Fifty Years In The Northwest. William H. C. Folsom

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Fifty Years In The Northwest - William H. C. Folsom

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He came to St. Croix in 1847 and worked at the Osceola mills some time. He was a partner in logging with O. H. Blair and afterward with Wm. Kent. He was a brother-in-law to Hon. Cyrus Aldrich, representative in Congress from Minnesota. In after years he removed to Idaho.

      John McKinzie.—Mr. McKinzie was born at Inverness, Scotland, in 1818, and came to America in 1841. He located in Stillwater in 1846, and followed lumbering until 1856, when he removed to a farm in the Lyman settlement. He married Rose Carlton in 1872 and removed to Miles City, Montana, in 1879.

      George McKinzie, a younger brother of John, came to Stillwater in 1851, and engaged in lumbering and exploring. In 1885 he was adjudged insane and sent to the St. Peter's hospital, from which he was soon released. He afterward visited California, where he was drowned in San Francisco bay. He was unmarried.

      Julius F. Brunswick.—Mr. Brunswick was born in Switzerland in 1826; came to this country in 1846, remained a year in Illinois, and came to Stillwater in 1848, where he engaged in lumbering, farming, merchandising, and dealing in pine lands. Mr. Brunswick applied himself closely to business and was successful. Feb. 29, 1859, he married Margaret Darms, of Stillwater. He died at his home in Stillwater in 1874, leaving a widow and seven children.

      Henry McLean.—Mr. McLean was born in Washington county, Maine, in 1828, and in 1848 came to Stillwater, which has since been his home. He is engaged in lumbering. In 1851 he married Caroline Cover.

      Hugh Burns.—Hugh Burns came from Ireland to America in 1830, when he was but eight years of age, lived in the province of New Brunswick until 1848, when he came to Stillwater, where he has since been engaged in lumbering and farming. In 1850 he removed to St. Anthony, in 1855 to St. Paul, and in 1856 to Stillwater.

      Sylvanus Trask.—Mr. Trask was born in Otsego county, New York, Nov. 16, 1811. He secured a liberal education, and taught school several years in the state of New York. He came to Stillwater in 1848, and in 1852 was married to Euphenia Turner, of St. Paul. He represented the Stillwater district in the first and second territorial legislatures, 1849-51. For many years he has been a surveyor and scaler of logs.


      Edward White Durant.—Mr. Durant is of Huguenot descent. During the eighteenth century his ancestors lived in Massachusetts and were active participants in the agitation against English oppression. Edward Durant, Jr., an ancestor five generations from the present, was a delegate to the Provincial Congress of 1774 and 1775, and chairman of the committee on commercial correspondence. He died in 1782. Others of the family filled prominent places, and were noted for their whole-souled patriotism.

      Oliver Parsons.—Mr. Parsons was born in South Paris, Maine, and is also descended from Revolutionary stock. He came to Stillwater in 1848, where he engaged in merchandising and farming. He removed to Minneapolis in 1876, where he is at present engaged in selling goods. He was married to C. Jewell, April, 1855. Mr. Parsons has ever been an exemplary man.

      Albert Stimson.—A native of York county, Maine, Mr. Stimson spent there his early life, and, after a few years in New Brunswick, came to Stillwater in 1849. He followed lumbering in his native state and on the St. Croix. He served as surveyor general of the First district, Minnesota, three years. He was a member of the Minnesota territorial councils of 1854 and 1855 and a member of the house in 1853. He was mayor of Stillwater one year, alderman two years, and was also a supervisor of Washington county. From 1870 to 1872 Mr. Stimson was a citizen of Kanabec county, which county he helped organize, and of which he was one of the first commissioners. His present residence is Anoka.

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