When Opposites Attract.... Jules Bennett
Читать онлайн книгу.A smile spread across her face. “Spend much time in the country?” she asked.
He’d grown up in a modest home surrounded by fields and wildflowers in the heart of Kentucky, but she didn’t need to know that. She already had an opinion of him, and he’d break it down by his actions, not his words.
“Enough,” Grant told her. “Much more peaceful than the city. But there’s a reason for both, and some people just aren’t cut out for the other.”
“What about you?” she asked. “You’re all city boy. Are you going to be able to handle the next few weeks here with me?”
Unable to resist her jab, Grant reached up, slid a stray strand of her hair behind her ear and allowed his hand to gently roam back down her cheek in a featherlight touch. She trembled beneath his fingertips.
“I think I can handle it,” he whispered, purposely staring at her mouth, waiting for that dimple to make another appearance.
Her eyes widened before she turned back to the pond. She might be all tough exterior, but Grant had a feeling the lovely, intriguing Tessa Barrington had layers upon layers to her complexity. He wanted to peel each one away and find what she truly had hidden inside.
“Do you have other special areas on the property?” he asked, circling back to the fact he was indeed here to do a job, and not seduce.
“All of the estate is beautiful,” she told him. “There’s a wooded spot on the edge of the property that has this old cabin. It was the first home on this land, built long before my dad lived here. He never tore it down, and Cassie and I used to play there when we were kids. It’s also where my dad proposed to my mom.”
“Show it to me.”
Grant hopped to his feet and extended his hand to help Tessa up. She resisted for all of a second before slipping her delicate hand into his. Before she could fully catch her balance, Grant tugged her against his chest, causing her to land right where he wanted her.
What the hell was he doing? He knew better than to play games like this, but damned if his hormones weren’t trying to take over. That whole chat he’d had with himself about compartmentalizing had gone straight to hell.
But each time he was with Tessa something came over him, something he couldn’t explain, and he was drowning in confusion and...her.
Tessa’s breath caught, and those bright blue eyes held his. With her body molded against his, Grant had no clue what to do now. Well, he knew, but he was supposed to be a professional and not get tangled up in this world on a personal level. Mentally and emotionally, he couldn’t afford to.
Besides, the last thing he needed was to get kicked off the set before filming even started.
Yet, as usual, lust controlled his actions.
“What about you, Tessa?” he asked, eyeing her lips. “Are you all country girl or could you handle the big city?”
Something cold flashed through her eyes before she pulled away and glanced at her watch. “You only have twenty minutes left, Slick. Better go see that cabin.”
Whatever trigger he’d just hit on, Grant had a feeling he would annoy her even more before he figured out what he’d said that upset her. Because he knew their body contact hadn’t gotten her so angry. No, he’d seen desire in her eyes, maybe even confusion—a glimpse of an internal battle, but not anger.
He followed her back to the four-wheeler and climbed on behind her. This time Grant held on to the back rack instead of Tessa. He was treading on thin ice as it was.
She rode effortlessly, with captivating beauty. The way her body controlled the stallion, the strength she possessed, the determination on her flushed face... Grant could watch Tessa Barrington for hours, and was well on his way to doing just that.
Tessa turned the corner and headed toward him. With all the laps she’d made, there was no way she could’ve missed him standing here. They’d already spent the past two days together, and he had no time scheduled with her today. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to see her, to learn more. And this sexual pull was dragging him into this damn world he’d worked so hard to put behind him.
“She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
Grant turned at the sound of a voice and found himself looking into another set of bright blue eyes. “Yes, she is. You must be Cassie.” He glanced to the baby asleep on her shoulder. “And who is this?”
Cassie’s smile widened. “This is Emily.”
Grant took in the pale blond curls peeking beneath a bright green hat, and wondered if the little girl had those Barrington blue eyes.
“How old is she?”
“Just turned one last month.”
Cassie turned to watch Tessa round another curve, and Grant studied the woman’s profile. She was beautiful just like her sister, with her blue eyes and bright red hair. But there was something more fragile, almost sad about Cassie. He’d learned enough about this family to know Cassie’s ex used to work in the stables but had left shortly after the baby was born. Anger bubbled within Grant at the thought of a deadbeat dad ignoring his kid.
But as he watched her, Grant realized there was another layer of emotions in Cassie’s eyes as she focused on her sister. Concern.
“You worry about her,” he said, not bothering to ask.
“I do.” Cassie shifted the sleeping toddler to her other shoulder. “She pushes too hard at times. Strange coming from me, since I’m her trainer. We already practiced today, but she and Don Pedro are made for each other. They’re happiest in the ring. Of course, that passion is what makes winners, but her biggest competitor is herself.”
Grant could see that. In the few days he’d been here he’d seen Tessa out of the stables only during their “allotted” times.
“Does she do anything for fun?” he asked.
“You’re looking at it. She lives for this.”
On one hand Grant admired Tessa’s drive and determination. He had more drive for career than anything himself. But on the other hand he found it sad that this was her whole life.
And from a purely personal level, the thought of her spending more time on her horse than off flat out terrified him.
Her career stirred up so many haunting emotions. Not that they weren’t always there, but having the lifestyle thrust in his face all day only made the memories that much more hellish.
Yet the attraction was something he hadn’t planned on...and couldn’t ignore.
“She doesn’t date?” he found himself asking before he could keep his mouth shut.
Cassie spared him a glance. “She just got out of a relationship, which is another reason she’s pushing herself even more.”
Bad breakup? While Cassie didn’t say it, the message was implied. And there was a story there. Grant never turned away an intriguing story....
“So when will the rest of your crew arrive?” Cassie asked.
“A few weeks.” He caught her smile and laughed. “You seem excited about this.”
She shrugged her free shoulder. “What’s not to be excited about? My father is an amazing man, a prestigious horse owner and winner. A movie about his life will be awesome.”
“You forget you and Tessa are a huge part of his success, and in continuing the Barrington tradition.” Grant glanced at the track as Tessa came flying by again. “I don’t think your sister feels the same.”
Cassie nodded. “Tessa and I don’t always agree on things. Besides,