The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790. Thomas Jefferson

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The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790 - Thomas Jefferson

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to President intention to leave office. May 23. Writes to Washington of intended resignation. Sept. 9. Writes to President in defense of conduct. 1793.—Jan. Reconsiders resignation. Feb. 7. Paper on maladministration (by Hamilton) of the Treasury. April 8. Genet lands at Charleston. 18. Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Proclamation and French Minister. May 8. Opposes Hamilton’s circular to collectors. July 5. Receives call from Genet. 8. Dissents from Cabinet Opinion on Little Sarah. Aug. 2. Recall of Genet decided upon by the Cabinet. 31. Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Privateers and Prizes. Nov. 16. Borrows money. 23. Drafts Message to the President. Dec. 31. Resigns Secretaryship of State. 1794.—Sept. Offer of foreign mission. 1795—Dec. Invents mould-board for plough. 1796.—May 12. Executes mortgage on his home. Nov. 4. Elected Vice-President. 1797.—Jan. Elected President to Philosophical Society. 1797.—Jan. 25. Letter written to Mazzei (in 1796) printed in Paris. March 4. Sworn in as Vice-President. 5. Offer of French Mission. May 14. Mazzei letter printed in America. Oct. 13. Marriage of Maria Jefferson to John Waylies Eppes. 1798.—Feb. 19. X Y Z Message. July 6. Passage of the Alien Bill. 14. Passage of the Sedition Bill. Oct. Draft of the Kentucky Resolutions. Nov. 14. Kentucky Legislature adopts resolutions. 15. Refuses Virginia Resolutions of Madison. 1800.—Jan. 18. Drafts plan for the University of Va. Feb. Prepares Parliamentary Manual. May. Republican Caucus nominates Jefferson and Burr. June. Removal of the capital to Washington. Dec. 14. Offers Secretaryship of Navy to Livingston. 1801.—Feb. 17. Election of Jefferson as President. 18. Offers Secretaryship of War to Dearborn. 24. Offers French Mission to Livingston. 1801—Feb. 28. Farewell speech to Senate. March 4. Inauguration of Jefferson as President. 5. Nominates Madison, Dearborn, and Lincoln to Cabinet. 9. Cabinet remits fines under Sedition Law. 18. Offers Paine passage on public vessel. May 14. Appoints Gallatin Secretary of Treasury. 15. Cabinet discusses Barbary War. Squadron ordered to Mediterranean. July 15. Appoints Robert Smith Secretary of Navy. Nov. 28. Appoints Granger Postmaster-General. 1803.—Jan. 11. Nominates Monroe Joint Minister to France. 18. Sends secret message on Lewis and Clark Expedition. April. Prepares estimate of Christ. 11. Talleyrand offers to sell Louisiana. May 2. Louisiana treaty signed at Paris. July. Frames Louisiana Amendment to the Constitution. 24. Appoints Monroe Minister to Great Britain. Oct. 20. Louisiana treaty ratified by Senate. 1804.—Jan. 8. Offers Monroe Governorship of Louisiana. Feb. 18. Approves act organizing Louisiana and Orleans. April 17. Death of daughter Mary. May 26. Appoints Monroe Minister to Spain. Nov. Reëlected President of United States. 19. Nominates Bowdoin Minister to Spain. 1805.—March 2. Appoints Robert Smith Attorney-General. Appoints Jacob Crowninshield Secretary of Navy. 4. Inaugurated as President. August. Prepares Note on Conduct 1780-1. Suggests alliance with Great Britain. Dec. 20. Nominates John Breckenridge Attorney-General 1806.—Feb. 24. Aids Barlow to Draft Bill for a National University.
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