EDWARD GIBBON: Historical Works, Memoirs & Letters (Including "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"). Edward Gibbon

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EDWARD GIBBON: Historical Works, Memoirs & Letters (Including

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contained Roman coins and medals of the second century, mostly Trajans, Adrians, and Faustinas, all of gold, many of them fresh and beautiful, others defaced or perforated, as if they had been worn as ornaments. (Asiatic Researches, ii. 19.) — M.]

      “ — O Juvenes, circumspicit et stimulat vos.

       Materiamque sibi Ducis indulgentia quaerit.” — Satir. vii. 20.

      Note: Vespasian first gave a salary to professors: he assigned to each professor of rhetoric, Greek and Roman, centena sestertia. (Sueton. in Vesp. 18. Hadrian and the Antonines, though still liberal, were less profuse. — G. from W. Suetonius wrote annua centena L. 807, 5, 10. — M.]

      Jurisprudence gained much by the labors of Salvius Julianus, Julius Celsus, Sex. Pomponius, Caius, and others. — G. from W. Yet where, among these, is the writer of original genius, unless, perhaps Plutarch? or even of a style really elegant? — M.]


       Table of Contents

      Of The Constitution Of The Roman Empire, In The Age Of The Antonines.

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