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       Afedersiniz. Hangisi saat yedide İstanbul’a gidecek otobüs?

      a-fe-der-see-neez. han-gee-see sa-at ye-dee-de ees-tan-boo-la gee-de-djek o-to-bews?

      Excuse me. Which one is the 7 o’clock Istanbul bus?

       İleride sağdaki/soldaki.

      ee-le-ree-de saa-da-kee/sol-da-kee.

      The one on the right/left.

Where is the coach station?Otogar nerede? o-to-gar ne-re-de?
Is there a bus to…?…otobüs var mı? …o-to-bews var muh?
Does it go to…?…gider mi? …gee-der mee?
the airporthavaalanına ha-va-a-la-nuh-nah
the beachplaja pla-zha
the centreşehir merkezine she-heer mer-ke-zee-ne
1 ticketbir bilet beer bee-let
2 ticketsiki bilet ee-kee bee-let
Is there a reduction for children?Çocuk indirimi var mı? cho-djook een-dee-ree-mee var muh?
When is the next bus?Bir sonraki otobüs saat kaçta? beer son-ra-kee o-to-bews sa-at kach-ta?

Otobüs yok o-to-bews yokThere is no bus
Taksi tutmanız gerek tak-see toot-ma-nuhz ge-rekYou must take a taxi

      Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa and Adana are the only cities with over/underground metro systems at the moment. Istanbul also has an undersea rail tunnel which goes under the Bosphorus, called Marmaray, connecting the metro system on either side.

giriş gee-reeshentrance
çıkış chuh-kuhshway out

Where is the nearest metro station?En yakın metro istasyonu nerede? en ya-kuhn met-ro ees-tas-yo-noo ne-re-de?
How does the ticket machine work?Bilet otomatı nasıl çalışıyor? bee-let o-to-ma-tuh na-suhl cha-luh-shuh-yor?
Do you have a map of the metro?Metro haritası var mı? me-tro ha-ree-ta-suh var-muh?
How do I/we get to…?…nasıl gidebilirim? …na-suhl gee-de-bee-lee-reem?
Do I have to change?Hat değiştirecek miyim? hat de-eesh-tee-re-djek mee-yeem?
What is the next stop?Bir sonraki durak hangisi? beer son-ra-kee doo-rak han-gee-see?
Excuse me! I’m getting off hereAfedersiniz!/Pardon! İneceğim af-e-der-see-neez!/par-don! ee-ne-dje-eem

      You should buy your train ticket in advance, especially on longer routes. A 20% reduction applies to students, teachers, over 60s and disabled people. Return tickets are usually cheaper than two singles. Most long-distance trains have a restaurant coach with a reasonably good menu. There are several public transport cards in major cities. They can be used on buses, ferries, metro, trains and trams. There is the IETT card – the Istanbul Transport Card (İstanbulkart) and the IDO sea transport card (for Istanbul and Izmir).


       İzmir’e bir sonraki tren ne zaman?

      eez-mee-re beer son-ra-kee tren ne za-man?

      When is the next train to Izmir?

       Saat yedide (7’de)

      sa-at ye-dee-de

      At 7 o’clock

       Üç bilet lütfen

      ewch bee-let lewt-fen

      3 tickets please

       Tek yön mü, gidiş-dönüş mü?

      tek yurn mew, gee-deesh dur-newsh mew?

      Single or return?

       Gidiş-dönüş lütfen

      gee-deesh-dur-newsh lewt-fen

      Return please

istasyon ees-tas-yonstation
tren trentrain
peron pe-ronplatform
koltuk kol-tookseat
billet bee-letticket
rezervasyon bürosu re-zer-vas-yon bew-ro-soobooking office
tarife ta-ree-fetimetable
bağlantı ba-lan-tuhconnection
e-bilet ee-bee-lete-ticket
e-rezervasyon e-re-zer-vas-yone-booking

Where is the station?İstasyon nerede? ees-tas-yon ne-re-de?
a singletek yön tek yurn
2 singlesiki tane tek yön ee-kee ta-ne tek yurn
a returnbir tane gidiş-dönüş beer ta-ne gee-deesh-dur-newsh
2 returnsiki tane gidiş-dönüş ee-kee ta-ne gee-deesh-dur-newsh
a child’s ticketçocuk bileti cho-djook bee-le-tee
first classbirinci mevki bee-reen-djee mev-kee
second classikinci mevki ee-keen-djee mev-kee
I booked onlineİnternetle rezervasyon yaptım een-ter-net-le re-zer-vas-yon yap-tuhm
I want to book a seatBir yer ayırtmak istiyorum beer yer a-yuhrt-mak ees-tee-yo-room
Which platform?Hangi peron? han-gee pe-ron?
When does it leave?Ne zaman kalkıyor? ne za-man kal-kuh-yor?
When does it arrive?Ne zaman varıyor? ne za-man va-ruh-yor?
Is this seat free?Bu koltuk boş mu? boo kol-took bosh moo?

      Official taxis in Turkey are yellow. There are also mini cab services in major cities. Most taxis (taksi) have meters, but it’s wise to check the price before a long journey. In larger cities, you should give the exact address of the destination, and try to note landmarks too. Alternatively, there are dolmus, minibuses for journeys over short distances. The fare and destination will be displayed on the front window. You can get off anywhere on the route by shouting Musait bir yerde! (mew-sa-eet beer yer-de!) or İnebilirmiyim? (ee-nuhr-bee-leer-mee-yeem?)

Where can I get a taxi?Nerede taksi bulabilirim? ne-re-de tak-see boo-la-bee-lee-reem?
I want to go to……gitmek istiyorum …geet-mek ees-tee-yo-room
How much is it?Ne kadar? ne ka-dar?
To the airport, pleaseHavaalanı, lütfen ha-va-a-la-nuh, lewt-fen
To the beach, pleasePlaja, lütfen pla-zha, lewt-fen
Please stop hereBurada durun, lütfen boo-ra-da doo-roon, lewt-fen
I’ve no changeBozuğum yok bo-zoo-oom yok
Keep the changeÜstü kalsın ews-tew kal-suhn

      A good way of experiencing Istanbul is to take a boat across the Bosphorus. You can purchase tokens (jeton) for the boats from machines located at the terminal where you board. You can also use your Istanbul public

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