Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
Читать онлайн книгу.camfa (-feydd) nf stile
camfarnu vb to misjudge
camgred (-oau, -au) nf misbelief, heresy
camgredu vb to misbelieve
camgredwr (-wyr) nm heretic
camgwl nm penalty, fine; blame
camgyfrif vb to miscalculate
camgyhuddiad (-au) nm false accusation
camgyhuddo vb to accuse falsely
camgymeriad (-au) nm mistake
camgymryd vb to mistake, to err
camlas (-lesi, -lesydd) nfm canal
camliwio vb to misrepresent
camochri vb to be offside
camog (-au) nf felloe
camp (-au) nf feat, exploit; game; prize
campfa (-feydd) nf gymnasium
campus adj excellent, splendid, grand
campwaith (-weithiau) nm masterpiece, feat
campwr (-wyr) nm champion
camre nm walk, footstep(s)
camsyniad (-au) nm mistake
camsynied vb to mistake
camsyniol adj mistaken
camu1 vb to bow, to bend, to stoop
camu2 vb to step, to stride
camwedd (-au) nm iniquity, transgression
camweddu vb to transgress
camwri nm injury, wrong
camymddwyn vb to misbehave
camymddygiad (-au) nm misconduct
can adj white ▶ nm flour
cân (caniadau, caneuon) nf song
canabis nm cannabis
Canada nf Canada
cancr nm canker; cancer
cancro vb to canker, to corrode
candryll adj shattered, wrecked
canfasio vb to canvass
canfed adj hundredth
canfod vb to see, to perceive, to behold
canfyddadwy adj perceptible
canfyddiad nm perception
canhwyllbren (canwyllbrenni, -au) nmf candlestick
canhwyllwr (canhwyllwyr) nm chandler
caniad1 nm singing; ringing; crowing
caniad2 (-au) nf song, poem
caniadaeth nf singing, psalmody
caniatâd nm leave, permission, consent
caniataol adj permissive; granted
caniatáu vb to permit, to allow
caniedydd (-ion) nm singer, songster; song-book
canlyn vb to follow, to pursue
canlyniad (-au) nm consequence, result
canlynol adj following, consequent
canlynwr (-wyr) nm follower
canllaw (-iau) nfm hand-rail, parapet, aid
canmlwyddiant nm centenary
canmol vb to praise, to commend
canmoladwy adj praiseworthy
canmoliaeth (-au) nf praise, commendation
canmoliaethus adj eulogistic, complimentary
cannaid adj white, bright, luminous
cannu vb to whiten, to bleach
cannwr (canwyr) nm bleacher
cannwyll (canhwyllau) nf candle
canol adj, nm (-au) middle, centre, midst; canol y ddinas city centre
canolbarth (-au) nm middle part, midland
canolbwynt (-iau) nm centre, focus
canolbwyntio vb to centre, to concentrate
canoldir (-oedd) nm inland region
canolddydd nm mid-day, noon
canolfan (-nau) nmf centre; canolfan chwaraeon sports centre; canolfan galwadau call centre; canolfan iechyd health centre; canolfan ymwelwyr visitor centre
canoli vb to centre; to arbitrate; to centralize
canolig adj middling
canoloesol adj mediaeval
canolog adj central
canolradd (-ol) adj intermediate
canolwr (-wyr) nm mediator, referee; centre half, centre; canolwr blaen centre forward
canon1 (-au) nfm canon (music)
canon2 (-iaid) nm canon (priest)
canonaidd adj canonical
canoneiddio vb to canonize
canoniaeth (-au) nf canonry
canonwr (-wyr) nm canon, canonist
canradd (-au) adj, nf centigrade, percentile
canran (-nau) nm percentage
canrif (-oedd)