Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida. Вашингтон Ирвинг

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Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida - Вашингтон Ирвинг

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       CHAPTER I. -- Of the Kingdom of Granada, and the Tribute which it Paid to the Castilian Crown.

       CHAPTER II. -- Of the Embassy of Don Juan de Vera to Demand Arrears of Tribute from the Moorish Monarch.

       CHAPTER III. -- Domestic Feuds in the Alhambra—Rival Sultanas—Predictions concerning Boabdil, the Heir to the Throne—How Ferdinand Meditates War against Granada, and how he is Anticipated.

       CHAPTER IV. -- Expedition of the Muley Abul Hassan against the Fortress of Zahara.

       CHAPTER V. -- Expedition of the Marques of Cadiz against Alhama.

       CHAPTER VI. -- How the People of Granada were Affected on Hearing of the Capture of the Alhama; and how the Moorish King sallied forth to Regain it.

       CHAPTER VII. -- How the Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Chivalry of Andalusia Hastened to the Relief of Alhama.

       CHAPTER VIII. -- Sequel of the Events at Alhama.

       CHAPTER IX. -- Events at Granada, and Rise of the Moorish King, Boabdil el Chico.

       CHAPTER X. -- Royal Expedition against Loxa.

       CHAPTER XI. -- How Muley Abul Hassan made a Foray into the Lands of Medina Sidonia, and how he was Received.

       CHAPTER XII. -- Foray of Spanish Cavaliers among the Mountains of Malaga.

       CHAPTER XIII. -- Effects of the Disasters among the Mountains of Malaga.

       CHAPTER XIV. -- How King Boabdil el Chico Marched over the Border.

       CHAPTER XV. -- How the Count de Cabra sallied forth from his Castle in Quest of King Boabdil.

       CHAPTER XVI. -- The Battle of Lucena.

       CHAPTER XVII. -- Lamentations of the Moors for the Battle of Lucena.

       CHAPTER XVIII. -- How Muley Abul Hassan Profited by the Misfortunes of his Son Boabdil.

       CHAPTER XIX. -- Captivity of Boabdil el Chico.

       CHAPTER XX. -- Of the Treatment of Boabdil by the Castilian Sovereigns.

       CHAPTER XXI. -- Return of Boabdil from Captivity.

       CHAPTER XXII. -- Foray of the Moorish Alcaydes, and Battle of Lopera.

       CHAPTER XXIII. -- Retreat of Hamet el Zegri, Alcayde of Ronda.

       CHAPTER XXIV. -- Of the reception at Court of the Count de Cabra and the Alcayde de los Donceles.

       CHAPTER XXV. -- How the Marques of Cadiz concerted to Surprise Zahara, and the Result of his Enterprise.

       CHAPTER XXVI. -- Of the Fortress of Alhama, and how Wisely it was Governed by the Count de Tendilla.

       CHAPTER XXVII.-- Foray of Christian Knights into the Territory of the Moors.

       CHAPTER XXVIII.-- Attempt of El Zagal to Surprise Boabdil in Almeria.

       CHAPTER XXIX. -- How King Ferdinand Commenced another Campaign against the Moors, and how he Laid Siege to Coin and Cartama.

       CHAPTER XXX. -- Siege of Ronda.

       CHAPTER XXXI. -- How the People of Granada invited El Zagal to the Throne, and how he Marched to the Capital.

       CHAPTER XXXII. -- How the Count de Cabra attempted to Capture another King, and how he Fared in his Attempt.

       CHAPTER XXXIII. -- Expedition against the Castles of Cambil and Albahar.

       CHAPTER XXXIV. -- Enterprise of the Knights of Calatrava against Zalea.

       CHAPTER XXXV. -- Death of Muley Abul Hassan.

       CHAPTER XXXVI. -- Of the Christian Army which Assembled at the City of Cordova.

       CHAPTER XXXVII. -- How Fresh Commotions broke out in Granada, and how the People undertook to Allay them.

       CHAPTER XXXVIII. -- How King Ferdinand held a Council of War at the Rock of the Lovers.

       CHAPTER XXXIX. -- XXXIX......How the Royal Army appeared Before the City of Loxa, and how it was Received; and of the Doughty Achievements of the English Earl.

       CHAPTER XL. -- Conclusion of the Siege of Loxa.

       CHAPTER XLI. -- Capture of Illora.

       CHAPTER XLII. -- Of the Arrival of Queen Isabella at the Camp before Moclin; and of the Pleasant Sayings of the English Earl.

       CHAPTER XLIII. -- How King Ferdinand Attacked Moclin, and of the Strange Events that attended its Capture.

       CHAPTER XLIV. -- How King Ferdinand Foraged the Vega; and of the Battle of the Bridge of Pinos, and the Fate of the two Moorish Brothers.

       CHAPTER XLV. -- Attempt of El Zagal upon the Life of Boabdil, and how the Latter was Roused to Action.

       CHAPTER XLVI. -- How Boabdil returned Secretly to Granada, and how he was Received.—Second Embassy of Don Juan de Vera, and his Perils in the Alhambra.

       CHAPTER XLVII. -- How King Ferdinand laid Siege to Velez Malaga.

       CHAPTER XLVIII. -- How King Ferdinand and his Army were Exposed to Imminent Peril before Velez Malaga.

       CHAPTER XLIX. -- Result of the Stratagem of El Zagal to Surprise King Ferdinand.

       CHAPTER L. -- How the People of Granada Rewarded the Valor of El Zagal.

       CHAPTER LI. -- Surrender of the Velez Malaga and Other Places.

       CHAPTER LII. -- Of the City of Malaga and its Inhabitants.—Mission of Hernando del Pulgar.

       CHAPTER LIII. -- Advance of King Ferdinand against Malaga.

       CHAPTER LIV. -- Siege of Malaga.

       CHAPTER LV. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Obstinacy of Hamet el Zegri.


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