MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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MADE IN ESSEX - Laura Ziepe

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wasted and now he could see why.

      He opened the door, attempting a smile as he saw Jade’s pretty face staring back at him. Her long dark blonde hair was loose and wavy and even though she was wearing casual jeans and a mint green jumper she still looked as glamorous and sexy as ever.

      ‘Morning,’ she said, kissing him.

      He grimaced as he turned; knowing he’d just been puking up and she’d kissed him.

      ‘Hi,’ he exhaled, concentrating on acting completely normal. He didn’t want her to guess anything was wrong.

      ‘Rough night?’ Jade asked, going into his room.

      ‘No, not too bad,’ he lied. ‘I’m just going to jump in the shower and brush my teeth. Won’t be long.’

      ‘Okay, I’ll watch the telly for a bit.’

      Sam put his head under the hot sprays of water and rubbed his face. What had he done last night? Adele’s message kept flashing through his mind. He had to act normal. Whatever had happened, Jade couldn’t know about it. Surely he’d been too drunk to do anything though? He would never cheat on Jade, would he? If only he could piece together last night’s events. He honestly didn’t believe he had slept with Adele, but the sad and frustrating thing was, he couldn’t be certain. He was so annoyed with himself for being so stupid! He had been completely drunk, which was why he’d blacked out and could only remember being in the club. The last thing he remembered was speaking to Adele. Why did things go so wrong whenever she was around? He needed to talk to her and get her to tell him the truth. The trouble was, he was terrified what she was going to say. He wrapped a towel round his waist, brushed his teeth and put some deodorant on and then made his way to his room. Stay calm, he told himself; you’re not ill, you’re fine. And you did not do anything untoward with Adele last night.

      ‘There’s nothing on,’ Jade sighed as she saw him, throwing the remote control on the bed. She sat down and patted the duvet. ‘Come sit.’

      Sam sat down, feeling nervous and paranoid. Alcohol always made him feel that way the day after, and he wondered, not for the first time in his life, why he even bothered drinking. It always seemed like such a good idea at the time.

      ‘Listen,’ Jade started easily, ‘I really want to apologise for being so busy recently. I’ve let you down time and time again, but I promise it’s got nothing to do with my feelings towards you. I just really want my business to do well, but you’re more important to me and will always come first. I’ve been in another world recently and I’m out of it now. I’m so sorry for always being late and letting you down, I really am. But it stops now.’

      Sam put his head in his hands and gave a gusty sigh. ‘Jade, it’s me that should be sorry. I was acting like such a spoilt brat not getting my own way, and I know it’s not your fault you’ve not had much time recently. I was just hurt and disappointed, which turned into anger. I know it’s pathetic. I want your business to do as well as you do, trust me. I suppose I just don’t like sharing you. In a selfish way, I like to have all of your time, but I understand that that’s not always going to be the case.’

      Jade gave a natural smile, looking relieved they were having this conversation. ‘So we’ve made up then?’

      He nodded.

      ‘Good,’ she said, ‘that means I didn’t buy the tickets for nothing.’

      ‘What tickets?’ he asked, baffled.

      ‘Plane tickets to Italy. I’ve booked a long weekend in a hotel for the two of us in September. We’ll have so much fun and Kelly may be booking for her and Billy to go too. It’ll still be hot and we can sunbathe all day and go for romantic dinners at night,’ she beamed.

      ‘Babe, are you kidding? That’s amazing!’ He pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. ‘That’s so nice of you.’

      ‘You’re worth it,’ she replied, kissing him back.

      ‘I love you,’ Sam said without thinking. It was the first time he’d ever told her. The words just came right out and he felt embarrassed, not knowing where to look.

      ‘Awww,’ Jade looked into his eyes, ‘it’s a good job I love you too then.’

      Sam smiled warmly, even though his head was throbbing in pain. He was so glad he’d finally said it and even happier she loved him too. Jade pushed him playfully on the bed and slid the towel off from round his waist. ‘You know the best thing about arguments?’ she asked him, with a suggestive glint in her eye.

      ‘What’s that?’ He smirked.

      ‘Making up,’ she said, her voice soft and sexy.

      Sam pulled the duvet back and got under, watching her as she removed her clothes and joined him. He kissed her hungrily, his heart beating faster by the second. As he felt under the covers to touch her warm body, his fingers brushed past something unexpected. As Jade kissed his chest, he sneakily peered underneath the covers and felt faint with fear when he saw an unfamiliar bright pink thong. Where on earth had that come from? The words from Adele’s text message flashed through his mind: You’re still as good as I remember. It must be Adele’s thong! He frantically kicked it to the very end of the bed where Jade wouldn’t see it, then did his very best to try to relax. Unluckily though, there was only one thing on his mind the whole time.


      An hour later and Jade was still lying in bed with Sam, cuddling up to his warm body and not wanting to leave the bed. The TV was on in the background and Sam was playing a game on his iPhone. She stretched lazily and smiled. He’d finally said he loved her! She felt like she’d been waiting forever to hear those words. There had been so many times she was sure he was going to say it, but nothing. Now he had, Jade felt she could finally tell him her true feelings also; she was head over heels in love with him too.

      ‘I better get going,’ she groaned, getting out of bed and getting her clothes on, ‘you need to leave for football soon.’

      Sam looked at the clock on his wall and sighed, ‘Yeah, you’re right. I would rather just stay with you today if I’m honest. But, I can’t let the team down and then I’ve got to help my cousin, Joe.’

      ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to help?’ Jade offered sweetly.

      ‘No it’s fine. Thanks though, it’s nice of you. When will I see you next?’

      ‘Look at you,’ Jade smirked teasingly, ‘just can’t get enough of me.’

      ‘You’re not wrong there,’ he said, pulling her over to him as she pulled her jeans on, and making her giggle as he kissed her.

      ‘Why don’t we go for dinner one night this week?’ she suggested as she wrapped her arms around him.

      He nodded as he kissed her neck. ‘Sounds good.’

      ‘Oh before I go, I need my red notebook. Good job I remembered. Whereabouts did you put it?’

      Sam was mystified. ‘Where did you leave it? If I’m honest, I haven’t even seen it. You sure you left it here?’ he asked, glancing round his room.

      ‘Yeah, a hundred per cent,’ Jade replied as she walked around and searched.

      ‘What about in the lounge? Or kitchen?’ Sam suggested. He hadn’t seen it in his room.

      Jade pushed her hair back from her face. ‘I didn’t even go in there though. I only came in your room.’

      ‘I swear to God I haven’t seen it. You must have left it somewhere else.’

      Jade scratched her head, perplexed. ‘Maybe Kelly picked it up then? Or maybe it’s in my car or something? I was certain I’d left it here though. I remember bringing it in.’

      Sam shrugged. ‘It’ll turn up. I’ll search a bit more here if you want and call you if I find it.’


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