Old Testament Lore. Norman M. Chansky

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Old Testament Lore - Norman M. Chansky

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      And fish were swimming hither and yon:

      Catch a glimpse and then they are gone.

      Angels on high, God’s Adjutants—Planners, Designers, and Confidantes

      Marveled at the roots of God’s Creation,

      The Very Cause of Cosmic Causation.

      But as they Gazed upon the works they’d Schemed;

      Something was missing to Them it seemed.

      Lacking was a bridge to God Above:

      A force of wisdom, of justice, of love

      Who could preserve the Creation that was Wrought.

      Someone who would forge links, they sought,

      Between the Sacred and the norm:

      Someone who would Creation transform.

      For many eons at length they Debated

      And for many more they Meditated.

      Finally they Developed a strategy

      And Formed a plan to which all could agree:

      Simians were charming and clever as well

      And at solving problems did they excel.

      Let us take an ovum from the primate, the very best,

      Mutate it, and then with Divine Seed invest.

      In a Sacred amniotic stream the Angels Immersed

      Themselves and their imperfections were Dispersed.

      At the moment that they were Purified,

      The spirit of God in them would Abide.

      Seeds of life from the Angelic race

      Sped toward the ovum in a random pace.

      When the seed and the ovum at last had met

      The two curtsied and whirled in a minuet.

      Then one seed to the ovum was invited

      And the two gametes were united.

      A zygote Divinely human was spun

      And what had been two now was one

      Absorbed into an Angel’s womb

      A human creature began to bloom.

      Nurtured by the Sacred Water

      The human would become God’s first daughter.

      Surrounding the ovum in empyrean mystique

      The Angels Watched the fetus grow week by week.

      Then after what seemed liked an interminable time

      Out of its nest a human did climb.

      Its body somewhat resembled the chimpanzee

      But its soul was kin to The Deity.

      The babe who from a labyrinth had crawled

      Was someone whom the Angels Enthralled.

      When the woman was fully grown,

      The Radiance of God upon her shone.

      Her fingers were agile, her posture was erect,

      Her brain was of superior intellect.

      She was Eve, exuding life and cheer,

      Ready to conquer every new frontier.

      From her celestial abode

      Along sacred waters she strode

      Until she reached heaven’s gate

      Which opened to Eden’s utopian estate.

      There she beheld a sylvan wonder,

      Opaque lightning and silent thunder.

      There was Warmth to bathe her soft skin

      And Mercy to nourish her soul within.

      When she would taste any manner of food,

      She blessed God in thankful mood.

      But lonely she was and lonely she’d be;

      What kind of companion is a gnarled olive tree?

      She petitioned the Angels to Send her a friend

      To be her husband with whom she would blend.

      The Angels Set out to create a HE

      That would complement Eve, the living SHE.

      In the sacred amniotic stream Angels again submerged

      And their imperfections again were purged.

      At the moment that they were purified

      The spirit of God in them did Abide.

      Then from another simian an ovum was extracted

      That to the Divine Seed would be attracted.

      Seeds of life from the Angelic race

      Sped toward the ovum in a random pace.

      When the seed and the ovum at last had met

      They curtsied and whirled in a minuet.

      The two gametes were united

      When a seed to the ovum had been invited.

      Again a zygote divinely human was spun

      And what had been two now was one.

      Absorbed in an Angel’s Merciful Womb

      A human creature began to bloom.

      What a remarkable deed the Angel had Done

      And the human grew into a God’s first son.

      Erect like Eve with a comparable brain

      He was ready to explore the Divine Domain.

      He wandered until he reached heaven’s gate

      Which opened to Eden’s utopian estate.

      He looked about and was struck by awe

      And gave a name to whatever he saw.

      Then in a stream he beheld his reflection

      And noticed that he had a reddish complexion.

      From the language that he had improvised

      The sound “Adam” he then verbalized.

      To him “Adam” meant “red,”

      The color he saw upon his head.

      Wherever he traveled, wherever he went

      When he saw God’s Creation he said “excellent.”

      He wandered for many a week;

      Then one morning he heard a shriek.

      He was as frightened as was Eve,

      Another human to perceive.

      A sound from his throat was then unchained

      Which would not ever be regained.

      It was amazing; a beguiling mystery

      And the beginning of history:

      Once an act is dispatched and done

      Its memory is stored and lingers on.

      He remembered the shriek as did she

      And HE and SHE then became WE.

      Each lonely creature reached for the other


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