The Hot-Blooded Groom. Emma Darcy

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The Hot-Blooded Groom - Emma  Darcy

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      ‘I have two married sisters and my mother is very involved with her grandchildren. My father died some years ago. I’d be missed…and I’d miss them…’ She flashed him a look of self-determination. ‘…but I would certainly consider an offer.’

      Triumph glinted in his eyes. ‘Then I’ll make it as attractive as I can.’

      Her heart jumped into another gallop. It wasn’t her imagination. This was highly personal. And he wanted her on hand for more than one night!

      ‘The package would include a generous travel allowance,’ he assured her. ‘Which will enable you to visit your family on a reasonably frequent basis.’

      Behind her, music suddenly boomed out over loudspeakers. So dazed was Sunny by the revelation that Bryce Templar was very intent on getting her where he wanted her, she almost leapt out of her skin at the fanfare of trumpets, her head jerking around, half expecting to see a triumphal parade for the victory being planned in the green eyes.

      ‘It’s heralding the dance of the fountains at the Bellagio,’ Bryce informed her. ‘Come…it’s worth seeing.’

      His arm went around her waist, sweeping her with him and holding her protectively as he steered her through the crowd gathering along the sidewalk to enjoy the promised spectacle. He didn’t push or shove. People simply gave way to him, standing back to let him and his companion through to a prime watching position against the Italian-style balustrade that edged the man-made lake in front of the Bellagio Hotel.

      He stood half behind her, dropping his hand onto the balustrade on her far side to keep her encircled in the shelter of his arm, though no longer touching her. It was an extraordinary feeling—being protected and cared for by this big man. Sunny couldn’t help revelling in it. She was so used to fending for herself, it was wonderful to wallow in the sense of being a woman whose man was looking after everything for her, ensuring her pleasure.

      Except he wasn’t actually her man. But could he be? In a very real sense? The very male solidity of the body so close to hers was real enough. So was her response to it. If she leaned back…made deliberate contact…what would happen?

      Recognising the wanton recklessness in that temptation, Sunny held still, telling herself to wait for his moves. It ill behove her to instigate anything, especially when she wasn’t in his social league. She’d made a fool of herself, believing she could share her life with Derek. How big a fool might she be, reading far too much between the lines of Bryce Templar’s proposition?

      A row of high water spouts started running right across the lake. Circles of fountains shot into the air. The music moved into the tune of ‘Big Spender’ and the high lines of water looped and swayed and bopped to the rhythm like a human chorus line, dancing to a choreography that required perfect timing.

      It was an entrancing sight, yet the song being used struck a raw place in Sunny, reminding her this city revolved around gambling and all the lavish glamour, luxury and service were designed to draw people into big spending. Derek could very well be ruining himself here. Though the responsibility for that lay squarely with him, no one else.

      Would she be ruining her life, impulsively linking it to whatever Bryce Templar wanted?

      A gamble, she thought. A big gamble on a big man. An absolutely magnificent man who made her feel…exceedingly primitive.

      The fountains whooshed high in a fabulous finale, then seemed to bow before gracefully dropping back under the surface of the lake, their dance over.

      ‘That was lovely,’ Sunny breathed, and with her eyes still sparkling appreciately, turned to look directly at the man who was fast infiltrating every aspect of her life. She realised instantly that his gaze had been fixed on her hair. It slid from the soft mass of waves to meet hers, transmitting a sensual simmering that caught what breath she had left in her throat. The rest of her words emerged as a husky whisper. ‘Thank you for showing it to me.’

      For one electrifying moment he looked at her mouth. The blast of raw desire she felt emanating from him scrambled her mind. Her lips remained slightly parted, quivering in wanton anticipation.

      Then he dragged his gaze back to hers, locking onto it with searing force as he murmured, ‘Your pleasure is my pleasure.’

      Her breasts prickled. Her stomach clenched. A tremor of excitement ran down her thighs. Her only conscious thought, rising out of the raging desire he stirred was…

      It was real…his wanting her…as real as her wanting him right back…and if she didn’t take this gamble she might be missing the experience of a lifetime.


      BRYCE only just managed to stop himself from kissing Sunny York right then and there. The desire to ravish the mouth she seemed to be offering him was totally rampant. Only a belated sense of where they were—on a public street with a crowd of tourists around them—gave him pause, and his brain seized the pause to flash a neon-bright danger signal.

      He was out of control.

      Even so the physical rebellion against the warning was sharp and intense. But being in control had ruled his life so long, his mind automatically equated that factor with success, and losing this woman with rash action at this point was unacceptable. She had been skittish up until now. Moving too fast might frighten her off. It wasn’t smart to assume too much too soon, not when so much was hanging on the outcome of one night with her.

      Dumping Kristen.

      Marrying Sunny York.

      Persuading her into a pregnancy she might not want.

      It was a huge leap for him to take. How much bigger for her, without his cogent reasons firing the impulse to take this alternative road?

      He stepped back, gesturing a continuation of their stroll. ‘A little slice of New York awaits you up ahead.’

      Her beautiful amber eyes reflected inner confusion. Her vulnerability to what he was doing smote his conscience for a moment. She was afloat from her broken engagement, undoubtedly wanting an escape from the hurt to both heart and pride, and he was ruthlessly intent on drawing her into his net.

      But he would look after her and give her a life full of riches if she came his way.

      With that soothing justification riding on the advantage he knew he was taking, Bryce slid into charm mode, offering a whimsical little smile as he sought to ease her personal turmoil with outside interests.

      ‘The Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Empire State Building are somewhat scaled down since they’re merely dressing up a hotel, but very recognisable,’ he said encouragingly.

      She gave her head a little shake, alerting Bryce even more forcefully to the danger of moving too fast. She’d have to be totally insensitive to miss the sexual signals he’d been giving out and he suspected she was all too aware of them, given the way she’d been evading looking at him and the tension emanating from her. Although part of that could have been the need to hide her distress over the guy she’d just broken with.

      ‘Have you had any first-hand experience of New York?’ he quickly asked, talking to re-establish a more comfortable connection for her.

      ‘Yes, but only a few days’ sightseeing.’ She hesitated, her eyes scanning his uncertainly. ‘Not…not business.’

      ‘What was your impression of it?’ he pressed, relieved when she stepped forward, indicating her willingness to go on with him.

      ‘It had an exciting energy…the sense of a lot happening.’ Her mouth curved into a musing smile. ‘Extra-wide sidewalks. Hot dogs, with an amazing range of choices for spicing them up. Delicatessens with exotic food. Caramel apples…’

      He laughed. ‘You must really enjoy food.’

      ‘Yes, I do.’ Her smile turned lopsided. ‘My sisters accuse me of having hollow legs.’


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