocent, just, honorable, praiseworthy, lawful, legal, right, meritorious.


      Criminate. Charge, accuse, arraign, impeach.

      Ant. Acquit, absolve, extricate.


      Cripple, v. Weaken, disable, impair, break down, cramp, curtail.

      Ant. Renovate, strengthen, augment, liberate, ease, expedite.


      Criterion. Standard, test, rule, touchstone, measure, canon, proof.

      Ant. Eye, glance; intention, conjecture.


      Critic. Judge, censor, reviewer, connoisseur; caviller, carper; arbiter, savant.

      Ant. Artist, author, writer, performer, maker, poet, composer.


      Critical. Accurate, nice, exact; decisive, crucial, determining, important; dangerous, hazardous, imminent, momentous, dubious, precarious.

      Ant. Inexact, loose, undiscriminating; unimportant, inconclusive; safe, sure, settled, decided, retrieved, redressed.


      Criticism. Censure, stricture, animadversion, review, critique.

      Ant. Approbation, praise, approval.


      Criticize. Examine, estimate, judge, discuss, analyze, anatomize, scan, animadvert.

      Ant. Survey, overlook, slur, skim, slight, neglect.


      Crooked. Bent, curved, bowed; distorted, twisted, wry, askew, deformed, disfigured; perverse, contumacious, capricious; dishonest, unfair, unscrupulous, knavish, deceitful, tricky.

      Ant. Straight, linear, upright, direct, honest, straightforward.


      Cross. Fretful, petulant, peevish, snappish, touchy, morose, ill-natured, sullen, snarling, cynical, sour, out of humor, captious, crabbed, sulky.

      Ant. Amiable, genial, good-tempered, good-natured, blithesome, charming, winsome, attractive, benign.


      Crowd. Throng, multitude, concourse, press, horde, herd, host, rabble, mob, populace.

      Ant. Cream, élite, bevy, constellation, galaxy; solitude, solitariness.


      Crown, n. Diadem, coronet, garland, chaplet, wreath, laurel, bays; reward, honor, distinction, dignity; summit, crest, top, head, brow, apex.

      Ant. Base, bottom, floor, foot, pedestal, foundation, sole; infamy, shame.


      Crown, v. Complete, consummate, conclude, seal, achieve, accomplish.

      Ant. Mar, spoil, frustrate, fail.


      Crucial. Severe, trying, searching, decisive, critical, momentous, strategic.

      Ant. Superficial, indifferent, mild, lenient, lax, unimportant.


      Crude. Raw, immature, unripe; coarse, unrefined; undigested, unconsidered, unpolished, uncouth, awkward.

      Ant. Mature; refined, sensitive; well-considered, finished, classical, highly wrought, elaborate.


      Cruel. Inhuman, merciless, unfeeling, dire, ruthless, pitiless, relentless, savage, brutal, ferocious, blood-thirsty, sanguinary; severe, sharp, bitter, hard.

      Ant. Gentle, mild, merciful, humane, forbearing, generous.


      Crush. Pound, crumble, demolish, overpower, squeeze, compress, bruise, shatter, raze, pulverize.

      Ant. Consolidate, compact, amalgamate, solidify, stabilitate.


      Culmination. Zenith, success, consummation, acme, completion, apex.

      Ant. Failure, downfall, defeat, descent, decline.


      Culpable. Blameworthy, blamable, censurable, reprehensible, faulty, wrong.

      Ant. Innocent, blameless, laudable, praiseworthy.


      Culprit. Criminal, delinquent, felon, malefactor, offender.

      Ant. Hero, example, pattern, model, saint, upright man.


      Cultivate. Till; fertilize; improve, refine, train, discipline, develop; study, pursue, investigate; nourish, foster, cherish, promote.

      Ant. Neglect, blight, blast; uproot, eradicate, extirpate; stifle, abandon, prevent, discourage.


      Cunning. Craft, artifice, deceit, intrigue, subtlety, chicane.

      Ant. Candor, guilelessness, sincerity.


      Cupidity. Longing, greed, lust; covetousness, avarice, acquisitiveness, stinginess.


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