Australian Bachelors: Masterful Magnates: Purchased: His Perfect Wife. HELEN BIANCHIN

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Australian Bachelors: Masterful Magnates: Purchased: His Perfect Wife - HELEN  BIANCHIN

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charm.’ Sally grinned as she filched a bottle of still water from the display refrigerator then exited the kitchen.

      Good luck, Lara offered silently as she seared a medallion of eye-fillet steak, selected the appropriate sauce and arranged the accompanying salad.

      ‘Think I’m in love,’ Sally enthused when she returned, and Lara shot her a telling look. ‘Yeah, I know. Like he’s going to even look at me. But a girl can fantasize.’ A telling sigh emerged, accompanied by a feigned dreamy expression.

      ‘You’re a riot.’

      Sally offered an infectious grin as she collected the order. ‘Helps pass the time, darling.’

      So it did. Lightening the load when stress threatened to reach the stratosphere, as it did, for one reason or another, on a reasonably regular basis.

      Lara had worked the evening with efficient speed, clearing her mind of everything except the essential need to pay attention to detail, and the individual touches that made each dish on the menu special.

      Events of the past few days were beginning to take their toll, and she rolled her shoulders in an attempt to ease the muscles in her upper body. Battling a tension headache didn’t help, and she looked forward to closing down for the night and sinking into bed.

      Last night a medically prescribed sedative had ensured a good night’s sleep. What would the coming night bring?

      Oh, for heaven’s sake! Take a reality check!

      Sex with Wolfe was a given. It was just a matter of when. So get over it!

      He was a man … like any other.

       Sure he is.

      A mental, mischievous little imp laughed uproariously until she silently chastised and banished him.

      Lara stifled a faintly audible groan, and her hands flew as she gathered a dessert plate, cut a perfect portion of cheesecake, drizzled tangy strawberry sauce in a decorative pattern, added fresh flute-cut strawberries and placed the plate on the serving shelf.

      Soon Sally would be able to handle the orders for tea and coffee, and Gina could move into the kitchen to help clean up.

      Lara glanced towards the door as Shontelle entered the kitchen and moved close. ‘Compliments to the chef from gentleman at table seven.’

      OK, so she’d swing by, smile, exchange a few words with their regular clientele and acknowledge the compliment.

      It took a few minutes as she paused at one table, then another—until she saw just who was seated at table seven.

      Wolfe, here? What game was he playing?

      ‘Don’t tell me,’ she managed equably as she reached his side. ‘You were at a loose end, and decided to observe my restaurant first-hand?’

      ‘No. I finished late, hadn’t eaten and decided to dine here instead of ordering room service.’

      She tilted her head to one side. ‘I guess that’ll fly.’

      ‘Join me for coffee.’

      She offered a slight mock-curtsy. ‘The kitchen awaits.’ A faint smile teased the edge of his mouth. ‘I’ll take a rain check.’

      He did, until the last patron left, then Lara had no option but to effect an introduction to the remaining staff—which, she suspected, had been his intention—and at his request Shontelle retrieved two bottles of champagne.

      The celebratory toast was almost surreal. So too were the voiced congratulations.

      ‘Wow,’ Sally accorded in a quiet aside. ‘His score exceeds ten, twice over. I hereby withdraw almost all reservations.’

      It was midnight when Lara closed and locked the restaurant. Wolfe’s black Lexus was stationary at the kerb, and Lara evinced concern as Sally bade them goodnight.

      ‘Are you sure you’ll be OK?’

      ‘I’ve been taking the late train since for ever,’ Sally assured. ‘Long before you moved into the same street.’

      Wolfe indicated the Lexus. ‘We’ll give you a ride.’

      The city never slept, it merely quieted down some, traffic lessened. The distance to Darlinghurst was achieved in minimum time, during which Sally, bless her, never let the conversation lull.

      ‘Thanks. See you tomorrow.’

      Wolfe waited to engage the transmission until Sally disappeared indoors, and Lara leaned back against the head-rest as he turned the car towards the inner city.

      She was conscious of Wolfe’s appraisal later as the hotel lift sped quickly to their high floor.

      ‘You didn’t need to wait until the restaurant closed. I could have caught a train.’

      ‘DO you particularly want to argue?’ Wolfe queried as he slid the keycard into place and opened the door.

      Right at that minute all she wanted to do was shed her clothes, take a long, hot shower, then tumble into bed.


      ‘Wise.’ Wolfe tossed keys onto the bedside pedestal, then shrugged out of his jacket.

      Lara toed off her shoes, then she collected her nightwear and moved into the en suite.

      It was bliss to stand beneath the spray of steaming water and let it ease out the kinks, and it was several long minutes before she picked up the soap, lathered and rinsed it off.

      Wolfe was standing at the desk, scrolling through data on his laptop, when she emerged into the room, and he pressed ‘save’ then closed down.

      He noted her pale features, the dark circles beneath her eyes. ‘Take something for that headache.’

      ‘I don’t need you to play nurse.’ Or my keeper, she added silently. Except that was precisely what he’d become. Rescuing her from certain personal and financial disaster.

      His eyes darkened a little, and her pulse kicked into a faster beat as he moved close.

      ‘I trust you’ve organized your replacement?’

      Lara closed her eyes against the sight of him, then slowly opened them again. ‘You want to exchange a recap of each other’s day?’

      ‘A simple yes or no will do.’

      His silky-voiced drawl shivered the length of her spine, and her chin tilted a little in silent defiance. ‘Two interviews, with two trials over the next two consecutive nights.


      ‘Not entirely.’

      Fleeting indecision shadowed her eyes, then it was gone. ‘Tough.’

      He covered the few steps necessary to reach her, and she viewed him warily as he lifted a hand to tuck a wayward lock of hair behind her ear, then she swallowed compulsively as he trailed gentle fingers down one cheek.

      ‘What are you doing?’

      The edges of his mouth curved a little as he lowered his mouth to hover a mere inch from her own. ‘You need to ask?’

      His lips brushed hers, teased a little, and her heartbeat leapt as he traced the lower curve with the tip of his tongue, then ventured in to begin an erotic tasting that attacked her resistance and tore it to shreds.

      She felt his hands slip beneath her tee-shirt and cup the slight curve of her buttocks, squeeze a little, then one hand slid up over her ribcage to capture her breast.

      A faint groan emerged from her throat as he brushed one tender peak, then rolled it gently between thumb and forefinger.

      Wolfe felt his senses quicken, and he deepened the kiss as he sought her response, caught the hitch in her breath and her capitulation. And he wanted

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