The fables and the parables. Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

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The fables and the parables - Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

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The fables and the parables

      Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

      The artist-illustrator Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

      Translated by Svetlana Yurievna Palei

      © Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4493-4743-5

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      I’d like to share with a friend, so dear,

      My ideas, experience and views…

      They’ll probably, turn out to be helpful,

      Lessons of life, so generously given…

      I looked at some of them sidewise,

      Painting pictures and writing these fables…

      They were collected in my copybook,

      And now it is time to let them out…

      Let them knock about the world,

      Let them fly around the whole globe… so splendid…

      They will find a reader, who will take them as a treasure,

      They will be as a key to his life or… just a book friend…

Yours cordially,Tatiana

      Offended mule

      Once in the sunrise, going my way,

      I saw a mule climbing up the hill…

      Two heavy bags he carried on his back, limbs of his were extremely

      hard to move, he went on, sighing, and blaming all his life for such

      a heavy burden…

      Having approached him, I said “Hello!” to him and wished

      a lucky journey…

      And the mule stopped and glimpsed at me, with his ears lifted,

      with his eyes wide-opened, surprised so much by a sudden

      morning talk.

      “Ah, human being… you probably, are laughing, when wishing

      luck and seeing all my burden, my limbs, so shivering, when

      climbing uphill. I’ve lost my strength entirely, and you’re playing

      jokes on me!”

      “I’m not joking… just want to be amiable to you…, and if you let

      me I’ll ask, what is contained in these heavy bags, which you bring

      uphill with you, why is it so that you can’t move your limbs?”

      “Oh, don’t you even ask… I carry the life’s burden, willing to raise

      it up so high, and throw it from above, so it will not torture me,

      I will be able to take a breath.

      These bags contain my own hard feelings… on those who laughed

      at me, who pointed with his finger, telling me I’m ugly, I’m not

      “Mule, what the nonsense are you talking, how could one believe

      in the words like that?

      And why and how could you take this burden? The words

      of a stranger who can’t see the soul…

      The words of one mindless one, who sees but bare surface…

      Who notices just picture, body shape… while the heart of his is

      turning to concrete…

      Just listen, dear creature, forget the words… forgive them all and

      threw these words away, now throw all this burden… offences,

      your anger at life, all that noise…

      Here and now… throw all this, no need to lift it up!

      Move on my friend, and see the light and good, climb up the

      mountain of life, just leave your bags behind you, and move

      without fear! Then your soul will fly, as soon as you throw your

      burden, you will rise to the top, to Heaven, and you will see the

      beauty of the world, the easiness of life… no gravity, no weight.”

      The mule believed me… yes, he dreamt of flying since his birth,

      He looked at all his bags, and his limbs, shaking of weight

      and suffering, with all his might he raised himself, he cried

      out loud he threw his things, his years-long belongings,

      And what a wonder! Back and limbs, and body… they all are light

      and joyful! He ran uphill, and laughed, he felt so high!

      He ran and looked straight into my eyes… tears ran, his heartbeat

      much faster, his voice was different… joyful and relieved…

      “Thank you, oh, human being, you helped me understand

      That the appearance is of no importance… the most significant

      is the content… The Lord… laid difference in us, and that’s the

      point, and everyone… could be unique and marvelous…

      The body serves our soul; it is our tool, assistant in our way,

      We must create… and sing the Heaven’ song, so splendid…

      If we were all alike… like copies, samples, patterns,

      We would become so foolish and unpleasant… with everyone

      whose body somewhat differs.”

      “It is alright with you, lovely creature, I’m glad you treat this right:

      The soul… the wonderful breath of God, there is no frame, no

      criterion, it can live only in flight… but the cargo, insults, pain…

      can break the wings… Fly, live, my dear… continue to remember!

      All that you had heard, the words that come out from the mouth

      of the bad person, do not take them to heart and soul, be above

      and while you will not take them close to your heart, they will be

      just the words of a fool!”


      Fox and Beaver

      Fox married wealthy Beaver who has the dams and forests…

      While as the Fox has only costly fur and temper sly and quick…

      Beaver was greedy and too miser that twittered just on coin

      Fox often blew his money, indulged herself and groomed…

      Two souls, two characters have met on crossroad of the fate

      One worked and counted his wealth with fear in the heart

      Another lived without care in the world, loved lights and spent

      all money one day the Beaver became ill, was tired of hard work…

      And called his wife to tell his valediction:

      “My dear wife, my time has come; I can not work no more

      More is the pity that I lived without light, I lead my

      life by counting…

      You always spend, I always worked, and here is a paradox

      I immolated hands and legs… But your fur shone, I know

      My life is finished, and you, my wife, continue to live…

      It’s disappointing

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