Finding Grace with God. Rose Ellen Dunn

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Finding Grace with God - Rose Ellen Dunn

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finds itself with others: “The world of Da-sein is a with-world. Being-in is being-with others. The innerworldly being-in-itself of others is Mitda-sein.”89 In addition to a being-with, the being-in of Dasein is also a being-ahead-of-itself. As a being concerned about Being, Dasein is already a reaching-beyond-itself in the possibilities of Being. Heidegger includes these three modalities of Dasein in his understanding of care (Sorge): “The being of Da-sein means being-ahead-of-oneself-as-already-in (the world) as being-together-with (innerworldly beings encountered). This being fills in the significance of the term care.”90 For Heidegger, Sorge (care) expresses the full dimensionality of the disclosedness of Dasein as being-in-the-world by including these additional modalities of being-with and being-ahead-of-itself.

      Dasein exists authentically in an attunement to the possibilities of this potentiality-of-being—an attunement that is disclosed in the world as care. This attunement is through authentic seeing (as beholding the wonder of Being) and authentic listening (as a coming-to-understanding of the call of conscience).

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