Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf
Читать онлайн книгу.existence is to come to an end. Remember when I urged people to think in terms of parallels, immortality could be better understood in these terms as well. It has been established in this essay that everything in this universe or the infinite universe is in a state of continuous creation. It was also suggested that only this force has been around for always and it will always be there. Our parallel world is no different. Our biology may evolve or may even perish, however, our inventive mind, our longing to create a better world and our human spirit will always live on. The joy of watching kids at play, the pleasure of listening to a great song, the satisfaction of accomplishing a mission, the fun of seeing a great movie or play, the fulfilling feeling of reading a great book, the anticipation of better things to come, the magic created by arts, the astonishments of scientific inventions, the simple pleasure of life, the happiness we experience spending time with friends… all of this and more, are universes of our own creation that are committed to eternity. Art and science may not be able to provide us with the proof for such an eternal life to exist, however, their transcending effect on us cannot be denied. In view of all what was said, one may conclude that humanity found its way to immortality by creating a force conventionally called spirit, which is eternal…which never dies. .
Millennia past, the classic Greek philosophers had concluded that beauty, justice and truth are eternal. The only thing I am going to say is that all the above are the creation of the human spirit which is eternal as well, for the human spirit is all of that and more. Whether life has a purpose or not is immaterial to our continuous efforts to be creative. We cannot stop being creative, because life is a continuous creation and living is the only choice. The best way to discover the role creativity plays in our lives is by observing how children behave. Without being taught anything about imagination and creativity, they are able to imagine different scenes and create their own little plays. Sad and depressed people would be well advised to take part in any creative effort. This is how we are able to create our own universe. There is no such thing as nothingness. Seeking a way out or a reason to condemn the whole process is an exercise in futility. Moreover, trying to find a purpose for it all is a waste of time. The best we can do is to focus on what we are able to accomplish. Many civilizations and cultures were able to offer their members many reasons to celebrate and enjoy life. There is no reason why all of us cannot succeed in duplicating the same feat. Some modern philosophers may discard the universe as pointless; however, even if this was the case, we have no say in the matter. The alternative to life is not death, there is no death, there is no life, and there is a continuous creation. The alternative to the universe is not an empty void; it is also a continuous creation. Whether we like it or not we have no choice but to play along, therefore, we may as well make the best of it. At any rate and regardless of any theories or beliefs, one can be sure that the process of creation and re-creation is not going to stop and as long as you have creation you have life, for life is a creation and creation is life, they are intertwined. Everything that exists in the physical or the invisible world happens to be a creation of some sort, which is compelled to keep transforming itself from one creation to another creation, which becomes a continuous creation. Stopping this process leads to serious problems in our lives, particularly among creative people. In essence, drinking is addictive because alcohol and chemical work as a mind altering hormone. If the real thing cannot do, why not try the artificial one. Just think of all the artists who drank themselves to death or committed suicide, most of them have lost their creative ability or were unable to handle its power. From Elvis to Legere to anyone who comes to mind. This phenomenon is best demonstrated in the short life of most famous singing bands, with the Beetles being the most successful of all. The success of any group of artists depends on the creative ability of its members. Once this ability vanishes, so does the spirit that kept the group together. Ironically, the memories become the creative source that keeps the band alive. Just like all of us, even when we are unable to create happy moments in the present, we can always recreate them from the past, either by remembering them or watching them on a tape. Not only are we predisposed to be creative, but curiously enough, we have also discovered that watching other creations can help us stay in a creative mode - alive in other word. We enjoy watching and listening to other creative people such as singers, musicians, actors and dancers because through their creation they can help us dream of wonderful places and universes unlike anything we are capable of creating on our own. We also celebrate the achievement of great athletes because they too help us dream of a world that is beyond our reach. Traveling, discovering and exploring happen to introduce us to new creations - from different sites, to different arts, to different people, to different experience and many other different things. Not only do we feel the need to create but we also long to be connected to other creations. This is as far as one can go to demonstrate the connection between life and creation. This is as obvious as it can get to prove that staying alive requires constant change. This is what we know about life, one is forgiven to assume that things are going to be the same in the afterlife. In that, whatever becomes of us in the afterlife turns into a continuous creation of some sort. Which leads me to conclude that the afterlife itself is not an end but part of a continuous process which I called the continuous creation?
All in all, looking at the broad picture of life, one can state that no matter what our beliefs are, writers will go on writing; musicians will go on playing; singers will go singing; artists will go on performing; painters will go on painting; scientists will go on inventing, and researchers will go on discovering; for by going through this process, not only are they creating joy and excitement for all of us and all the universes; more importantly, they are helping us find meaning to our existence. The reason we have no choice in being creative nor a choice in being immortal is simple: creativity means life, the process of creating is immortality, and the purpose of the continuous creation is to ward off death. We, as human beings, happened to be a reflection, a facet of this continuous and eternal creation. Think of it this way, the universe keeps creating parallel of itself, it is the way of the universe to stay alive, to be immortal, to be perpetual. It has no choice in the matter; there are no alternatives to existence. There is no such place as nothingness. As the creation of this universe, we are one of the many parallels it spawned. And as such, we found a way to become immortal; we did it by duplicating the physical universe. In that, we started creating new abstract universes. Only when we put things into this perspective do we find that our life has a purpose and a meaning. You may think that creativity is reserved for a small elite minority among us. Well, think again. Most of the seven billion people who happen to occupy this planet go on creating love, compassion, affection and care - and this is just to name a few creative universes, for if love, compassion and care are not universes, nothing else would qualify to become one. In fact an immortal creative universe is born every time a teacher imparts knowledge, thus creating literate society, or a care giver creates compassion, or a parent creates love and affection, or a lover creates romance, or a worker creates a commitment, or a dreamer inspires us to discover something new and beautiful, or a friend creates loyalty and devotion, or a farmer creates a new crop. Indeed, an eternal universe is created anytime this type of activities takes place or anytime a person creates or long to create a better world… anywhere on this planet, on any continent, in any city or village - regardless of his or her living condition, irrespective of his\ or her creeds and beliefs. Giving birth is the most obvious act of creation - if not the ultimate one, for it keeps our hope for a better world alive. Seeking immortality is the logical step in our evolution as an intelligent species. Observing how we live, how we create, how we invent…and how we dream is enough to convince most of us that we may be succeeding in our quest. Most scientists are skeptical about anything we claim to be unique about our species; our search for eternal life could very well be this ever elusive uniqueness that may set us apart from all other living things. True, we had no choice in coming to life, we have no choice leaving it, yet, and we somehow can create a purpose to go through it. Whether we want or not is up to us. And, as long as there are people who are able to imagine and dream of better and more beautiful universes; life will have a meaning, and as long as there are individuals who are capable of creating hope; our existence as a species will have a purpose. Not because finding a purpose in life may or may not bring us happiness, or because it may help us cope with all the setbacks and sufferings we all experience as human beings or as a species; but because we are the product of a continuous creation that refuses to die, since it has discovered long time ago that it does have a meaning and does have a purpose. If at the present time we are still unable to fully understand what this purpose is, one