A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese. Robert D. O'Brian

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A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese - Robert D. O'Brian

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task, responsibility

      ALOCAÇÃO, sharing money, resources, things

      ATRIBUIÇÃO, sharing tickets, seats, places

      ASIMÉTRICO (A), asymmetrical; asymmetric


      ASIMILACIÓN, assimilation, absorption

      ASSIMILAÇÃO, assimilation of ideas, facts

      ABSORÇÃO, assimilation of people, food

      ASISTENTE, orderly (MIL); assistant, helper

      ASSISTENTE, assistant, helper

      ASOCIACIÓN, association, union, organization, society


      ASOCIADO (A), associated, affiliated, aligned, united

      ASSOCIADO (A), member

      ASPECTO, aspect, look; face, bearing; appearance


      ASPIRANTE, aspiring; candidate, applicant


      ASPIRINA, aspirin


      ASTUCIA, cunning, astuteness, cleverness, guile


      ASTUTO (A), astute, clever; crafty, sly

      ASTUTO (A), shrewd, cunning

      ESPERTO, shrewd

      ARDILOSO, cunning

      PERSPICAZ, shrewd

      ATÁVICO (A), atavistic

      ATÁVICO (A)

      ATEMPORAL, timeless, everlasting, immortal, endless


      ETERNO (A), everlasting

      ATENCIÓN, attention; concentration; regard


      ATENTAMENTE, attentively, intently, carefully


      ATENTO (A), attentive, watchful, alert, aware

      ATENTO (A), paying attention

      ATENCIOSO (A), attentively helpful

      ATESTADO (A), affidavit, statement; packed/stuffed with

      ATESTADO (A) certified

      JURAMENTO, affidavit

      ÁTICO, attic, penthouse

      SÓTÃO, attic

      COBERTURA, penthouse

      ATÍPICO (A), atypical, exceptional

      ATÍPICO (A)

      ATLÁNTICO, Atlantic (ocean, seaboard)


      ATLÉTICO (A), athletic

      ATLÉTICO (A)

      ATONÍA, lethargy, apathy, indifference

      APATIA, apathy

      ATRACCIÓN, attraction, attractiveness, charm


      ATRACTIVO (A), attractive person, idea, offer; appeal


      ATRIBUTO, attribute, characteristic


      ATROCIDAD, atrocity, outrage, crime, offense


      ATROZ, atrocious; cruel, inhuman

      ATROZ, cruel, very bad

      AUDAZ, bold, audacious, daring, intrepid

      AUDACIOSO (A), daring, imprudent

      AUDICIÓN, audition, concert; medical hearing


      AUDIENCIA, audience

       PLATÉIA, of a play/film

      AUDIÊNCIA, of a formal meeting

      AUDITORIO, auditorium, hall


      AUGUSTO (A) (adj), august, venerable, impressive

      AUGUSTO (A)

      AUSPICIOSO (A), promising, encouraging, favorable

      PROMISSOR (A), promising

      AUSTERIDAD, austerity


      AUSTERO (A), austere

      DURO (A), of a person, life

      AUSTERO (A) austere, strict, severe

      AUTENTICIDAD, authenticity


      AUTÉNTICO (A), genuine, real, authentic

       AUTÊNTICO (A)

      AUTOCOMPASIÓN, self-pity


      AUTOCONTROL, self-control


      AUTODEFENSA, self-defense


      AUTODIDACTA, self-taught

      AUTODIDATA, self-educated

      AUTODISCIPLINA, self-discipline


      AUTOESTIMA, self-esteem


      AUTÓGRAFO, autograph


      AUTOMÓVIL, automobile, car


      AUTORIDAD, authority


      AUTORIZACIÓN, permission, authorization

      AUTORIZAÇÃO, permission

      AUXILIO, assistance, help; aid (MED)


      AVANZADO (A), advanced, increased, well-ahead

      AVANÇADO (A), advanced

      AVARICIA, greed, avarice, cupidity


      AVARICIOSO (A) ó AVARIENTO (A), avaricious, greedy, rapacious

      AVARENTO (A)

      AVARO (A), miserly, mean; miser

      AVARENTO (A)

      AVENTURA, adventure, enterprise

      AVENTURA, adventure

      ÁVIDO (A), avid, eager, greedy

      AVIDO (A), keen on sthg

      AVIÓN, airplane


      Easily recognizable verbs and their Portuguese equivalents

      Verbos fácilmente reconocibles y sus equivalentes en Portugués

      Verbos facilmente reconhecíveis e seus equivalentes em Português

      ABANDONAR, to abandon

       ABANDONAR, to leave, to desert

      DESAMPARAR, to abandon

      NEGLIGENCIAR, to neglect

      DEXIAR, to give up


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