Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories. Джек Лондон

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Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories - Джек Лондон

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 Feverish with desire, with aching back and stiffening muscles, with pick and shovel gouging and mauling the soft brown earth, the man toiled up the hill. Before him was the smooth slope, spangled with flowers and made sweet with their breath. Behind him was devastation. It looked like some terrible eruption breaking out on the smooth skin of the hill. His slow progress was like that of a slug, befouling beauty with a monstrous trail.

      Though the dipping gold-trace increased the man’s work, he found consolation in the increasing richness of the pans. Twenty cents, thirty cents, fifty cents, sixty cents, were the values of the gold found in the pans, and at nightfall he washed his banner pan, which gave him a dollar’s worth of gold-dust from a shovelful of dirt.

      “I’ll just bet it’s my luck to have some inquisitive cuss come buttin’ in here on my pasture (клянусь, повезет мне на какого-нибудь любопытного типа, /который/ придет разнюхивать здесь на моей территории: пастбище; to butt in – вмешиваться),” he mumbled sleepily that night as he pulled the blankets up to his chin (пробормотал он сонно той ночью, натягивая одеяла до подбородка).

      Suddenly he sat upright (внезапно он сел прямо). “Bill!” he called sharply (крикнул он резко). “Now, listen to me, Bill (ну-ка, послушай меня); d’ye hear (ты слышишь; d’ye = do you)! It’s up to you, to-morrow mornin’, to mosey round an’ see what you can see (тебе нужно завтра утром порыскать вокруг и посмотреть, что видно; to mosey – бродить, слоняться, шататься). Understand (понял)? To-morrow morning, an’ don’t you forget it (завтра утром, и не забудь)!”

      He yawned and glanced across at his side-hill (он зевнул и взглянул на холм). “Good night, Mr. Pocket (спокойной ночи, мистер Карман),” he called (крикнул он).

 “I’ll just bet it’s my luck to have some inquisitive cuss come buttin’ in here on my pasture,” he mumbled sleepily that night as he pulled the blankets up to his chin.

      Suddenly he sat upright. “Bill!” he called sharply. “Now, listen to me, Bill; d’ye hear! It’s up to you, to-morrow mornin’, to mosey round an’ see what you can see. Understand? To-morrow morning, an’ don’t you forget it!”

      He yawned and glanced across at his side-hill. “Good night, Mr. Pocket,” he called.

      In the morning he stole a march on the sun (утром он опередил солнце; to steal a march on – опередить кого-либо, что-либо: «украсть /один/ переход»), for he had finished breakfast when its first rays caught him (так как он закончил завтракать, когда первые лучи застали его; to catch – ловить; заставать, обнаруживать), and he was climbing the wall of the canyon where it crumbled away and gave footing (и он карабкался на скалу каньона, /там/, где она обваливалась и давала опору для ноги; to crumble – сыпаться, обваливаться). From the outlook at the top he found himself in the midst of loneliness (по взгляду с вершины он обнаружил себя в середине одиночества). As far as he could see (насколько он мог видеть), chain after chain of mountains heaved themselves into his vision (гряда за грядой гор высились в /поле/ его зрения; chain – цепь; to heave – поднимать; вздыматься). To the east his eyes (к востоку его глаза), leaping the miles between range and range and between many ranges (перепрыгивая мили между хребтом и хребтом и между многими хребтами), brought up at last against the white-peaked Sierras (остановились наконец на белоснежных вершинах Сьерры) – the main crest (главной горной цепи; crest – гребешок; гребень), where the backbone of the Western world reared itself against the sky (где хребет/позвоночник западного мира упирался в небо; backbone – спинной хребет, позвоночник: «задняя кость»). To the north and south he could see more distinctly the cross-systems (к северу и югу он мог видеть более отчетливо перекрестные системы /гор/) that broke through the main trend of the sea of mountains (которые пробивались через основное направление океана гор). To the west the ranges fell away (к западу хребты отступали), one behind the other (один за другим), diminishing and fading into the gentle foothills (уменьшаясь и исчезая в пологих предгорьях; to fade into – постепенно исчезать, растворяться; gentle – мягкий; пологий) that, in turn (а те, в свою очередь), descended into the great valley which he could not see (спускались в огромную долину, которую он не мог видеть).

 In the morning he stole a march on the sun, for he had finished breakfast when its first rays caught him, and he was climbing the wall of the canyon where it crumbled away and gave footing. From the outlook at the top he found himself in the midst of loneliness. As far as he could see, chain after chain of mountains heaved themselves into his vision. To the east his eyes, leaping the miles between range and range and between many ranges, brought up at last against the white-peaked Sierras – the main crest, where the backbone of the Western world reared itself against the sky. To the north and south he could see more distinctly the cross-systems that broke through the main trend of the sea of mountains. To the west the ranges fell away, one behind the other, diminishing and fading into the gentle foothills that, in turn, descended into the great valley which he could not see.

      And in

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