The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790. Thomas Jefferson

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The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790 - Thomas Jefferson

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June 6. Elected delegate to Congress. 10. Drafts Constitution for Virginia. Nov. 4. Congress adjourns to Annapolis. Dec. 16. Reports on definitive treaty. 22. Reports on ceremonial for Washington. 27. Reports on ratification of treaty. 1784—Jan. 14. Reports Proclamation of British Treaty. March 1. Reports on Government for Western Territory. 5. Reports on Indiana. 12. Elected Chairman of Congress. 13. Placed on Committee on Qualifications and on Foreign Letters. 30. Elected Chairman of Congress. April 5. Prepares Notes on a Money Unit. 13. Drafts resolution concerning seat of Government. May 3. Reports ordinance for Western lands. 23. Report on Western Territory considered and adopted. July 5. Sails from Boston on ship Ceres. Aug. 6. Reaches Paris. 10. At Passy, conferring with Franklin. Sept.13. Sends the first Notes on Virginia. 15. At Versailles, with Commissioners, to meet Vergennes. 16. The Commissioners meet the British Ministers. 1785.—March 10. Elected by Congress Minister to France. May 11. Completes Notes on Virginia. July 28. Signs treaty with Prussia. November. Death in Virginia of the youngest daughter, Lucy Elizabeth. 1786.—March 5. Leaves Paris for London. 22. Presented at Windsor to the King. 23. Negotiates treaty with Portugal. 26. Prepares with Adams projet of treaty with Great Britain. May 23. Plans treaty against Barbary States. Oct. 22. Prepares map of Virginia. Dec. 16. Act of Religious Freedom passed by the Virginia Assembly. 26. Publication of French version of Notes on Virginia. 1787.—Jan. 4. Makes proposition to British creditors. April, May, June. Tour through France. Sept. Finishes map of Virginia. Dec. Publication in England of “Notes on Virginia.” 1788.—Feb. 4. Leaves Paris. II. Declines membership in Society for Abolition of Slave Trade. April Journey to Germany. June 20. Receives from Harvard degree of LL.D. 1789.—May 8. Attends the opening at Versailles of the States-General. June 3. Prepares charter for France. July 17. Views ruins of Bastille. Sept. 25. Jefferson nominated for Secretary of State. 26. Confirmed by Senate. Oct. Sails for America on the Montgomery. 1790.—Feb. 14. Accepts Secretaryship of State. 28. Arranges with Dutch bankers for a loan. Marriage of Jefferson’s daughter Martha to Thomas Mann Randolph. March 29. Takes residence in Maiden Lane, New York City. Elected member of American Arts and Sciences. June 7. Arranges with Hamilton the Assumption and Capital Compromise. July 4. Reports on coinage, weights, and measures. Aug. 22. Drafts Considerations on Navigation of Mississippi. 26. Opinion on Foreign Debt. 28. Opinion on course toward Britain and Spain. Nov. 21. Takes residence in Philadelphia. Dec. 8. Draft of paragraph for President’s Message. 1791. Prepares Report on Fisheries. Reports on Algerian Prisoners. Feb. 14. Draft of President’s Message on British Negotiations. 15. Opinion on National Bank. 28. Offers Freneau a place. May. Endorses Paine’s Rights of Man. Arranges with Freneau for the publication of a paper. July. Endeavors to have Thomas Paine appointed postmaster. 1792. Draft of President’s Message on Diplomatic Nominations. 1792.—Feb. 28.
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