Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh

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Sensei of Shambala. Book IV - Anastasia Novykh

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that’s even not the point. Jewish priests told everybody in the religious legends about highly spiritual truth but they taught their disciples completely different things, in particular, that all means are good for reaching the set goal. If you have time, read in the chapter 12 of Genesis the typical examples. When people began to suffer from hunger in Khanaanean lands, Abraham moved to Egypt. There he posed his wife Sarah as his sister and for selfish ends actually sold her to the harem of the pharaoh. And due to it he carelessly lived in Egypt all these years of hunger in Khanaan. Or read further about his grandsons, when the younger brother Jacob suggested to his elder brother Esav, when he was hungry, to buy from him a apiece of bread and a plate of lentil for the primogeniture of Esav. Or how that very Jacob received by cunning a blessing from his father which was predestined to Esav. Or how in the chapter 32 of Genesis the legend tells about Someone who fought with Jacob in the night and having blessed him called him with the name of Israel, what means ‘God contended’. It is emphasized in the legend that it was namely Jacob who became the forefather of the Jewish (Israelitish) people… By the way, do you know what the word ‘Jews’ mean?”

      “’Jews’? Well, I have never thought about it,” Nikolai Andreevich answered for all. “And what does it mean?”

      “This word originates from a word-combination meaning ‘to pass through’, and not ‘arrived from a strange land’ as they try to present it today. The supreme Jewish priests who belonged to the caste of Archons called themselves as ‘passing through the bridges of time’. Briefly it sounded as ‘Jews’. And ‘Jewish people’ is considered as the people which belonged to those ‘Jews’, that is priests.”

      “How come ‘belonged’? Like a thing? They were their slaves or what?” Stas asked.

      “Well, something like that,” Sensei answered.

      “Here you are!”

      “So… Or read as Jacob’s sons after the hint of one of their brothers, Judas, sold their brother Josef for twenty pieces of silver to the merchants for further reselling as a slave to Egypt because he was a favourite son of their father and told him about smearing facts about them.”

      “Well, all of them were ‘good’!” Volodya smiled.

      “Judas?! The brothers sold for twenty pieces of silver?!” Victor got surprised. “The history repeats itself!”

      “That’s why it’s the history,” Sensei uttered. “By the way, what is Josef concerned… Coming back to our conversation about Jews adopting knowledge of ancient peoples. Even if not to mention not the best political reality of that time but to be guided exclusively by the legends, the very biblical Josef, the son of Jacob, when he was in Egypt in the city called in the Bible as On, he married the Egyptian Asenef, the daughter of a priest called Potifer who was known in the city. And the biblical city of On is the famous in the ancient world Egyptian city of Iunu, or as it was called by Greeks, Heliopolis (‘the City of Sun’). For that time it was one of the biggest centres of Egyptian religion. It was a place where the cult of Ra, the god of Sun, originated as well as the widespread cosmology describing genesis of the world.”

      “Where was this city located in Ancient Egypt?” Kostya asked.

      “Today this place is a suburb of Cairo.”

      “I see.”

      “And the prototype of Josef, is that a real figure in history?” Nikolai Andreevich asked.

      “Yes. But it was all much simpler. Of course, nobody sold this man as a slave. It was just an epoch when the Hyksos reigned in Egyptian state. And he was one of the Habiru clan, foreigners of Semite origin who started to gain political weight in this country. So the historical character was written from this man. The rest was supplemented by different fairy-tales, including by the way an Egyptian fairy-tale about two brothers (Bata and Anubis) and the infidel wife, besides, by the symbols of Sumerian cryings of goddess Inanna about Dumuzi etc. So a lot of things were adopted by Jewish priests from Egypt.”

      “And the story about Moses?”

      “This one, too… But it was not so colourful as it is presented today. Despite the fact that I wearied you a little bit with this topic, I will tell you this story in details, since it is quite illustrative and similar to another story which I will tell you a bit later. I do it for you to understand how the history is written and the religion is founded, how it was in that times and the most important, what is going on today… Moses (Moshe) was born in the east of Egypt, not far from the Red sea. The religious legend that he was brought up by the very daughter of pharaoh after she pulled him out from the water, or rather after she had found him in the crib near the water, it was of course a figment in order to ascribe more significance to the main character in the light of religion. And this figment appeared due to the different interpretation of the name of Moses: the Jewish verb mašah means ‘pull out’, whereas in Egyptian language, in that very Coptic, mose means a ‘child’. What is more, this legend was necessary in order to hide the true parents of Moses since Moses, as they would say today, was only a half-Jew. The land of Madians was located not far from the place where he was born and brought up, across the Red sea on the Sinai half-isle. When Moses grew up, he married one of the daughters of the Madian priest, Jether (or as he is called in other way, Raguil). He lived at house of his father-in-las and worked for him. It should be mentioned that Moses himself was not very eloquent. He was rather vice versa, tongue-tied, although easy to control and obedient. Furthermore the priests nominated him for the public leader of the Jewish group for these qualities.

      “That time was connected with new political rearrangements on the world ‘chess board’ in the Archons’ game. Many people were involved into the realization of the Archons’ plan. It happened so that among them were the priest Jether already known to you and the priest Aaron who lived in Egyptian land and had a certain authority in Jewish circles. Aaron will be called later in writs as the ‘first in the line of chief priests’, ‘forefather of the priestly caste’. And in the religious legends he was presented as a brother of Moses, they clearly showed his ‘secondary’ role in comparison to Moses, the fact that he just ‘assisted’ Moses, was his interpreter and messenger. However it was far from that, in fact. Aaron was from the clan of priests who considered them to be ‘pure Jews’. They utterly despised such half-breeds like Moses, they even didn’t take them for humans, not only for their brothers. Nevertheless according to the principles of the Archons, the ideological organizers and factual leaders who served to the Archons, in noway should have shown their leading role in any sphere. Secrecy, mystery, invisible control over the leaders are three golden rules in any affair planned by the Archons. They use this principle up to our days, remember it for yourselves. By the same reason namely the public leader Moses is towered above others in the priestly writs, whereas the very ‘modest role’ with features of ‘reconciliation, mildness and softness’ is ascribed to Aaron, and there is almost no mentions of the priest Jether.

      Although it were namely Aaron and Jether who fulfilled the political intentions of the Archons to conquer foreign lands and made a mess with organization and leading out the part of Jews (and not only them!) from Egypt to ‘better places for settlement’. Ordinary Jewish people were as always promised a lot by the priests: freedom, better life, better lands. Many of them fell for this eternal bright bait and volunteerily followed them together with their families. They didn’t have even a slightest notion that in fact they were led to the war and death for political ambitions of the Archons… These people weren’t of course pursuited by the pharaoh’s host.”

      “Weren’t?” Kostya was surprised. “How is about the legend that Moses supposedly ‘parted’ the waters of the Red sea and led ‘his people’ through the sea to the other coast, and the warriors of the pharaoh chasing after them perished in that sea?”

      Sensei just smiled and commented, “It’s just a rewritten information adopted by Jewish priests from more ancient sources of the very Egypt, some of them remained till now. For example in the ancient Westcar Papyrus (it was called so after the first owner of this papyrus, Ms. Westcar, who bought it in Egypt) there is a so called ’story of a green stone’. It’s written in it that when the pharaoh was boating on a lake,

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