MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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MADE IN ESSEX - Laura Ziepe

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looked through her drawers and found another bikini she could practise on. She couldn’t think of anything worse than sewing a whole load of sequins and beads on yet another one, but she would do it. She would do anything to beat Kelly and Jade.

      CHAPTER 5

      ‘No, Cupcake!’ Jade shrieked in horror as she watched the little dog running off with a bikini top. ‘Come back here!’

      ‘She won’t come back if you shout,’ Kelly told her, raising her eyebrows, whizzing a bikini up and down on the sewing machine.

      ‘And she won’t come back if I whisper either, so what do you suggest I do?’ Jade couldn’t hide her exasperation. They’d had the dog for half a day and already she was driving Jade mad. Kelly could see no harm in her, which was making matters worse.

      ‘Don’t take it out on me,’ Kelly sulked, pouting.

      ‘I’m not. Sorry, I’m just stressed,’ Jade said as she marched off down the hall to find the dog. ‘No, Cupcake! No!’ she shouted as she saw the dog squatting down and urinating on the floor. ‘You’re meant to go on the puppy pad, you silly girl.’

      The dog gave her an imperious look and sprinted off, making Jade even more incandescent. She cowered when Jade caught up with her.

      ‘Ah-ha!’ Jade felt a sense of achievement, ‘nowhere to run now, is there? I’ve got you, oh yes. Now, don’t even think of running off again.’ She swept her up and took her back to the office, closing the door firmly behind them.

      ‘Cupcake, you’re such a naughty little dog, aren’t you?’ Kelly said in her baby voice as the dog ran over to her and jumped, wanting to be picked up.

      ‘She’s weed again on the floor, so I’m going to clear it up,’ Jade said frustrated. They really needed to be getting on with things and Cupcake was taking up all their time. She never realised that dogs needed so much attention. They would have to close the door at all times now or she would just keep running out. The puppy pads were a complete nightmare as she either missed or just ignored them completely. And who knew that puppies went to the toilet so many times in one day! It was absurd!

      ‘Babe, just relax,’ Kelly told her when she walked back through the door. ‘I’ve got an idea. We’ll send Cupcake for a massage for a few hours so she can de-stress. It will give us some rest and then we’ll just give Lisa the bill. She feels a bit tense,’ Kelly observed, stroking the dog and feeling her back.

      ‘Are you being serious? Feels tense? A dog massage? Do they even do them? I don’t know about her being tense, but I sure as hell am.’

      ‘Yeah they definitely do them, Lord McButterpants always has them done,’ Kelly told Jade as she looked up the website on her iPhone. ‘Here you go. We’ll get her the gold package yeah? She gets a bath with shampoo and conditioner, mini massage, a deep cleanse facial, nail buffing, clipping and filing, haircut, goodie bag and toy.’

      ‘Wow. All for just one little dog,’ Jade was shocked.

      ‘Oh, but she’s so worth it though, aren’t you Cupcake?’ Kelly cooed.

      Jade wasn’t so sure. She was cute to look at, but the way she was feeling right now, that was as far as it went. Kelly’s mum’s Chihuahua, Lord McButterpants, seemed much better behaved than Princess Cupcake. Lord McButterpants was honestly no trouble at all. ‘Right, you take her then and I’ll be getting on with these bikinis. Is that one done?’

      ‘Yes, look how well it’s come together,’ Kelly said as she held up the purple fringed top and bottoms.

      ‘Amazing,’ Jade said, in awe of Kelly’s work. ‘I can’t wait for the photo shoot now. Chloe should be here soon, she’s coming over to borrow one of my dresses for her friend’s party, so I can ask her to model the bikinis.’

      ‘Oh I love Chloe. I’ll go now and drop the dog off so I don’t miss her. I want to see her try this fringe one on.’

      Fifteen minutes later Chloe arrived, looking as immaculate as ever without even trying. Her long blonde hair was wavy in a side parting, with a cute little plait pinned back on the right side. She was wearing light blue jeans with a tight baby pink jumper.

      ‘Hi,’ she said cheerfully with a huge smile.

      ‘Hi Chloe. Come in. Do you want a drink?’ Jade asked her as she closed the front door.

      ‘Yes please.’



      ‘Come in the kitchen,’ Jade told her, ‘I’ll put the kettle on.’

      They chatted for a few minutes while the kettle was boiling, until Jade brought it up.

      ‘I’m sure Sam has told you already that Kelly and I have started our own bikini business?’

      ‘Yes, it’s such a good idea,’ Chloe replied, ‘I’ll definitely be coming to you when I buy my holiday bikinis.’

      ‘Well, I was wondering if you’d like to model them on our website? My other friend Lisa is doing it too and she’s never modelled before, so you won’t be the only one. You can get some really nice photos and I don’t know, maybe you could even forward them on to some agencies or something. I’m sure you have what it takes if you do enjoy it.’

      ‘What me?’ Chloe was abashed. ‘You’re sure you want me to model on your website? Really?’ She looked flabbergasted.

      ‘Of course,’ Jade replied, amazed that she was so shocked, ‘you’re completely stunning! When we went shopping that time you had literally everyone staring at you. Even girls just want to gaze at you all day.’

      Chloe’s face suffused with colour. ‘I don’t know what to say,’ she managed at last. ‘Thank you so much. I’d love to do it if you want me. I’m not sure if I’ll be any good though …’

      ‘Excellent!’ Jade was delighted. Chloe was such a sweet, modest girl; just as beautiful on the inside as the outside. She was perfect for the job.

      The doorbell sounded and in walked Kelly.

      ‘She’s agreed,’ Jade informed her merrily.

      ‘Fab, hun. Now come try on this bikini I’ve just made. It’s going to look so beauts with your skin tone and hair colour!’

      When Chloe walked in the office wearing their latest new bikini, Jade and Kelly watched her avidly and gasped. It looked nicer than they ever could have imagined.

      ‘Oh my God! Babe, you look like a Victoria’s Secret model,’ Kelly complimented her. ‘Your legs are so long. I would kill for them!’

      ‘Thanks,’ Chloe said, blushing from head to toe.

      ‘Do you like the bikini?’ Jade asked Chloe.

      ‘I love it!’ Chloe said with an honest smile. ‘You two are so clever.’

      Kelly shook her head. ‘Babe, she’s the intellectual one that comes up with all the ideas. I’m just good at sewing and making the swimwear.’

      ‘Don’t put yourself down, Kelly,’ Jade told her crossly. ‘We’d be nowhere without you. And Chloe, as a thank you for modelling for us, seeing as we can’t pay you at this point, we’re going to let you and Lisa have a free bikini.’

      ‘Oh thank you so much!’ Chloe looked like she genuinely appreciated it. ‘I think I’m going to choose this one. It’s so nice.’

      ‘You haven’t even seen the others yet,’ Jade giggled, knowing that Chloe was going to end up loving them all. ‘Anyway, I’ll pick you up tomorrow night if that’s okay? Then take you to the studio and Kelly will do your hair and make-up.’

      ‘Okay, thanks. Thank

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