Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
Читать онлайн книгу.(-au) nf life, conduct
bucheddol adj right-living, virtuous
bucheddu vb to live, to flourish
buches (-au) nf herd of cows
buchfrechu vb to vaccinate
budr adj dirty, filthy, foul, vile
budreddi nm filthiness, filth
budro vb to dirty, to soil, to foul
budd (-ion) nm benefit, profit, gain
buddai (-eiau) nf churn
buddel (-wydd) nmf cow-house post, pillar
buddiant (-iannau) nm interest
buddio vb to profit, to avail
buddiol adj profitable, beneficial, useful
buddioldeb nm profitableness, expediency
buddran nf dividend
buddsodd (-ion), buddsoddiad (-au) nm investment
buddsoddi vb to invest
buddugol adj winning, victorious
buddugoliaeth (-au) nf victory
buddugoliaethus adj victorious, triumphant
buddugwr (-wyr) nm winner, victor
bugail (-eiliaid) nm shepherd; pastor
bugeiles (-au) nf shepherdess
bugeiliaeth (-au) nf pastorate
bugeilio, bugeilia vb to watch, to shepherd
bugeiliol adj pastoral
bugunad nm bellowing, roar
bun nf maid, maiden
burgyn (-nod, iaid) nm carcass, carrion
burman, burum nm barm, yeast
busnes (-ion) nmf business
busnesa vb to interfere, to meddle
busnesgar, busneslyd adj meddlesome
bustach (-tych) nm bullock, steer
bustachu vb to buffet about, to bungle
bustl nm gall, bile
bustlaidd adj like gall; bitter as gall
buwch (buchod) nf cow; buwch goch gota ladybird
bwa (bwâu) nm bow; arch
bwaog adj arched, vaulted
bwbach (-od) nm bugbear, bogey, scarecrow
bwced (-i) nmf bucket
bwci (-ïod) nm bugbear, bogey, ghost
bwcl (byclau) nm buckle
bwcled (-au) nf buckler
bwch (bychod) nm buck; bwch dihangol scapegoat; bwch gafr he-goat
Bwdhaeth nf Buddhism
Bwdhaidd adj Buddhist
bwgan (-od) nm bogey, ghost, scarecrow
bwgwl (bygylau) nm threat, menace
bwgwth see bygwth, bygythio
bwhwman vb to beat about; to vacillate
bŵl (bylau) nm globe, ball, knob
bwlch (bylchau) nm gap; pass; notch
bwled (-i) nf bullet
Bwlgaria nf Bulgaria
bwn (bynnoedd, byniaid) nm bittern
bwndel (-i) nm bundle
bwngler (-iaid) nm bungler
bwnglera vb to bungle
bwngleraidd adj bungling, clumsy
bwnglerwaith nm bungle, botch
bwnglerwch nm clumsiness
bwr (byr) adj fat, big, strong
bwrdais (-deisiaid) nm burgess
bwrdeistref (-i) nf borough
bwrdd (byrddau) nm table; deck; board; bwrdd du black-board
bwrgler nm burglar
bwrglera vb to burgle
bwrgleriaeth nf burglary
bwriad (-au) nm purpose, intention
bwriadol adj intentional
bwriadu vb to purpose, to intend
bwrlwm (byrlymau) nm bubble; gurgling
bwrn (byrnau) nm burden, incubus; bale
bwrw vb to cast, to shed; to strike; to imagine, to suppose; to spend ▶ nm cast, throw; woof
bws (bysiau, bysys) nm bus; bws mini minibus
bwtler (-iaid) nm butler
bwtri nm buttery, pantry, dairy
bwth (bythod) nm hut, booth, cot
bwthyn (bythynnod) nm cottage, cabin, hut
bwyall (bwyeill), bwyell (bwyeill) nf axe
bwyd (-ydd) nm food; bwyd sothach junk food; bwyd sydyn fast food
bwyda, bwydo vb to feed
bwydlen nf menu
bwyd-offrwm (-ymau) nm