Lectures on Art, Delivered Before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870. Ruskin John

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Lectures on Art, Delivered Before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870 - Ruskin John

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their having been under the authoritative guidance of supernatural powers?

      It is true that the answer to so mysterious a question cannot rest alone upon internal evidence; but it is well that you should know what might, from that evidence alone, be concluded. And the more impartially you examine the phenomena of imagination, the more firmly you will be led to conclude that they are the result of the influence of the common and vital, but not, therefore, less Divine, spirit, of which some portion is given to all living creatures in such manner as may be adapted to their rank in creation; and that everything which men rightly accomplish is indeed done by Divine help, but under a consistent law which is never departed from.

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      The full meaning of this sentence, and of that which closes the paragraph, can only be understood by reference to my more developed statements on the subject of Education in "Modern Painters" and in "Time and Tide." The following fourth paragraph is the most pregnant summary of my political and social principles I have ever been able to give.


      "τἑχναι ἑπἱρρητοι," compare page 81.


The full meaning of this sentence, and of that which closes the paragraph, can only be understood by reference to my more developed statements on the subject of Education in "Modern Painters" and in "Time and Tide." The following fourth paragraph is the most pregnant summary of my political and social principles I have ever been able to give.


"τἑχναι ἑπἱρρητοι," compare page 81.

"τέχναι ἐπίρρητοι,"



There were, in fact, a great many more girls than University men at the lectures.


Only the Gospels, "IV Evangelia," according to St. Jerome.


This concentrated definition of monastic life is of course to be understood only of its more enthusiastic forms.

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