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Collins Gem - Collins  Dictionaries

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There are more than one thousand recipes to cook cod; one of the most famous is Bacalhau à Brás.

      9 In restaurants, you have to ask for the bill; it’s considered impolite of the waiter to bring the bill if you haven’t asked for it.

      10 Bars and restaurants tend to close on Sundays, except in busy areas such as Lisbon and the Algarve.

      You will find that Portuguese people are quite formal and will appreciate it if you take the same approach to them as they take towards you.

PleasePor favor/Faz favor poor fuh-vor/fash fuh-vor
Thank youObrigado(a) oh-breegah-doo(-duh)
Thanks very muchMuito obrigado(a)mweeñto oh-breegah-doo(-duh)
You’re welcome!De nada! duh nah-duh!
YesSim seeñ
NoNão nowñ
OKEstá bem shta bayñ
Sir/MrSenhor/Sr. sun-yor
Madam/Mrs/MsSenhora/Sra. sun-yoruh
MissMenina muh-neenuh
Hello/HiOlá oh-lah
Goodbye/ByeAdeus aday-oosh
See you laterAté logouh-te logoo
See you tomorrowAté amanhã uh-te amun-yañ
Good morningBom dia boñ dee-uh
Good afternoon/eveningBoa tarde boh-uh tard
GoodnightBoa noite boh-uh noyt
Excuse me! (to catch attention)Por favor! poor fuh-vor!
How are you?Como está? koh-moo shta?
Fine, thanksBem, obrigado(a) bayñ, oh-breegah-doo(-duh)
And you?E você? ee voh-say?
I don’t understandNão compreendo nowñ koñpree-endoo
Do you speak English?Fala inglês?fah-luh eeñglaysh?

      The easiest way to ask for something is by naming what you want and adding por favor (poor fuh-vor).

the (masculine)o/os oo/oosh
glass/glasseso copo/os copos oo kopoo/oosh kopoosh
a/one glassum copo ooñ kopoo
the (feminine)a/as uh/ush
key/keysa chave/as chaves uh shahv/ush shah-vush
a/one keyuma chaveoomuh shahv
my (masculine)o meu oo mayoo
(feminine)a minha uh meen-yuh
my glasso meu copo oo mayoo kopoo
my keya minha chave uh meen-yuh shahv
his/her/its/youro seu/a sua oo sayoo/uh soo-uh
his/her/its/your glasso seu copooo sayoo kopoo
his/her/its/your keya sua chave uh soo-uh shahv
Do you have…?Tem…? tayñ…?
Do you have a room?Tem um quarto? tayñ ooñ kwartoo?
Do you have any milk?Tem leite? tayñ layt?
Do you have stamps?Tem selos? tayñ seloosh?
I’d like…Queria…kree-uh…
I’d like an ice creamQueria um geladokree-uh ooñ zhuh-lah-doo
I’d like to book a tableQueria reservar uma mesakree-uh ruh-zervar oomuh may-zuh
I’d like pastaQueria massakree-uh massuh
We’d like…Queríamos…kree-uhmoosh…
We’d like two cakesQueríamos dois boloskree-uhmoosh doysh bohloosh
More…Mais… mysh…
More breadMais pão mysh powñ
More waterMais água mysh ahg-wuh
Another milky coffeeOutro galãooh-troo galowñ
Another lagerOutra cervejaoh-truh servay-zhuh
How much is it?Quanto é?kwuñtoo e?
How much does it cost?Quanto custa?kwuñtoo kooshtuh?
largegrande gruñd
smallpequeno puh-kaynoo
withcom koñ
withoutsem sayñ
Where is…?Onde é…?onduh e…?
Where are…?Onde são/estão…?onduh sowñ/shtowñ…?
Where is the toilet?Onde é a casa de banho?onduh e uh kah-zuh duh bun-yoo?
Where are the children?Onde estão as crianças?onduh shtowñ ush kree-uñsush?
How do I get…?Como se vai…?koh-moo suh vy…?
to the stationpara a estaçãoparuh a shtuh-sowñ
to the centreao centro ow sentroo
There is/are…Há… a…
There isn’t/aren’t any…Não há… nowñ a…
At what time is…?A que horas é…? uh kee oruhsh e…?
todayhoje ohzh
tomorrowamanhã amun-yañ
Can I…?Posso…?possoo…?
Can I smoke?Posso fumar?possoo foomar?
Can I pay?Posso pagar?possoo puh-gar?
How does this work?Como funciona?koh-moo foonss-yonuh?
What does this mean?Que quer dizer isto? kuh kayr deezehr eeshtoo?

água para beber/água potáveldrinking water
primeiros socorrosfirst aid
liquidação totalclosing-down sale
caixacash desk
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