The Letters of Cassiodorus. Senator Cassiodorus
1. | Of the Count of a Province | 319 |
2. | Of a Praeses | 319 |
3. | Of Count of the Goths in the Several Provinces | 320 |
4. | Of the Duke of Raetia | 322 |
5. | Of the Palace Architect | 323 |
6. | Of the Count of the Aqueducts | 324 |
7. | Of the Praefect of the Watch of City of Rome | 326 |
8. | Of the Praefect of the Watch of City of Ravenna | 327 |
9. | Of the Count of Portus | 327 |
10. | Of the Tribunus Voluptatum | 327 |
11. | Of the Defensor of any City | 328 |
12. | Of the Curator of a City | 329 |
13. | Of the Count of Rome | 329 |
14. | Of the Count of Ravenna | 330 |
15. | Addressed to the Praefect of the City on Appointment of an Architect | 331 |
16. | Of the Count of the Islands of Curritana and Celsina | 331 |
17. | Concerning the President of the Lime-kilns | 332 |
18. | Concerning Armourers | 332 |
19. | To the Praetorian Praefect concerning Armourers | 333 |
20. | } | |
21. | } Relating to Collection of Bina and Terna | 333 |
22. | Exhortation addressed to two Scriniarii |