Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
Читать онлайн книгу.in fact, one of the first representatives from the clan of Jewish priests or the enlightened disciple of Jesus?” Kostya put a question trying to clear it out. “Sensei, once you told us…”
Andrew interrupted him impatiently, “What do you mean ‘once’?”
“Do you remember when some members of a sect came to our training?”
“Ah,” Andrew drawled. “It was when their guys, the journalist, looked for a meeting with Sensei?”
“Yes,” Kostya nodded and turned again to Sensei. “The matter concerned Mohammed. And you, Sensei, told us that the archangel Jabrail carried Mohammed in space and time to the city of Jerusalem where he arranged a meeting with Isa and his enlightened disciples Abraham and Moses.”
“Right you are,” Sensei confirmed. “The legend tells so. But the legend and the true history are two different things… In the light of religion they made from Abraham a ‘patriarchy’, ‘forefather’, ‘preacher of the faith’, even a certain ‘martyr’. All in all a legendary half-mythical personality who supposedly concluded with the very god Yahweh the ‘eternal covenant’ and approved that heirs of rights and resposibilites of this ‘covenant’ would be offsprings of Abraham born from his wife Sarah, and the sign of the ‘covenant’ for believers would be a circumcision for all male babies. But if to throw away all religious cover and exaggerations, the image of Abraham was created for worshiping by believers not without a reason.
“Indeed, in XVIIIth century b.c. (and not ‘about XXth century b.c.’ as they try to present it nowadays) there was a man called «’a-bu-ra-mu». It’s a Mesopotamian name typical for that time. In Jewish version it sounded as «’abraham» and was transformed into the name Abraham known to you by adding to the name ‘Abram’ comprising of two syllables an additional syllable for religious purposes. Thus, Abram was a native of the city of Ur in Southern Mesopotamia (in south of modern Iraq), it was the place where the Sumerian civilization existed long time ago until Sumerians were in the same ‘quiet and peaceful’ manner conquered by northern neighbors, nomadic Semites-Akkadians who adopted in their own way their culture. In the Bible this city is called as Ur of the Chaldees. However I would like to mention that the word ‘of the Chaldeans’ was associated with this city only in VII b.c. when it became a part of the Chaldean kingdom, or as it was also called, the New Babylonian kingdom which existed from 626 b.c. to 539 b.c. unless it was conquered by Persians.
“The ancient city of Ur (founded still by Sumerians) was located not far from Babylon. During the life of Abram it was one of the religious centres. By the way, the huge ‘zikkurat’ of Ur (the religious building constructed in the form of a peculiar truncated staged tower-pyramid with a temple on its top) is preserved to our days. In those days, though like today, religion was tightly connected with politics. And it should be mentioned that it were times of political changes. It was that time when Babylon began to gain in strength and the political centre of the Tigris-Euphrates river system started to shift there. Before that Ur was more significant city than Babylon by its political and trade influence (it was in that region one of the centres of Indian and Arab trade). And it represented one of the pillars of the Archons.”
“Pillars? In which sense?” Andrew didn’t get it.
“Be patient. I will tell you about it later… Abram’s father, Farrah (Terah) was a local priest (later Jews will call him an ‘idol sculptor’, and ‘idolater’) who consolidated in his hands both spiritual and secular full powers. And as an educated priest he knew well astrology, astronomy, mathematics and certainly grammar. He imparted this knowledge to his children. Farrah was one of few rich priests who were directly connected with Archon’s circle, it means, those who tried to control secretly let’s call it ‘international politics’ by manipulating the mighty of the world. The secret membership in this clan was inherited by son from father, that is only through the male line. So, it was namely Farrah who was entrusted with controlling over building of the ‘new pillars’ in the regions pointed out by the Archons, as they agreed on the following influence of Farrah’s offsprings there in the future, and who sent his son Abram to Khanaan. “
“Well, he has sent him far away,” Eugene uttered with compassion.
Sensei just smiled together with the seniour guys and continued, “
“In Khanaan, as this region was called by Jews (it comprised of the Palestinian territories as well), the cities-states of one of the most ancient civilizations were located, its heyday fell on the times of existence of Sumerian civilization. I emphasize, there were civilized cities-states and not just a land in which as they try to prove now ‘the tribes of Khanaaneans-farmers settled down’. And the local people living in these lands wasn’t affiliated in any way with Jewish tribe as it is written in the legends of the Old Testament, ‘with the grandson of Noah and the son of Kham, Khanaan,’ whose offsprings were allegedly Khanaaneans. Jewish priests who wrote the Old Testament just substituted the root.”
“Was there the ancient civilization on the Palestinian territory in the days of Sumerians? Why is there no available information on it till now?”Nikolai Andreevich was surprised.
“Look on the map, under whose control were these territories. You have read yourself how the historical article on these lands begins. Do you think it was favorable for offsprings of Jewish priests to reveal what had existed here before them? On the contrary they try hard to connect their people to these lands because it’s beneficial for them, in the first turn. They impose the idea that ancient Jews belonged to the group of Western Semite people who lived in Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine in IV to III thousand years b.c. Though in fact the tribe that gave birth to this people led a nomad’s life that time in northern and western regions bordering on Mesopotamia. But who needs today this truth?”
Nikolai Andreevich grinned, “Well, the more I live in this world, the more I get convinced that though science as a faithful dog goes ahead of its master, Politics, it’s still bound with the short dog’s lead and muzzled.
“But why did the Archons need that Khana…, to say briefly, that region?” Andrew asked.
“That region was the most significant in the ancient world. Actually it was located on the borders of Africa, Asia and Europe, and correspondingly, main trade ways by land which connected ancient states of these parts of the world. It was the golden crossroads of the trade ways.”
“Hem, the crossroads of trade ways? I lost sight of it,” Volodya uttered puzzled. “Now it’s clear. The trade means income. And big trade means big income. If you control it, you have power and influence.”
“Exactly. It’s politics… So, Abram went there together with his family, his nephew Lot, with his rich property, with many people, slaves, cattle. And quietly but not always peacefully he tried to strengthen his influence in this region, as it will be written ennobly later, he led there the life of a ‘patriarchal head of the clan of cattle-breeders and nomads’.”
“It looks like a ‘reconnaissance operation’,” Volodya commented it with a smile.
“Almost… Later, in the religious version, such a sudden campaign of Abraham will be motivated by trust and devotion to the deity who required from his as it is written in Genesis (12-1), ‘go to the land I will show you’. It will be decorated with the legends how Abraham, the chosen one by Jahweh, searched for the highest and the strongest power in the world of elements and how he was finally convinced, in the light of highly spiritual truth that everything has its limit except for God-Creator. “
“It’s quite convincing,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered shrugging shoulders.
“However one should note that Jews started to worship Jahweh as God much later, almost in five hundred years after Abraham,” Sensei went on. “And the figure of Jahweh evolved in these tribes from the cult of god Jew who was commonly worshiped in Phoenicia. Abraham and his offsprings who moved to Khanaan tried to get closer to the local population and began to worship the local god of Khanaaneans called El Shaddai as he was called in the city of Khevron. The Khanaanean god El (‘Almighty’) headed all gods according to belief of the local population and was considered to be the highest authority in all divine and human affairs.