Fifty Years In The Northwest. William H. C. Folsom

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Fifty Years In The Northwest - William H. C. Folsom

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highest degree interesting and entertaining. Mr. McKusick was born in Cornish, Maine, in 1812; was married to Minerva King in 1836, and came up the Mississippi on the ice, in December, 1845, to Stillwater, which he made his home until his death, which occurred Aug. 21, 1876. He took an active interest in the welfare of the city and held many offices of trust. He served his country during the war of the Rebellion, and in 1863 was appointed quartermaster with the rank of captain, which position he held until mustered out at the close of the war.

      John McKusick.—Prominent amongst the pioneers of the St. Croix valley, and deserving of special mention for his enterprise and public spirit, is the subject of this sketch. He was born in Cornish, Maine, in 1815; received a common school education; came to Illinois in 1839, and to St. Croix Falls in 1840, where he engaged in the lumbering business, getting logs to the Falls mill, and sawing them. Through industry and economy he saved enough to enable him to become part owner and builder of the first mill in Stillwater. He has held many positions of trust. He served as state senator in 1863-64-65 and 66. He was active in aiding to secure the land grant to build railroads into Stillwater, in the welfare of which city he has ever manifested the deepest interest. He has been one of the largest proprietors, and most liberal in improving and adorning the city, has encouraged a sound system of finances, and has steadily opposed the bonding system. Mr. McKusick was married to Phebe Greely in 1847, who soon afterward died. He married his second wife, Servia Greely, in November, 1849. He has three children living, Newton, Chester and Ella. Mrs. McKusick died Feb. 18, 1887.

John McKusick

      William McKusick, a younger brother of Jonathan E. and John McKusick, came to Stillwater in 1847, and engaged in lumbering. He was a member of the fifth territorial house, and a senator in the second, sixteenth and seventeenth state legislatures. In 1870, with the firm of McKusick, Anderson & Co., he built the large saw mill at Houlton, opposite Stillwater. In 1882 he made his home upon a farm at Big Stone Lake.

      Noah McKusick, another brother, came to Stillwater in 1847, followed lumbering some years, removed to Oregon, and died there in 1886.

      Royal McKusick came to the valley in 1848, and died a few years later, leaving a large and respectable family.

      Ivory E. McKusick.—Ivory E., brother of John and J. E. McKusick, was born in Maine, July 2, 1827. In 1847 he came to Stillwater, with which city he has since been permanently identified. He spent two years working in the old mill, the first built at Stillwater, and then engaged in lumbering until 1859. In 1862 he was appointed prison guard, and served two years. In 1864 he was in the service of the government, and helped build Fort Wadsworth, Dakota. He served as surveyor general several years, and later has engaged in the forwarding and commission business. He was married to Sophia A. Jewell, Feb. 9, 1854. He is a man of probity and merit.

      Daniel McLean.—Mr. McLean was born in the north of Ireland in 1800 and came to America in his youth with his brothers. He lived successively in Philadelphia, Indianapolis and St. Louis, whence he embarked for St. Croix Falls in 1839, in the employ of the Falls Manufacturing Company. He came to Stillwater in 1848. Through industry and economy he accumulated a handsome fortune, which, at his death, he left to his heirs in Stillwater. He was an upright christian man. He died in Stillwater in 1873.

      Robert Simpson.—Mr. Simpson was born in Sussex, England, in 1815. He married Mary Ann Shelley in 1840 and came the same year to the United States. After spending two years in New York and other places, he came to St. Croix Falls in 1842, where he followed lumbering until 1850, when he came to Stillwater. He belonged to the firm of Simpson, Anderson & McComb, lumbering and merchandising, and engaged in other branches of business. He was a member from Stillwater of the first state legislature. He is a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, greatly esteemed by those who know him. Mrs. Simpson and an only child died in Stillwater in 1856.

      James H. Spencer.—James H. Spencer came to Stillwater in 1845, a boy of sixteen. His educational privileges had been limited, but he was ambitious and studious, and by his own unaided exertions acquired a practical business education. He followed lumbering and exploring, and was employed as state timber agent for fifteen years. He was born in Boone county, Missouri, in 1829, and was married to Rose M. Winters, in Stillwater, in 1869.

      John T. Blackburn.—The brothers Blackburn were born in Cincinnati, Ohio, John, the elder, in 1823. He came to Stillwater in 1844, and has since been actively engaged in lumbering. His home has been at Stillwater, Marine, Taylor's Falls, and Shell Lake, where he now resides.

      Joseph T. Blackburn.—Joseph, the younger brother, was born in 1834, and in 1847 came to Stillwater. He has followed lumbering and Indian trading. He has made his home at Stillwater, at Taylor's Falls, and, since 1860, on Totogatic river, in Douglas county, Wisconsin, ten miles from Gordon. Mr. Blackburn enjoys wilderness life, is eccentric in manner, and attends strictly to his own business.

      Horace K. McKinstry.—We have no data of Mr. McKinstry's early life. He came to Stillwater in 1846. His family consisted of his wife, three daughters, and son, John, who afterward married the eldest daughter of Anson Northrup. Mr. McKinstry was a justice of the peace in 1847 and 1848, and was engaged in mercantile business the two succeeding years. He removed to Maiden Rock, Wisconsin, a year or two after and died there March 12, 1884.

      Henry Sawyer.—Henry, the younger brother of Seth, came from Skowhegan to Stillwater in 1849, and engaged in mercantile pursuits for two years in partnership with Horace McKinstry. In 1856 he built the first stone block in Stillwater, on lot 2, block 27. In 1857 he built the Sawyer House, a four story hotel. Mr. Sawyer married Lucy Noyes. He died in Stillwater, Dec. 27, 1865, and his remains were buried in the Kah-ba-kong cemetery, at Taylor's Falls.

      Alvah D. Heaton.—Mr. Heaton was the partner of Seth Sawyer in building the second saw

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