The fables and the parables. Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

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The fables and the parables - Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

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dreamed to fly in the blue sky, to taste a lucky star

      Her family warned of this plan, it isn’t worthy of life!

      But fish decided firmly and swallowed deeply a bait

      And she is flying in the sky and lights were in her eyes

      Because of happiness she even stopped to breath,

      but the price of it was life

      The fisher kept her in his hand and boasted of his catch

      But foolish Fish was thrilled with such gladness…

      It’s time to fry the Fish on the pan, she fancied it’s the sun

      The world goes dark before her eyes of burning on a pan

      And dish her up in so reach plate; there is a lot of fish

      At her last gasp, she changes her mind and understood her error

      We often are entrapped of gain that isn’t salt of the earth

      We can not hear our mind; we look to castle-building

      We look to the nonexistent world and at the expense of life…


      Father Eagle taught Son to fly

      Father Eagle taught Son to fly, the Son was very frightened

      Of falls and beats and to crash down and to singe his wings by Sun

      He really cried and his heart sinks into his shoes

      He looked ahead and was so feared of the unknown world

      Father was wise and understood all doubts of his son

      “Tell me, my Father, what I’ll do if I fall down of steep?”

      “You must go up and try to fly thorough and thorough!”

      “And if I’ll fall again of steep or break my wings or burn?”

      “You’ll try to rise again and start exactly from beginning

      Don’t get me wrong, all your descents are really no matter!

      You must frighten to live in vain and when your soul is empty

      The soul is dead, her way is vain, your spirit cannot fly

      She’ll come on Earth, getting a chance; she’ll not have sense

      or knowledge your life is vain, you’ve spent it close, you haven’t

      known some glory nor touch the sun, nor touch the clouds nor run

      on land barefoot you swim in life to the long way; you can try

      space on taste.

      Believe, my Son, entering a stream, you will not even feel the fate”.

      And eaglet flapped his wing and shouted from skies: “Thank you!

      My Father, thank you for your love, for wisdom, for your patience!

      The wings are wonderful! I admire the boundless space of Light!

      My Soul already has known flight, to seat in the nest is bored!”

      And Father Eagle breathed all heart he found rest in the soul:

      My lovely child got to know flight and I worked not in vain.

      Not simply so we come on Earth,

      And life has a hidden meaning.

      Your soul can fly in the body shell

      But do not lose a moment…


      A Turkey boasts in front of Turkey- hen

      All day long Turkey boasted in front of a pretty neighbor

      He shook his feathers and fluffed a tail and was too big for boots.

      Then shocked a red beard before her eyes and shouted so badly,

      He danced so strangely. It felt like he had fewer.

      Turkey-hen looked on concerts and silently accustomed

      her strange neighbor she took no notice for his plans and did her

      work at ease he saw indifference to him and started talking to her

      and make a point of him “My Neighbor, look what feathers are!

      Can you see my motley tail? I brushed and washed it all day.

      Look at my beard it’s brighter than a sun! Look, what a miracle!

      When I shake it, I like to sound! And how lovely wings I have

      With such the wings I’m noble Turkey!”

      “With such the wings you are the real Turkey!

      And shake your beard, as a young jackass…

      You napped your tail and outshone the sun. Spring influenced you!

      My Neighbor, would you show your flight as long as you are brave?

      The flight of the soul. Show me your inner world

      I want to see your dance of life and judge you on your merits

      A turkey-cock was agitated and even lost his head.

      She is my own and she likes me! What will I do, how to declare

      my flight? It’s unimportant, I will fly up!

      I will fly up and will show my daring! From the earth, I can’t.

      I can from the hill!

      It will be easier, I will scatter and as I will fly up,

      I will surprise my Darling and he began to run. He groans and puffs

      on the hill climbs and really lost his forces

      He flapped a wing he was like eagle… and got down from a hill,

      He gathered burdock on his beard and sat down on thick back.

      We often brag and talk largely

      Showing our body and bright dresses.

      We try to outshine the others…

      We just forgot that our soul can dance.


      Wild boar and Squirrel

      In the oak grove, wild Boar argued with Squirrel

      About that, who in this world brings more benefits?

      The instigator of dispute, wild Boar, exclaimed, that it was he!!!

      And brought the reasons over: “What benefit from me to all

      are this grove? Time after time I swarm the roots, you see, it’s not

      so easy look, everything I’ve burrowed around! And you?

      What profits do you have? You jump on trees all days long,

      There is no use in wood from you! Only my head is swimming

      Go down and begin to work! Wild boar shoot a look on Squirrel, he

      was dissatisfied, and he continued to dig up in the roots of trees

      And Squirrel suddenly began to speak:

      “Just wait, my friend, I do not understand, what do you talk about?

      What blessing have you done? Just dug up all around

      You bared roots; from them, all trees are feeding!


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