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station?Continuez tout droit, et après l’église, tournez à gauche/à droite koñ-tee-new-ay too drwa, ay a-preh lay-gleez, toor-nay a gohsh/a drwat Keep straight on, and after the church turn left/rightC’est loin? say lwañ? Is it far?Non, c’est à deux cents mètres/à cinq minutes noñ, say ta duh sahñ metr/a sañk mee-newt No, it’s 200 yards/five minutes awayMerci! mehr-see! Thank you!De rien! duh ryañ! You’re welcome!

We’re looking for…Nous cherchons… noo shehr-shoñ…
Can we walk there?On peut y aller à pied? oñ puh ee a-lay a pyay?
We’re lostNous nous sommes perdu(e)s noo noo som pehr-dew
Is this the right way to…?C’est la bonne direction pour…? say la bon dee-rek-syoñ poor…?
Can you show me on the map?Pouvez-vous me montrer sur la carte/le plan? poo-vay voo me moñ-tray sewr la kart/luh plahñ?

C’est indiqué say tañ-dee-kayIt’s signposted
C’est au coin de la rue say toh kwañ duh la rewIt’s on the corner of the street
C’est là-bas say la-baIt’s over there

      Public transport is free for children under four. Children between four and eleven pay half price.

Excusez-moi, quel est le bus pour le centreville? eks-kew-zay-mwa, kel ay luh bews poor luh sahñtr veel? Excuse me, which bus goes to the centre?
Le 15 luh kañz Number 15
Où est l’arrêt? oo ay la-reh? Where is the bus stop?
Là-bas, à gauche la-ba, a gohsh There, on the left
Où est-ce que je peux acheter des tickets de bus? oo es kuh zhuh puh ash-tay day tee-keh duh bews? Where can I buy bus tickets?
Là-bas, au distributeur la-ba, oh dees-tree-bew-tur Over there, at the ticket machine

Is there a bus to…?Est-ce qu’il y a un bus pour…? es keel ya uñ bews poor…?
Where do I catch the bus to go to…?Où est-ce qu’on prend le bus pour aller à/au (etc.)…? oo es koñ prahñ luh bews poor a-lay a/oh…?
How much is it…?C’est combien pour aller…? say koñ-byañ poor a-lay…?
to the centredans le centre dahñ luh sahñtr
to the beachà la plage a la plazh
to the shopsaux magasins oh ma-ga-zañ
to Montmartreà Montmartre a moñ-martr
A child’s ticketUn billet tarif enfant un bee-yeh ta-reef ahñ-fahñ
How frequent are the buses to…?Les bus pour … passent tous les combien? lay bews poor … pas too lay koñ-byañ?
When is the first/the last bus to…?À quelle heure part le premier/le dernier bus pour…? a kel ur par luh pruh-myay/luh dehr-nyay bews poor…?
Could you tell me when to get off?Pourriez-vous me dire quand descendre? poo-ree-ay-voo muh deer kahñ deh-sahñdr?
This is my stopC’est mon arrêt say mon a-reh
coachle car kar
shuttle busla navette na-vet

Prenez le métro, c’est plus rapide pruh-nay luh may-troh, say plew ra-peedTake the metro, it’s quicker

      There are metro services in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse and Rennes. In Paris, ticket options include un carnet de dix tickets (a book of ten tickets), which can be used on the metro, bus and RER (a network of high-speed trains connecting Paris and the suburbs). You can also buy a PARIS VISITE, a ticket lasting 1–5 days that allows unlimited travel on all forms of public transport as well as discounts for certain tourist attractions.

entrée ahñ-trayentrance
sortie sor-teeway out/exit
la ligne de métro la lee-nyuh duh may-trohmetro line
en direction de… ahñ dee-rek-syoñ duh…in the direction of…
correspondance ko-reh-spoñ-dahñsconnecting line

Where is the nearest metro?Où est la station de métro la plus proche? oo ay la sta-syoñ duh may-troh la plew prosh?
I’m going to…Je vais à… zhuh veh a…
How does the ticket machine work?Comment marche le guichet automatique? ko-mahñ marsh luh gee-sheh oh-toh-ma-teek?
Do you have a map of the metro?Vous avez un plan du métro? voo za-vay uñ plahñ dew may-troh?
How do I get to…?Pour aller à/au (etc.)…? poor a-lay a/oh…?
Do I have to change?Est-ce qu’il faut changer? es keel foh shahñ-zhay?
Which line is it for…?C’est quelle ligne pour…? say kel lee-nyuh poor…?
In which direction?Dans quelle direction? dahñ kel dee-rek-syoñ?
What is the next stop?Quel est le prochain arrêt? kel ay luh pro-shañ na-reh?

      Before you catch your train, you must validate your ticket in one of the machines situated on the platforms, which carry the warning n’oubliez pas de composter votre billet. Failing to do so could result in a fine. The TGV (train à grande vitesse) is a high-speed train network that runs between major French towns/cities and into neighbouring countries. It is expensive, but reduced-price tickets called TGV PREM’S are available if booked several weeks in advance. Other services that use TGV trains include the Eurostar (connecting Paris with London), the Thalys (connecting Paris with Lille, Brussels and Amsterdam) and the TGV Lyria (connecting Paris with the main Swiss cities).

horaire o-rehrtimetable
circuler seer-kew-layto operate
dimanches et fêtes dee-mahñsh ay fetSundays and holidays
accès aux quais/aux voies ak-seh oh keh/oh vwato the platforms
le billet électronique bee-yeh ay-lek-tro-neeke-ticket
la réservation sur Internet ray-zehr-va-syoñ sewr añ-tehr-nete-booking

Quand part le prochain train pour…? kahñ par luh pro-shañ trañ poor…? When is the next train to…?
À 17 heures 10 a dee-set ur dees At ten past five
Deux billets pour… duh bee-yeh poor… Two tickets to…
Aller simple ou aller-retour? a-lay sañpl oo a-lay-ruh-toor? Single or return?

First class/Second classPremière classe/Deuxième classe pruh myehr klas/duh-zyem klas
I booked onlineJ’ai réservé sur Internet zhay ray-zehr-vay sewr añ-tehr-net
Is there a supplement to pay?Y a-t-il un supplément à payer? ee a-teel uñ sew-play-mahñ a pay-yay?
I want to book a seat on the TGV to NîmesJe voudrais réserver une place dans le TGV pour Nîmes zhuh voo-dreh ray-zehr-vay ewn plas dahñ luh tay-zhay-vay poor neem
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