Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories. Джек Лондон

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Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories - Джек Лондон

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«было душившим» его; to choke – душить, сдавливать). Then his blood slowly chilled (его кровь медленно похолодела) and he felt the sweat of his shirt cold against his flesh (и он почувствовал, как холодеет от пота рубашка на его теле).


 “Talk about yer Too Much Gold diggin’s!” the man snorted contemptuously. “Why, this diggin’ ’d make it look like thirty cents. This diggin’ is All Gold. An’ right here an’ now I name this yere canyon 'All Gold Canyon,' b’ gosh!”

      Still squatting on his heels, he continued examining the fragments and tossing them into the pan. Suddenly there came to him a premonition of danger. It seemed a shadow had fallen upon him. But there was no shadow. His heart had given a great jump up into his throat and was choking him. Then his blood slowly chilled and he felt the sweat of his shirt cold against his flesh.

      He did not spring up nor look around (он не выпрямился и не оглянулся вокруг). He did not move (он не шелохнулся: «не двинулся»). He was considering the nature of the premonition he had received (он обдумывал/рассматривал природу предостережения, которое он получил), trying to locate the source of the mysterious force that had warned him (пытаясь определить источник таинственной силы, которая предупредила его), striving to sense the imperative presence of the unseen thing that threatened him (пытаясь осознать настоятельное присутствие невидимого предмета, который угрожал ему). There is an aura of things hostile (у вещей, которые враждебны нам, есть аура), made manifest by messengers too refined for the senses to know (делающаяся явной через посланцев, слишком тонких для восприятия); and this aura he felt (и эту ауру он чувствовал), but knew not how he felt it (но не знал, как он ее чувствовал). His was the feeling as when a cloud passes over the sun (его ощущение было подобным тому, как когда облако набегает на солнце). It seemed that between him and life had passed something dark (казалось, что между ним и жизнью пронеслось что-то темное) and smothering (и удушливое; to smother – душить, вызвать приступ удушья) and menacing (и зловещее; to menace – грозить, запугивать, пугать, угрожать); a gloom, as it were, that swallowed up life and made for death (мрак, так сказать, который поглотил жизнь и направлялся к смерти; to make for – направляться) – his death (его смерти).

 He did not spring up nor look around. He did not move. He was considering the nature of the premonition he had received, trying to locate the source of the mysterious force that had warned him, striving to sense the imperative presence of the unseen thing that threatened him. There is an aura of things hostile, made manifest by messengers too refined for the senses to know; and this aura he felt, but knew not how he felt it. His was the feeling as when a cloud passes over the sun. It seemed that between him and life had passed something dark and smothering and menacing; a gloom, as it were, that swallowed up life and made for death – his death.

      Every force of his being impelled him to spring up and confront the unseen danger (все силы его существа побуждали его подняться и встретить лицом к лицу невидимую опасность; to impel to – побуждать, подталкивать к чему-либо), but his soul dominated the panic (но его душа возобладала над паникой), and he remained squatting on his heels (и он остался сидеть на корточках), in his hands a chunk of gold (с куском золота в руках). He did not dare to look around (он не посмел оглянуться), but he knew by now that there was something behind him and above him (но он знал к тому моменту, что было нечто позади него и над ним). He made believe to be interested in the gold in his hand (он притворился, что увлечен золотом в своей руке; to make believe – притворяться: «заставить верить»). He examined it critically (он осматривал его критично = оценивающе), turned it over and over (поворачивал его снова и снова), and rubbed the dirt from it (и стирал с него грязь). And all the time he knew that something behind him was looking at the gold over his shoulder (и все это время он знал, что нечто позади него смотрело на золото из-за его плеча).

 Every force of his being impelled him to spring up and confront the unseen danger, but his soul dominated the panic, and he remained squatting on his heels, in his hands a chunk of gold. He did not dare to look around, but he knew by now that there was something behind him and above him. He made believe to be interested in the gold in his hand. He examined it critically, turned it over and over, and rubbed the dirt from it. And all the time he knew that something behind him was looking at the gold over his shoulder.

      Still feigning interest in the chunk of gold in his hand (все еще делая вид, что заинтересован куском золота в своей руке; to feign – притворяться, делать вид), he listened intently and he heard the breathing of the thing behind him (он слушал внимательно и услышал дыхание того, что находилось позади него). His eyes searched the ground in front of him for a weapon (его глаза искали на земле перед ним /какое-нибудь/ оружие), but they saw only the uprooted gold (но они видели только вывороченное золото; to uproot – вырывать

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