Collins Gem. Collins Dictionaries

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Collins Gem - Collins  Dictionaries

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the airport, pleasePara o aeroporto, por favor paruh oo ayroo-portoo, poor fuh-vorHow long does it take to get to the airport?Quanto tempo leva a chegar ao aeroporto? kwuñtoo teñpoo leh-vuh uh shuh-gar ow uh-ayroo-portoo?Where do I check in for…(airline)?Onde faço o check-in para…? duh fah-soo oo check-in paruh…?Where is the luggage for the flight from…?Onde está a bagagem do voo de…? duh shta uh buh-gah-zhayñ doo voh-oo duh…?Where can I print my ticket?Onde posso imprimir o meu bilhete? oñduh possoo eempreemeer oo mayoo beel-yet?I have my boarding pass on my smartphoneTenho o meu cartão de embarque no smartphone ten-yoo oo mayo kartowñ duh ayñ-bark noo smart-fohnchecked luggagea bagagem de porão buh-gah-zhayñ duh poorowñhand luggagea bagagem de mão buh-gah-zhayñ duh mown

O seu voo está atrasado oo sayoo voh-oo shta atruh-zah-dooYour flight is delayed
Proibido transportar líquidos proee-beedoo truñspoor-tar leekeedooshNo liquids
A sua bagagem excede o limite de peso uh soo-uh buh-gah-zhayñ aysh-sed oo leemeet duh pehzooYour luggage exceeds the maximum weight

      With the Single European Market, EU citizens are subject only to highly selective spot checks and can go through the green customs channel (unless they have goods to declare).

UE oo ayEU
bilhete de identidade beel-yet duh eedeñteedahdidentity card

Do I have to pay duty on this?É preciso pagar direitos para isto? e pre-seezoo puh-gar deeray-toosh paruh eeshtoo?
It is for my own personal useÉ para uso pessoal e paruh oozoo puh-swahl
We are going to…Vamos a…vuh-moosh uh…

      Car rental companies in Portugal normally have a minimum age for hiring a car (21, 23 or 25, depending on the company and type of vehicle). Some companies also have a maximum age limit of 75. A small number of companies will rent to drivers under 21, provided they pay a ‘young driver’ surcharge.

a carta de condução uh kartuh duh koñdoosowñdriving licence
o seguro oo segoorooinsurance
a marcha atrás uh marshuh uh-trashreverse gear

I’d like to hire a carQueria alugar um carro kree-uh aloogar ooñ karroo
for … dayspara … dias paruh … dee-ush
for the weekendo fim de semana oo feeñ duh suh-mah-nuh
What are your rates…?Quais são as tarifas…? kwysh sowñ ush tuh-ree-fush…?
per day/per weekpor dia/por semana poor dee-uh/poor suh-mah-nuh
How much is the deposit?Quanto deixo de sinal? kwuñtoo day-shoo duh seenahl?
Is there a mileage (kilometre) charge?Paga-se quilometragem? pah-guh-suh keelometrah-zhayñ?
Is fully comprehensive insurance included?Inclui o seguro contra todos os riscos? eeñ-klwee oo segooroo koñtruh toh-doosh oosh reeshkoosh?
Do I have to return the car here?Tenho que devolver o carro aqui? ten-yoo kuh duh-volvehr oo karroo uh-kee?
By what time?Até que horas? uh-te kuh orush?
I’d like to leave it in…Gostaria de o deixar em… gooshtuh-ree-uh duh oo dayshar ayñ…
What shall I do if the car breaks down?Que devo fazer se o carro se avariar? kuh deh-voo fazehr suh oo karroo suh avareear?

Por favor devolva o carro com o depósito cheio poor fuh-vor duh-volvuh oo karroo koñ oo duh-pozeetoo shayooPlease return the car with a full tank

sem chumbo sayñ shoomboounleaded
gasóleo gazol-yoodiesel
a gasolina uh gazoo-leenuhpetrol
a bomba de gasolina uh boñbuh duh gazoo-leenuhpetrol pump/station

Can I/we park here?Pode-se estacionar aqui? pod-suh shtass-yoonar uh-kee?
Do I/we need a parking ticket?É preciso um bilhete? e pre-seezoo ooñ beel-yet?
Fill it up, pleaseEncha, por favor shuh, poor fuh-vor
Can you check the oil/the water?Pode ver o óleo/a água? pod vehr oo ol-yoo/uh ahg-wuh?
Can you check the tyre pressure, please?Pode ver a pressão dos pneus, por favor? pod vehr uh pruhsowñ doosh pnay-oosh, poor fuh-vor?

      The Portuguese equivalent of the AA is ACP (Automóvel Clube de Portugal). ACP has partnerships with many foreign associations, so if your car breaks down, you should call your own country’s roadside assistance company (e.g. the AA) and they will contact ACP to help you.

My car has broken downTenho o carro avariado ten-yoo oo karroo avaree-ah-doo
The car won’t startO carro não pega oo karroo nowñ peh-guh
I’ve run out of petrolNão tenho gasolina nowñ ten-yoo gazoo-leenuh
Is there a garage near here?Há alguma garagem por aqui? a algoomuh garah-zhayñ poor uh-kee?
It’s leaking…Está a perder… shta uh perdehr…
petrolgasolina gazoo-leenuh
oilóleo ol-yoo
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