The Hot-Blooded Groom. Emma Darcy

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The Hot-Blooded Groom - Emma  Darcy

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in her reaching out to others. She was short enough to hold her head high next to Bryce Templar without diminishing his sense of stature in any shape or form. Not that her height would be of any concern to him—a man of his power—but it was a relief to her not to feel conscious of it.

      He made some quick calls on a cell phone, then spoke again to the concierge. Sunny was grateful for the time to pull herself together. A business proposition, he’d said, which was what she should be focusing on instead of letting foolish personal responses to him turn her into a blithering idiot. She had a future to consider…a future without Derek.

      Yet when Bryce Templar turned back to her, his green eyes targeted her with an intensity that didn’t feel business-like at all. Sunny was instantly swamped with an acute awareness of being a woman, every feminine instinct she had positively zinging with the electric possibility that he found her worthy of mating with.

      It blew her mind off any consideration of business. Her pulse was a wild drumbeat in her temples. Her stomach clenched at his approach. He stretched one arm out in a gathering-in gesture and some madness in her brain saw him naked and intent on claiming her. Then his other arm pointed to the exit doors and the crazy anticipation rocketing through her was countered by a blast of sanity.

      A walk…

      That was the sum of his invitation.

      Somehow she pushed her shaky legs into walking.

      Bryce Templar did not, in fact, touch her. A bellhop rushed to open the door. When they emerged from the hotel, the big man fell into step beside her and Sunny instinctively chose to turn right because he was on her left and bumping into him was unthinkable in her dreadfully hyped-up state with fantasies running riot.

      ‘Have you enjoyed being in Las Vegas?’

      It was a perfectly natural question but his voice seemed to purr in her ear, heightening her awareness of him. Sunny kept her gaze trained straight ahead, not trusting herself to look at him and keep sensible. Business, business, business, she recited frantically.

      ‘I haven’t really had much time to explore the city,’ she answered carefully. ‘The conference has been pretty much full-on. Which is what we’re here for,’ she quickly added in case it sounded like a criticism. ‘And I have learnt a lot.’

      ‘You apply what you know extremely well,’ he remarked admiringly.

      She shrugged. ‘I like giving our customers the best deal I can.’

      ‘Well, you’ve certainly done an excellent job of serving Templar Resources.’

      ‘I’m glad you think so.’

      ‘Oh, I think you’d be an asset to anyone, Miss York. Or may I call you Sunny?’

      ‘If you like,’ she gabbled, trying not to read too much into his charming manner.

      ‘It suits you. You project a warmth that makes everyone want to bask in it.’

      He was projecting a warmth that was sending her dizzy. She was tempted to glance at him, to check the expression on his face, but didn’t quite dare. It was difficult enough to remain reasonably sensible when she was so affected by his close presence. If he caught her looking at him and held her gaze, she might melt into a mindless heap.

      ‘What do you wish to see on our walk?’ he asked pleasantly.

      She had no plan. Her only thought had been to get out of the casino. ‘I…I just wanted…more of a feel for the city…before I leave.’

      ‘I suppose, in a way, you could call it a very romantic city…full of dreams.’

      Shattered dreams if you’re a loser.

      The flash of Derek was unwelcome, bringing with it the empty feeling of no marriage and no babies to look forward to. But she could never accept Derek as a husband or the father of her children now. It was definitely for the best that she’d found out what she would have been getting in him.

      ‘The re-creation of romantic cities in the newer hotels—Venice, Paris, New York. They’re quite fantastic facsimiles of the real thing,’ Bryce Templar remarked, continuing his romance comment. ‘Have you had a look at them?’

      Sunny struggled to get her mind back on track with his. ‘The Venetian and Paris, yes. They’re amazing.’

      ‘Well, we’re walking in the right direction to see New York, New York. The Excalibur and the Luxor are further on beyond it. Very striking with their Medieval and Egyptian architectural themes.’

      Suddenly struck by his indulgence towards what he perceived as her wishes, Sunny began seriously wondering what he wanted with her. Here he was, strolling along the Boulevard, playing guide to her tourist…what was it leading to? They reached an intersection and had to stop for the traffic lights to change. Taking a deep breath, and steeling herself to cope with the nerve-shaking magnetism of the man, Sunny turned to face him.

      ‘Your time must be valuable,’ she stated, her eyes quickly searching his for a true response.

      ‘Isn’t everyone’s?’ he replied.

      ‘Yes. But…’ She floundered as he smiled, showing obvious pleasure in her company.

      ‘You need to relax. So do I. Is there any reason we shouldn’t relax together?’

      ‘No,’ she answered breathlessly, her pulse going haywire at the realisation he was attracted to her, man to woman attraction. No mistake. No flight of fancy. The spark of sexual connection was in his eyes—the keen interest, the desire to know more, the hunter’s gleam that said she was worth pursuing and he meant to pursue.

      ‘Good!’ There was a wealth of satisfaction in that one simple word. He reached out and gently cupped her elbow. ‘The lights have changed. Let’s go with the flow.’

      The flow Sunny felt had nothing to do with the stream of people crossing the street with them. She was barely aware of them. The hand lightly holding her arm had the mental force of a physical brand…like Bryce Templar was claiming possession of her, burning his ownership through the sleeve of her suit-coat and making her sizzle with possibilities she would not have believed in a few moments ago.

      Bryce Templar…wanting her. She hadn’t been completely crazy back in the hotel lobby. But what did it mean to him? Was it his habit to pluck a woman out of a crowd—someone he fancied—and just go after her? It probably was that easy for a man like him. What woman would refuse the chance to…?

      Shock stopped that thought from reaching its natural conclusion. Fanciful lusting was one thing. Real flesh-and-blood lusting was something else. Did she want to be a one-night stand for Bryce Templar, finishing off his trip to Las Vegas—a bit of relaxation, satisfying a sexual urge? Surely that was all it could be. She was an Australian, on her way back to Sydney tomorrow. An easy goodbye.

      ‘How would you feel about transferring to the U.S., Sunny?’

      It startled her into a fast re-think. ‘You mean…leave Sydney…for here?’

      ‘Not here. Your base would be Los Angeles. Or New York. They hold our biggest operations.’


      Was she hopelessly out of kilter, imagining the sexual stuff?

      Totally confused, Sunny tried to come to grips with this new question. A career move…an upward career move…out of her own country.

      ‘Would you find that too much of a wrench?’ he asked quietly. ‘I realise it’s a big ask, particularly if you’re close to your family.’

      Her family…Sunny almost groaned as she envisaged telling her mother and sisters she’d broken her engagement to Derek. No wedding. No marriage. No babies. She’d been a failure as a woman in their eyes for years and there she’d be, proving it again. Almost thirty and couldn’t find Mr. Right. Sympathy would be directed to her face, pity behind her back, and she’d hate every minute of it.


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