Works of John Bunyan — Complete. John Bunyan

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Works of John Bunyan — Complete - John Bunyan

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world as Bunyan did? The storehouses of heaven from which he was replenished with holy treasures, are inexhaustible. As he said, 'God has bags of mercy yet unsealed.' We have the same holy oracles, and the same mercy-seat. The time is past for merely challenging the right to personal judgment of religious truths. In Britain the lions are securely chained, and the cruel giants disabled. The awful crime of imprisoning and torturing man for conscience' sake, exists only in kingdoms where darkness reigns—

      ''Mongst horrid shapes, and shrieks, and sights unholy.'

      We stand upon higher ground than our forefathers; we take our more solemn stand upon the imperative duty of personal investigation—that no one can claim the name of Christian, unless he has laid aside all national, or family, or educational prejudices, and drawn from the holy oracles alone all his scheme of salvation and rules of conduct. All the secret of Bunyan's vast usefulness, the foundation of all his honour, is, that the fear of God swallowed up the fear of man; that he was baptized into the truths of revelation, and lived to exemplify them. He was a bright and shining light in a benighted world; and of him it may be most emphatically said, 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.'



       Table of Contents

      1. For a most interesting account of the rise of Sixtus V, see the new volume of the Lounger's Common-place Book, 1807, p. 152.

      2. The Rev. J. H. A. Rudd, the Vicar of Elstow, has most kindly furnished me with an extract from the registers of all the entries relative to Bunyan's family. The register commences in 1641, and has been searched to 1750. It confirms the Rev. J. Juke's impression, that soon after Bunyan joined Gifford's church he left Elstow to live in Bedford.

      Thomas Bonion, buried, Dec. 9, 1641. Margaret Bonion, wife, buried, June 20, 1644. Margaret Bonion, b., July 24, 1644. Charles, the son of Thos. Bunion, bapt., May 22, 1645. Charles Bunion, bur., May 30, 1645. Mary, the daught. of Joh. Bonion, bapt., July 20, 1650 Elizabeth, the daughter of John Bonyon, was born 14th day of April, 1654.

      Thomas Bonion of the town of Bedford, and Elizabeth _______ of the parish of Elstow, were married, May 10, 1656. (The Christian name of the husband, and the surname of the wife, are very much obliterated.)

      Ann Bonyonn, Widdo, was buried, 12th day of April, 1659. Thos.

       Bunyan, buried, Feby. 7th, 1675. Ann Bunyon, Widdo, buried in

       Woolen, September 25, 1680.

      The marriage here recorded, May 10, 1656, could not be that of John Bunyan to his second wife Elizabeth; for she declared to Judge Hale in August, 1661, that she had 'not been married to him yet full two years.'—Vol. i. 61.

      3. This cottage has long ceased to exist, and has been replaced by another of the poorest description. But from an old print we have given in the Plate, p. 1, vol. i., a representation of the original, with the shed at side often mentioned as 'The forge'; thus leading us to believe, that to the 'tinker's' humble calling might be united that of the 'smith,' a more manly and honourable trade.

      4. Grace Abounding, No. 2.

      5. Vol. iii., p. 674.

      6. Vol. ii., p. 140.

      7. Vol. i., p. 490.

      8. Vol. ii., p. 617.

      9. Grace Abounding, No. 18.

      10. Extracted from the first edition in the British Museum. It was much altered in the subsequent impressions.

      11. In 1566, Sir Thomas Harper, Lord Mayor of London, gave Ł180 for thirteen acres and a rood of meadow land in Holborn. This was settled, in trust, to promote the education of the poor in and round Bedford. In 1668, it produced a yearly revenue of Ł99—a considerable sum in that day, but not in any proportion to the present rental, which amounts to upwards of Ł12,000 a-year.

      12. Grace Abounding, No. 3.

      13. Vol. i., p. 618.

      14. Grace Abounding, No. 4.

      15. Philip's Life of Bunyan, p. 4.

      16. Vol. iii., p. 597.

      17. Vol. ii., p. 564.

      18. Grace Abounding, No. 27.

      19. Grace Abounding, No. 5.

      20. Ibid., No. 8.

      21. Life, p. vii.

      22. Ibid. p. viii.

      23. Life, pp. xli., xlii.

      24. Vol. i., p. 79.

      25. Job 33:15.

      26. Grace Abounding, No. 5, vol. i., p. 6.

      27. Life appended to the first and second editions of the forged third part of Pilgrim's Progress.

      28. Grace Abounding, Nos. 12–14, vol. i., p. 7. How do these hair-breadth escapes illustrate the unerring providence of God, and the short-sightedness of even pious Christians. It is easy to imagine the exclamations of a reflecting character when hearing of the marvelous escapes of this wicked youth. 'Dark providences! the good and benevolent are snatched away; but such a plague as this has his life preserved to pester us still. Short-sighted mortal, "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"' No life in the British empire was so precious in the sight and gracious purposes of God, as that of the poor depraved lad; which was thus preserved by the special care of Divine providence.

      29. Life appended to part third of Pilgrim's Progress, 1692. This is omitted from the third edition (1700), and all the subsequent ones.

      30. Vol. ii., p. 74.

      31. Vol. i., p. 732.

      32. Vol. ii., p. 738.

      33. Vol. ii., p. 709; ii., p. 45; ii., 601.

      34. Vol. iii., p. 727; v. 7, 8.

      35. The women were remarkably active in defending the town.

      36. Thoresby's Leicester, 4to, p. 128.

      37. Hist. of Rebellion, edition 1712, vol. ii., p. 652.

      38. Vol. i., p. 661.

      39. Vol. iii., p. 357.

      40. Vol. iii., p. 113, 358.

      41. Vol. i., p. 726.

      42. Vol. i., p. 694.

      43. The Political Sentiments of John Bunyan, re-published by John Martin, 1798.

      44. Life of Bunyan, 1692, p. 12.

      45. Ibid., 1692, p. 13.

      46. Vol. i., p. 7.

      47. The Pathway to Heaven is the work of that pious puritan Dent, and is full of those striking illustrations which were admirably adapted to prepare Bunyan for writing his allegories. A copy with the name Ma Bunyann, written on the title page, has long been in the editor's library. We give a facsimile of the writing, as it has been supposed that of Bunyan. This is very doubtful; it appears more like a woman's hand; but, if it is the name of Mrs. Bunyan, then it indicates that his daughter Mary, baptized 20th July, 1650, was called after her.

      48. Life of Bunyan, 1691, p. 13.

      49. This is a solemn consideration; many profess to serve God while they are bond-slaves to sin; and many are servants in his family who are not sons, nor heirs, of heaven. Blessed are those who are both servants and sons.

      50. Vol. i., p. 7, 8.

      51. Jan. 3, 1644–5.

      52. Aug. 23, 1645.

      53. 4to Edit., 1644.

      54. Neale, 1822, vol. ii., p. 220.


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