Rámáyan of Válmíki (World's Classics Series). Valmiki

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Rámáyan of Válmíki (World's Classics Series) - Valmiki

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      Thus good Válmíki, sage divine,

      Rehearsed the tale of Raghu’s line,

      As Nárad, heavenly saint, before

      Had traced the story’s outline o’er.

      He sang of Ráma’s princely birth,

      His kindness and heroic worth;

      His love for all, his patient youth,

      His gentleness and constant truth,

      And many a tale and legend old

      By holy Viśvámitra told.

      How Janak’s child he wooed and won,

      And broke the bow that bent to none.

      How he with every virtue fraught

      The choice of Ráma for the throne;

      The malice by Kaikeyí shown,

      Whose evil counsel marred the plan

      And drove him forth a banisht man.

      How the king grieved and groaned, and cried,

      And swooned away and pining died.

      The subjects’ woe when thus bereft;

      And how the following crowds he left:

      With Guha talked, and firmly stern

      Ordered his driver to return.

      How Gangá‘s farther shore he gained;

      By Bharadvája entertained,

      By whose advice he journeyed still

      And came to Chitrakúṭa’s hill.

      How there he dwelt and built a cot;

      How Bharat journeyed to the spot;

      His earnest supplication made;

      Drink-offerings to their father paid;

      The sandals given by Ráma’s hand,

      As emblems of his right, to stand:

      How from his presence Bharat went

      And years in Nandigráma spent.

      How Ráma entered Daṇḍak wood

      And in Sutíkhṇa’s presence stood.

      The favour Anasúyá showed,

      The wondrous balsam she bestowed.

      How Śarabhanga’s dwelling-place

      They sought; saw Indra face to face;

      The meeting with Agastya gained;

      The heavenly bow from him obtained.

      How Ráma with Virádha met;

      Their home in Panchavaṭa set.

      How Śúrpaṇakhá underwent

      The mockery and disfigurement.

      Of Triśirá‘s and Khara’s fall,

      Of Rávaṇ roused at vengeance call,

      Márícha doomed, without escape;

      How Ráma wept and raved in vain,

      And how the Vulture-king was slain.

      How Ráma fierce Kabandha slew;

      Then to the side of Pampá drew,

      Met Hanumán, and her whose vows

      Were kept beneath the greenwood boughs.

      How Raghu’s son, the lofty-souled,

      On Pampá‘s bank wept uncontrolled,

      Then journeyed, Rishyamúk to reach,

      And of Sugríva then had speech.

      The friendship made, which both had sought:

      How Báli and Sugríva fought.

      How Báli in the strife was slain,

      And how Sugríva came to reign.

      The treaty, Tára’s wild lament;

      The rainy nights in watching spent.

      The wrath of Raghu’s lion son;

      The gathering of the hosts in one.

      The sending of the spies about,

      And all the regions pointed out.

      The ring by Ráma’s hand bestowed;

      The cave wherein the bear abode.

      The fast proposed, their lives to end;

      Sampati gained to be their friend.

      The scaling of the hill, the leap

      Of Hanumán across the deep.

      Ocean’s command that bade them seek

      Maináka of the lofty peak.

      The death of Sinhiká, the sight

      Of Lanká with her palace bright

      How Hanumán stole in at eve;

      His plan the giants to deceive.

      How through the square he made his way

      To chambers where the women lay,

      Within the Aśoka garden came

      And there found Ráma’s captive dame.

      His colloquy with her he sought,

      And giving of the ring he brought.

      How Sítá gave a gem o’erjoyed;

      How Hanumán the grove destroyed.

      How giantesses trembling fled,

      And servant fiends were smitten dead.

      How Hanumán was seized; their ire

      When Lanká blazed with hostile fire.

      His leap across the sea once more;

      The eating of the honey store.

      How Ráma he consoled, and how

      He showed the gem from Sítá‘s brow.

      With Ocean, Ráma’s interview;

      The bridge that Nala o’er it threw.

      The crossing, and the sitting down

      At night round Lanká‘s royal town.

      The treaty with Vibhíshaṇ made:

      The plan for Rávaṇ‘s slaughter laid.

      How Kumbhakarṇa in his pride

      And Meghanáda fought and died.

      How Rávaṇ in the fight was slain,

      And captive Sítá brought again.

      Vibhíshaṇ set upon the throne;

      The flying chariot Pushpak shown.

      How Brahmá and the Gods appeared,

      And Sítá‘s doubted honour cleared.

      How in the flying car they rode

      To Bharadvája’s cabin abode.

      The Wind-God’s son sent on afar;

      How Bharat met the flying

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