When Opposites Attract.... Jules Bennett

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When Opposites Attract... - Jules Bennett

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such a fanatic about adrenaline rushes.”

      Tessa turned her head, cursing herself when those dark eyes shot a shiver of arousal through her. “I have several layers, Slick. Don’t try to uncover too many at once.”

      A corner of his mouth lifted, and she found herself staring at his dark stubble. How would that feel beneath her hand...her lips? Why was she letting him get to her? There were so many things she needed to focus on right now, and the feel of a man’s facial hair was nowhere on her list. Yet her skin still tingled, and she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she actually touched that dark stubble.

      “I’d like to uncover as many layers as possible,” he murmured.

      How did this man come onto the scene, literally hours ago, and already have such power over her heart rate?

      “You sound hesitant,” she told him, holding his stare, refusing to be intimidated. “Not that I’m complaining.”

      Grant laughed. “There’s a small annoyance in my contract.”

      Tessa stood straighter, bothered that even with him leaning on the counter, she was shorter than him. Being petite was an advantage and requirement for a jockey, but right now she wished for a few more inches.

      “Something in your contract?” she asked with a grin. “And what does it say? No flirting or charming while filming?”

      “More like no seducing while filming,” he corrected, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

      Tessa swallowed hard. She was quickly drowning in deep waters. “Seducing? Is that what you are trying to do?”

      His eyes dropped to her mouth, then moved back up to meet her gaze. “Oh, if I was seducing you, you’d know. Flirting is harmless, isn’t it?”

      Was it? She wasn’t so sure anything about Grant Carter was harmless. Not his dark eyes, not his naughty grin and certainly not his smooth words, which washed over her, through her, like a breeze on a warm summer day.

      In no time he had sent shivers down her spine, made her smile, attempted a rescue and had her questioning why she was hanging on to her virginity. None of that had happened with the last guy she’d dated and considered marrying.

      The timing couldn’t be worse. Between the film and the upcoming races, she just didn’t have time to wonder why Fate had decided to dangle this all too alluring man in front of her.

      And why she had to be so attracted to someone with the exact qualities of the jerk she’d just dumped a few months ago? Had she not learned her lesson when he’d tried to exploit her and when that failed, he’d tried to ruin her career, just so she’d be forced to marry him and move to some overpopulated, confining city? Had he honestly thought she’d hand over money for him to get his newfound business off the ground? If he had truly loved her, respected her career, she would’ve gladly supported him in any way. But he’d laid down ultimatums, and in the end Tessa had pointed him back to that city he loved so much.

      She thanked God every day that she hadn’t tumbled into bed with him. She’d assumed they were getting married, and she’d wanted to make their honeymoon special.

      Thankfully, she’d made a promise to her mother to wait for real love and marriage.

      “Do we need to add that to the spreadsheet?” he asked.

      She shook off thoughts of her ex and met Grant’s hard stare. “What’s that?”

      That wicked grin of his widened, deepening his dimples. “Flirting. Is that something you need to figure in, or should I add that into my two-hour time slot? I am a master at multitasking, you know.”

      “So you’ve mentioned before.”

      “I think I’ll keep my two hours to work, and throw in a little flirting when you least expect it.”

      Had the heat kicked on in here? Tessa resisted the urge to undo a button on her shirt for some extra air. She also refused to rub her damp palms along her pants. She would not give Grant the satisfaction of knowing he was getting to her.

      “So I need to be ready for you at any time?” she asked, forcing her eyes to remain locked on his.

      “Ready? You could never be ready, Country.”

      She studied his tanned face, his chocolate eyes beneath thick brows. “Why is it I have a feeling you have a problem with controlling your hormones?”

      “Oh, I can control them,” he assured her. “Because if I couldn’t, I would’ve already kissed you.”

      That simple declaration weakened her knees. She leaned back against the counter and took a deep breath. If she couldn’t avoid the roller coaster of emotions, she may as well enjoy the ride.

      “Then it’s a good thing you have control, because kissing me would be a mistake.”

      Yeah, that was a gauntlet she knew he’d pick up. Why was she flirting, purposely provoking him? She did not have time for this. Beyond that, she didn’t like him—or didn’t want to like him—and she sure as hell didn’t like this whole movie idea. But there was nothing she could do about it at this point.

      Damn, she was attracted, and she hated every blasted nerve that sizzled for him.

      “That so?” Holding that mesmerizing smile, he inched closer and whispered, “And why would kissing be a mistake?”

      “For one thing, I’m not comfortable with this movie.”

      His lips turned up slightly. “Anything else?”

      “I don’t have time. In case you’re unaware of how the season works, I’m gearing up for the first of many races, which I hope will lead me down the path to the coveted Triple Crown.”

      “I don’t think a kiss would throw off your rigorous routine.” He laughed, still continuing to invade her personal space. “And I’m more than aware of how the season works. I did thorough research for this film.”

      “You don’t seem like the type of guy who would do thorough research on anything,” she retorted. “You seem too laid-back.”

      In a flash, his hands came up, framed her face, and he had her all but bent over onto the island. The hard planes of his body molded against hers. Sweat trickled between her shoulder blades as she waited to see what he would do. And that wait only made her more aware of just how sexy, how powerful this man was. Her breath caught in her throat as his face hovered mere inches from hers.

      “Baby, I’m thorough...with everything.”

      His mouth slid over hers, and Tessa was glad she was wedged between his hard body and the counter, or she would’ve withered to the floor. The full-on attack sent shivers through her entire being, affecting areas never touched.

      And there it was. That click. A click of something so perfect sliding into place, but Tessa couldn’t focus on it because Grant was consuming every bit of her thoughts, her body, with one single kiss.

      He coaxed her lips apart with his tongue, leaving her no choice but to accept him. How could a kiss be felt in your entire body? Such a simple act sent tremors racing one after the other through her.

      A slight groan escaped her as Tessa gripped his thick biceps.

      Before she could revel in the sensations sweeping through her overheated body, Grant lifted his head, met her gaze and smiled.

      “Sorry. Guess I can’t control my hormones.”

      “What about that clause?” she asked, cursing her breathless tone.

      That sultry grin spread across his face. “I didn’t come close to violating the clause.”

      Grant walked out the back door, and it took Tessa a moment to realize that she still had over an hour left in the time she’d allotted for him. And she hadn’t given him his copy of the spreadsheet.


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