Любимые повести на английском / Best Short Novels. Оскар Уайльд

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Любимые повести на английском / Best Short Novels - Оскар Уайльд

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Mr. Washington, followed by the two boys, was already strolling on toward the ninth hole of the golf course, as though the pit and its contents were no more than a hazard over which his facile iron had triumphed with ease.


      July under the lee of the diamond mountain was a month of blanket nights and of warm, glowing days. John and Kismine were in love. He did not know that the little gold football (inscribed with the legend Pro deo et patria et St. Midas[38]) which he had given her rested on a platinum chain next to her bosom. But it did. And she for her part was not aware that a large sapphire which had dropped one day from her simple coiffure was stowed away tenderly in John’s jewel box.

      Late one afternoon when the ruby and ermine music room was quiet, they spent an hour there together. He held her hand and she gave him such a look that he whispered her name aloud. She bent toward him – then hesitated.

      ‘Did you say “Kismine”?’ she asked softly, ‘or – ’

      She had wanted to be sure. She thought she might have misunderstood.

      Neither of them had ever kissed before, but in the course of an hour it seemed to make little difference.

      The afternoon drifted away. That night when a last breath of music drifted down from the highest tower, they each lay awake, happily dreaming over the separate minutes of the day. They had decided to be married as soon as possible.


      Every day Mr. Washington and the two young men went hunting or fishing in the deep forests or played golf around the somnolent course – games which John diplomatically allowed his host to win – or swam in the mountain coolness of the lake. John found Mr. Washington a somewhat exacting personality – utterly uninterested in any ideas or opinions except his own. Mrs. Washington was aloof and reserved at all times. She was apparently indifferent to her two daughters, and entirely absorbed in her son Percy, with whom she held interminable conversations in rapid Spanish at dinner.

      Jasmine, the elder daughter, resembled Kismine in appearance – except that she was somewhat bow-legged, and terminated in large hands and feet – but was utterly unlike her in temperament. Her favorite books had to do with poor girls who kept house for widowed fathers. John learned from Kismine that Jasmine had never recovered from the shock and disappointment caused her by the termination of the World War, just as she was about to start for Europe as a canteen expert. She had even pined away for a time, and Braddock Washington had taken steps to promote a new war in the Balkans[39] – but she had seen a photograph of some wounded Serbian[40] soldiers and lost interest in the whole proceedings. But Percy and Kismine seemed to have inherited the arrogant attitude in all its harsh magnificence from their father. A chaste and consistent selfishness ran like a pattern through their every idea.

      John was enchanted by the wonders of the château and the valley. Braddock Washington, so Percy told him, had caused to be kidnapped a landscape gardener, an architect, a designer of state settings, and a French decadent poet left over from the last century. He had put his entire force of negroes at their disposal, guaranteed to supply them with any materials that the world could offer, and left them to work out some ideas of their own. But one by one they had shown their uselessness. The decadent poet had at once begun bewailing his separation from the boulevards in spring – he made some vague remarks about spices, apes, and ivories, but said nothing that was of any practical value. The stage designer on his part wanted to make the whole valley a series of tricks and sensational effects – a state of things that the Washingtons would soon have grown tired of. And as for the architect and the landscape gardener, they thought only in terms of convention. They must make this like this and that like that.

      But they had, at least, solved the problem of what was to be done with them – they all went mad early one morning after spending the night in a single room trying to agree upon the location of a fountain, and were now confined comfortably in an insane asylum at Westport, Connecticut.

      ‘But,’ inquired John curiously, ‘who did plan all your wonderful reception rooms and halls, and approaches and bathrooms —?’

      ‘Well,’ answered Percy, ‘I blush to tell you, but it was a moving-picture fella. He was the only man we found who was used to playing with an unlimited amount of money, though he did tuck his napkin in his collar and couldn’t read or write.’

      As August drew to a close John began to regret that he must soon go back to school. He and Kismine had decided to elope the following June.

      ‘It would be nicer to be married here,’ Kismine confessed, ‘but of course I could never get father’s permission to marry you at all. Next to that I’d rather elope. It’s terrible for wealthy people to be married in America at present – they always have to send out bulletins to the press saying that they’re going to be married in remnants, when what they mean is just a peck of old second-hand pearls and some used lace worn once by the Empress Eugénie.[41]

      ‘I know,’ agreed John fervently. ‘When I was visiting the Schnlitzer-Murphys, the eldest daughter, Gwendolyn, married a man whose father owns half of West Virginia.[42] She wrote home saying what a tough struggle she was carrying on on his salary as a bank clerk – and then she ended up by saying that “Thank God, I have four good maids anyhow, and that helps a little.”’

      ‘It’s absurd,’ commented Kismine. ‘Think of the millions and millions of people in the world, laborers and all, who get along with only two maids.’

      One afternoon late in August a chance remark of Kismine’s changed the face of the entire situation, and threw John into a state of terror.

      They were in their favorite grove, and between kisses John was indulging in some romantic forebodings which he fancied added poignancy to their relations.

      ‘Sometimes I think we’ll never marry,’ he said sadly. ‘You’re too wealthy, too magnificent. No one as rich as you are can be like other girls. I should marry the daughter of some well-to-do wholesale hardware man from Omaha[43] or Sioux City,[44] and be content with her half-million.’

      ‘I knew the daughter of a wholesale hardware man once,’ remarked Kismine. ‘I don’t think you’d have been contented with her. She was a friend of my sister’s. She visited here.’

      ‘Oh, then you’ve had other guests?’ exclaimed John in surprise.

      Kismine seemed to regret her words.

      ‘Oh, yes,’ she said hurriedly, ‘we’ve had a few.’

      ‘But aren’t you – wasn’t your father afraid they’d talk outside?’

      ‘Oh, to some extent, to some extent,’ she answered. ‘Let’s talk about something pleasanter.’

      But John’s curiosity was aroused.

      ‘Something pleasanter!’ he demanded. ‘What’s unpleasant about that? Weren’t they nice girls?’

      To his great surprise Kismine began to weep.

      ‘Yes – th – that’s the – the whole t-trouble. I grew qu-quite attached to some of them. So did Jasmine, but she kept inv-viting them anyway. I couldn’t understand it.’

      A dark suspicion was born in John’s heart.

      ‘Do you mean that they told, and your father had them – removed?’

      ‘Worse than that,’ she muttered brokenly. ‘Father took no chances – and Jasmine kept writing them to come, and they had such a good time!’

      She was overcome by a paroxysm of grief.

      Stunned with the horror of this revelation, John sat there open-mouthed, feeling the

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Pro deo et patria et St. Midas – За Бога, отечество и Св. Мидаса (лат.; девиз).


The Balkans – Балканский полуостров, культурный и исторический регион Восточной Европы.


Serbian – имеющий отношение к Сербии, стране в центральной и западной части Балкан.


Empress Eugénie – императрица Евгения, жена Наполеона III (1808–1873), председателя Второй республики, а затем императора Франции.


West Virginia – Западная Вирджиния, маленький горный штат к востоку от реки Миссисипи, вошедший в состав США в 1863 г.


Omaha – Омаха, город на западном берегу реки Миссисипи на востоке штата Небраска.


Sioux City – Сиу-Сити, город, основанный в 1854 г. на реке Миссури, на северо-западе штата Айова.