Old Testament Lore. Norman M. Chansky

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Old Testament Lore - Norman M. Chansky

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      The Tree of Life in Eden’s Wood.

      Slinking through the rock-strewn path,

      Adam, First Man, of flesh and mind,

      Of earth and sea, of joy and tears

      Was teaching beasts God’s Moral Laws

      Which he himself never fully understood,

      Or without hope of reward,

      Entirely practiced. Thou shalts; thou musts;

      Do not; must not. But he and Eve

      God’s Commandment ignored and breached

      And with cunning projected blame

      On guileless me. I, first victim,

      In history accuse you Man

      Of duplicity. The tale you altered

      So you would look pure. You called me “snake”

      In derision. What’s done is done!

      I forgive you. Before losing

      My power of speech, to you I say,

      Admit the truth ‘though it may sting.

      Could I, an innocent asp, with a brain inferior

      Persuade you, man, with the brain superior

      To disobey God’s Commandment?

      For acts of your own design

      You, alone, are responsible. Amen! Amen!

      Lilith, Queen of the Night2

      Lilith, Queen of the Night, slyly slithers into the human heart

      And germinates seeds of passion

      Sown by the Creator at the beginning of Time.

      In a cosmic burst she opens the gates of carnal pleasure

      And steals the blues, greens, and reds

      Hiding within a black curtain,

      Separating fleeing Apollo from Saturn’s grasp,

      And mixes them as they coalesce

      Into an epiphany of angles, lines and arching curves.

      Percolating lightning, she twists tongues of orange flame

      And flings them at Man and his Woman

      Who helplessly writhe in pleasure

      Enchanted, deceived, and destroyed.

      She taunts us from the deepest recesses of our brains. We must resist.

      The First Family: Version One

      And the man experienced Eve, his wife; and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain,3 and said, “I have become a mother with the help of God. And once again became pregnant and gave birth to Abel, Cain’s brother. Gen IV, 1.

      Adam and Eve under one another’s spell

      Dissolved in passions neither could quell.

      They coupled when the sun was bright

      And coupled, too, while watching stars at night

      Then within Eve’s most mystic place

      A creature grew from only a trace

      Of life. Her monthly blood stopped its flow

      And she felt a heaviness down below.

      Her pelvis was strong enough to withstand strain

      As well as the movements of the unborn Cain.

      But many a morning she’d wake up queasy

      Whatever was happening was not easy

      On her digestion. She began to worry

      That Adam might catch it in a hurry-

      The problem that within her was brewing.

      So she asked him to stop what he was doing

      And to pray to God for information

      Or, perhaps, some confirmation

      That whatever it was she was undergoing

      Was within her realm of knowing.

      She should, after all, understand her state

      Given that she forbidden fruit once ate,

      The one that on her bestowed intuition

      Should have explained her indisposition

      And her weight gain—but did not.

      Adam prayed. God Answered the fact you have sought

      Is this: within Eve a creature is growing

      From the ecstasy you both were knowing.

      One instant when fathoming her you did together conceive

      A new life: one part Adam and one part Eve.

      What features that creature will possess

      I must confess.

      I Cannot Predict because when sperm and ovum do their dance

      What happens next is due to chance.

      Eve will feel heavy, her breasts will swell,

      And there are a few more things I must tell

      You. Like a melon round will she be

      And she’ll feel a strain about each knee.

      This will make her walk like a duck.

      But that is truly a stroke of luck

      Because it means the child inside

      Is growing long as Eve is growing wide.

      Yet she will feel beautiful, just like a queen,

      The first human mother that has ever been.

      Eve sparkled with a rosy glow

      As her hand guided his to show

      What they both had done

      One moment under a palm tree shading the sun.

      There was much to do to build a nest

      And furnish it with the very best.

      Trees to be cut and stones to be hewn.

      Together they built a safe cocoon.

      Then one day Eve felt an urgent strain;

      There were tears of joy mixed with stabs of pain.

      Dear husband she said drawing near is the time

      For us to witness a moment sublime.

      Rotating slowly, without making a sound,

      The being in her womb turned upside down.

      A head first pushed its way towards the light

      And was sliding from her canal with all its might.

      Eve pushed and puffed in the heat of the day

      And a round hairy head inched its way

      From between her legs. It’s a pear with hair

      Adam said of him who was to become his son and heir.

      But Eve was dizzy with sweat and pain

      From the arduous effort as well as the strain

      Of giving birth. Her mind conjured images of the garden fruit,

      The seductive serpent, the eviction, and the route

      Out of Eden. But the memories

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