Portartur. 1940. Boris Trofimov

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Portartur. 1940 - Boris Trofimov

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I am pleased to hear how Russian people care about our fleet… But Alexander Petrovich, you merchants often obscure your mind, and you, not you personally, of course, go to criminal deals, although they are to the detriment of the treasury.

      – For example?

      – We are released bad coal, poor quality provisions.

      – Watch, check.

      – You have to be everywhere and honest in everything. We, the sailors, can be blamed for drunkenness, but by no means cheating.

      – Drinking is also a waste! – exclaimed Lykov. – You are wasting your health and time. Meanwhile, both should be used to study the environment and new advances in technology. Sorry, captain, I have been told many times: young naval officers are inert in their studies. Not many follow Admiral Makarov’s example.

      – Quite you worry. Everything is good. Sleep well… But you, dear friend, are you a weak drinker?

      – I quit drinking and smoking.

      – What is it?

      – I decided to marry. And the girl from such that does not love drinking and smoking.

      – Spit and find another.

      – You can not, sir, heart, sir! – smiling, answered Lykov.

      Chapter five


      January 26 evening, the Chinese began to celebrate their new year. Fireworks and firecrackers cracked everywhere. An unimaginable noise hit the strained nerves of the Russian inhabitants.

      “Has it really begun?” – each of them thought. But, having learned what was the matter, the Porturtians calmed down.

      …The night was dark, moonless, cold. A light fog enveloped the combat vessels that stood on the outer roadstead. Lighthouse lights blinked warmly. Rays of searchlights ran and then glided along the horizon. Port Arthur Harbor, not yet in-depth, did not have a permanent free passage for large vessels. At the entrance and exit, they used the clock tide.

      The squadron stood on the outer roadstead in three lines: in the north – the battleships “Petropavlovsk”, “Poltava”, “Sevastopol”; in the south – the cruisers Angara, Diana, Pallada, Bayan and Askold; in the middle between the two groups are the handsome battleships Peresvet, Pobeda, Retvizan, and Tsesarevich.

      The destroyers Thunderbolt and Fearless cruised along the line of long-distance protection. Cruiser “Novik” and “Boyar” stood near the shore.

      A light southerly wind enveloped the ships with a warm mist. By ten o’clock at night there was silence, which was disturbed only by a slight splashing of the waves.

      Around midnight there was an explosion of a mine at the port side of the Retvizan. A minute later, the Tsesarevich opened fire on the Japanese torpedoes rushing at him. Following this, volleys of rapid fire rang out from other ships.

      Huge pillars of water soared near the “Tsarevich” and “Pallas.” The unfortunate vessels lurched and, choosing anchors, headed towards the harbor entrance. Enemy destroyers pursued the “Cesarevich”, but were met with amicable fire from ship guns. A few minutes later one of them sank. The rest turned back.

      Wounded “Retvizan” first went to the Tiger Tail and buried his nose on the shore. At the “Tsesarevich” they did not become confused and filled the corresponding compartments with water in time, otherwise the battleship would turn over.

      The inhabitants of Arthur took the first shots of the outbreak of war for practice shooting.

      In the army rose turmoil. The commandant of the fortress Stessel arrived at the headquarters.

      – All rotam immediately take shore batteries.

      “Your Excellency, there is no disposition,” said the chief of staff.

      Stoessel’s eyes widened, his mouth parted, his fat chin sagged.

      – Ugliness! – Stoessel swore. – It was necessary to think about it before. Would develop and submit for review and approval… Call and send messengers so that each company takes the appropriate battery and guards the approaches to it.

      “What company and what battery?” Which flank to strengthen?

      – Children’s questions. The chief of staff and company commanders themselves must know their business. Do I have the right to rely on their ingenuity and quickness?

      – They have nothing to do with it. Your Excellency should have all the threads in his hands and a plan developed with your participation.

      – Give me these threads, give me these threads! – Stoessel grabbed his head and ran out of the headquarters.

      Sea battle subsided. From the starry sky breathed calm. Stoessel stopped: he did not know where to go and where to begin the defense of the fortress.

      Awakened garrison clutched his guns. Many companies came to positions only with sentry cartridges. The soldiers saw the confusion of the officers and decided to discard the enemy with bayonets.

      Lykov ran veya night along the embankment. And at dawn I saw aground ships damaged.

      – The three main combat units lost overnight. Awful – He looked at the harbor, at the narrow strait into the sea, – These fools will all go to hell. Nikolay Stepanovich here! The captain is wearing glasses here!.. Things, how many things! I’ll run to arrange my own…

      Near the gate leading to the port, there were police officers. A drunken lieutenant with two ladies came to them.

      – I told you that it was educational shooting. See what a clear and calm morning. And you got scared and shouted: “To the station, rather to the station!”

      The lieutenant laughed out loud. Approaching him approached him.

      “Let me tell you, the war has begun.” “Tsesarevich”, “Retvizan”, “Pallas” undermined by enemy mines.

      The sailor shuddered and, glancing at the entrance to the harbor, fled at the gate of the port, without saying a word to his ladies.


      At 10 hours and 35 minutes in the morning on January 27, the cruiser “Boyar”, returning from intelligence, brought the news of the approach of the enemy squadron of fifteen combat units.

      The meeting with the governor stopped, and everyone hurried to their seats. Admiral Stark arrived on the flagship with the first shots at the enemy. General Stoessel went to the Electric Cliff, the governor wanted to watch the battle from the Golden Mountain.

      Japanese fire was aimed mainly at our ships. Several enemy shells flew over coastal fortifications and exploded on Mount Perepelina.

      Huge clouds of smoke from simple powder, which was still used by the Russians on mortar batteries, covered the Golden Mountain. After each shot, white smoke rings jumped up and then slowly floated toward the bay.

      With an electric cliff fired from long-range guns. They threw out long flames. Instead of smoke, yellow dust flashed over the battery.

      Our and Japanese ships fired continuously. “Novik” and “Bayan”, despite the fire concentrated on them, kept on keeping in front, without ceasing to respond to the enemy.

      There were fires in many Japanese courts. Electric cliff hit the enemy, but the shells of the remaining

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