Portartur. 1940. Boris Trofimov

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Portartur. 1940 - Boris Trofimov

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broke! Do not worry, report your disobedience…

      The learning has begun.

      In the evening Tikhon was summoned to the platoon.

      – What are you, Podkovin, want?

      “I want you to report to the Feldwebel about my beating in the ranks.”

      “But you are guilty because you did not fulfill the order of the chief.”

      – you, mister platoon, allow to beat the soldiers?

      – Guilty.

      – Then, if you do not give up your words, you will answer as well.

      – This is too… Go!

      Turning around, Tikhon glanced at the nearby young soldiers. They nodded their heads approvingly. From afar, Podkovin saw that his neighbor, Konevyazov, was sitting on coal. He would have jumped, but was afraid to betray his excitement.

      – So the statute says? He asked in a whisper.

      – Clear. You do not hit anyone else…

      – Now they swell. You said well in front of the line: as if only for yourself, but there will be benefits for everyone…

      The soldiers saw that in the last three evenings the statute did not go out of the hands of the teachers, who were gathered in groups. Separated Ostapov fell silent. Lessons in literature were now without slaps and goose steps.

      More and more often, the teachings on the question: “Who is our external enemy?” – the word slipped: Japan. For the first time in the barracks it was mentioned by Lieutenant Karamyshev. Testing the work of teachers, he asked young soldiers questions about “internal” and “external” enemies, and he himself replied that Japan was the external enemy in the Far East, which was preparing hard for war with Russia.

      Chapter four


      In the beginning of January, Modest Vladimirovich Inov with his family left Harbin for Dalny to work as an assistant director in the branch of the Russian-Chinese Bank. The small town, originally laid out on the beach, first liked Valais. Enveloped on one side by hills and bays on the other, it was not like the cold Irkutsk and dusty Harbin. It was a lot of exotic, and in the early days he fascinated the girl. Most of all she liked the beautiful harbor, filled with huge steamships. The long pier protected the inner pond from the swell. In the streets, among the original red-brick buildings, lively crowds often gathered from Russian, German, French, American and English sailors. There were also negros who stood out for their curly hair and tall stature. There were shouts and curses in different languages around Chinese shops and stores.

      The Japanese kept themselves apart. Anger and envy were concentrated on their yellow faces.They viewed the harbor, ships, new buildings and merry Russian sailors frowningly.

      A capacious theater was erected near the sea. The cathedral, hospital and city government were already built.

      From the very first days of her stay in the Far, Valya noticed that in the town they live happily, even too merrily and carelessly.

      Inova occupied a beautifully furnished apartment. The whole furnishings of the apartment belonged to the bank and were handed over to the newly arrived employees during their work in the city of Dalny.

      Two weeks after arrival, Modest Vladimirovich gave a semi-official evening, to which representatives of the city, military units, as well as commercial dealers, the bank’s main customers, were invited.

      Inov’s wife, Serafima Prokopyevna, was worried. She wanted the first to come family colleagues, but the servant introduced Lykov.

      – Old friend. Very happy.

      Lykov, shaking his head, wanted to say something, but a group of guests arrived, and the hostess rose to meet them. In the first days of the arrival, the Inovy Lykov often came to them. Valya did not go into the living room when Lykov was there.

      One of the guests, a supplier of the forest, obese, with a drooping chin and small eyes, after adjusting his long mustache, asked:

      – What’s new, gentlemen?

      “The Japanese are moving,” said Lieutenant Gladyshev.

      “And the fortress is poorly armed, including Kinzhou,” said the captain in gold glasses, and his voice seemed to everyone somewhat squeaky and irritated.

      “It’s unthinkable to imagine a fortress appearing by magic,” the colonel of the engineering troops remarked with a grin.

      “They spent twice as many millions on a toy town Dalny,” the captain shouted even louder. – Meanwhile, the place chosen absurd. Firstly – far from the fortress, secondly – the device of the harbor requires tremendous costs and, thirdly – once far from the fortress, it is necessary to put batteries here against the attack of the enemy from the sea. One attack of the destroyers – and all commercial ships captured in the commercial port, will fall to the bottom of the bay. We need a fortress as a safe haven for naval military vessels, and not a trinket like the city of Dalny.

      – Nikolai Stepanovich, you are an impossible person. You look at the surroundings from your bell tower… The main task of the Russians is the commercial development of the region. We must show the British, the French, the Germans, and the Japanese, that we are engaged in peaceful affairs on the Kwantung Peninsula.

      – Politics, politics… Measure, but do not get carried away, do not forget the danger – the captain did not let up. – A fist hangs over your head, and you have a decoration with the words “peaceful construction”.

      – Do not exaggerate the danger.

      Modest Vladimirovich entered. The owner was an elegant and pleasant-looking man. His broad face with a broad forehead enlivened large light brown eyes.

      – Hello, master. It’s boring without you, – rising from the table, said Lykov.

      – Sorry, today I unexpectedly stayed in the bank.

      Almost after Modest Vladimirovich, the mother and daughter of Lastochkin entered. Tanya Lastochkina looked at the guests with surprised eyes.

      Lykov, leaning over to his neighbor the lieutenant, whispered:

      – Here you, Lieutenant, and the first swallow.

      – Pretty but impassable fool. I am familiar with her. Finger about the finger does not want to hit, and reads only the application to the magazine “Homeland”.

      Tanya went to the room Vali. The captain was still arguing with the colonel. The lieutenant approached them.

      Inov knew about the restless captain, whose judgments aptly hit the mark. He was disliked.

      “I wish the currency would come and play,” the owner thought.

      Serafima Prokopievna returned to the living room, accompanied by Tanya and Vali.

      – Gentlemen, I ask for a glass of tea.

      A Chinese servant appeared in soft shoes on high soles because of the drapery, followed by a fight with a dish filled with biscuits and sweets. None of the guests paid attention to the servant and the boy, dressed in silk national costumes. Everyone looked at Valya. Her large, oblong face was stern. She smiled with her eyes and that was enough: the guests saw before them a beautiful and calm girl. Valya matured. Thin wrinkles lay on her forehead near the bridge. Guests with a low bow shook

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