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A list of registered campsites can be obtained from tourist offices in Turkey. European campsite specialist ASCI also has a list of campsites in Turkey, which are inspected annually.
kamp yeri/kamping kamp ye-ree/kam-ping | camp site |
içme suyu eech-me soo-yoo | drinking water |
duşlar doosh-lar | showers |
müdüriyet mew-dew-ree-yet | office |
resepsiyon re-sep-see-yon | reception |
çadır cha-duhr | tent |
Where is the campsite? | Kamp yeri nerede? kamp ye-ree ne-re-de? |
How much is it per night? | Geceliği ne kadar? ge-dje-lee-ee ne ka-dar? |
1 night | bir gece beer ge-dje |
2 nights | iki gece ee-kee ge-dje |
toilets | tuvalet too-va-let |
shower | duş doosh |
drinking water | içme suyu eech-me soo-yoo |
Where’s the…? | …nerede? …ne-re-de? |
Doluyuz do-loo-yooz | We are full |
Can you give us an extra set of keys, please? | Yedek anahtar verir misiniz, lütfen? ye-dek a-nah-tar ve-reer mee-see-neez, lewt-fen? |
Who do we contact if there are problems? | Bir problem çıkarsa kiminle görüşelim? beer prob-lem chuh-kar-sa kee-meen-le gur-rew-she-leem? |
How does the heating work? | Kombi/Şofben nasıl çalışıyor? kom-bee/shof-ben na-suhl cha-luh-shuh-yor? |
Is there always hot water? | Her saat sıcak su var mı? her sa-at suh-djak soo var muh? |
Where is the nearest supermarket? | En yakın market nerede? en ya-kuhn mar-ket ne-re-de? |
Where do we leave the rubbish? | Çöpü nereye bırakalım? chur-pew ne-re-ye buh-ra-ka-luhm? |
recycling | geri dönüşüm ge-ree duh-nuh-shum |
Shops are generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday and closed on Sunday. Some shops close for lunch between 12 and 2 p.m. In tourist towns, the shops are open for longer, with no lunch break.
Good-natured haggling is the norm: offer half to two-thirds of the asking price, then settle on a price somewhere in between. Don’t offer unless you are serious; to settle on a price and then not buy is considered bad manners. Once a week most towns have a farmers’ market (Pazar) mainly for locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables. You can haggle when shopping but do not haggle at farmers’ markets for produce prices.
Where are the shops, please? | Çarşı nerede, lütfen? char-shuh ne-re-de, lewt-fen? |
I’m looking for… | …arıyorum …a-ruh-yo-room |
Kaç beden giyiyorsunuz?
kach be-den gee-yee-yor-soo-nooz?
What is your size?
Otuz sekiz/kırk beden
o-tooz se-keez/kuhrk be-den
Size 38/40
Where is the nearest…? | En yakın … nerede? en ya-kuhn … ne-re-de? |
Where is the market? | Pazar nerede? Pa-zar ne-re-de? |
When does it close? | Ne zaman kapanır? ne za-man ka-pa-nur? |
How much is it? | Ne kadar? ne ka-dar? |
It’s too expensive | Çok pahalı chok pa-ha-luh |
I don’t want it | İstemiyorum ees-te-mee-yo-room |
Where is…? | …nerede? …ne-re-de? |
Where is the baker’s? | Fırın nerede? fuh-ruhn ne-re-de? |
baker’s | fırın | fuh-ruhn |
bookshop | kitabevi | kee-ta-be-vee |
butcher’s | kasap | ka-sap |
cake shop | pastane | pas-ta-ne |
clothes shop | butik | boo-teek |
grocer’s | bakkal | bak-kal |
hairdresser’s | kuaför | koo-a-fur |
jeweller’s | kuyumcu | koo-yoom-djoo |
market | pazar | pa-zar |
newsagent’s | gazete bayii | ga-ze-te ba-yee-ee |
optician’s | gözlükçü | gurz-lewk-chew |
pharmacy | eczane | edj-za-ne |
shoe shop | ayakkabıcı | a-yak-ka-buh-djuh |
shop | dükkan | dewk-kan |
shopping | alışveriş | a-luhsh-ve-reesh |
centre | merkezi | mer-ke-zee |
spice/herb shop | baharatcı | ba-haa-rat-djuh |
souvenir shop | hediyelik eşya dükkanı | he-dee-ye-leek esh-ya doo-ka-nuh |
stationer’s | kırtasiye | kuhr-ta-see-ye |
supermarket | süpermarket | sew-per mar-ket |
tobacconist’s | tekel bayii | te-kel ba-yee-ee |
toy shop | oyuncakçı | o-yoon-djak-chuh |
You can buy most of these from shops labelled market/süpermarket.
biscuits | bisküvi | bees-kew-vee |
bread | ekmek | ek-mek |
butter | tereyağı | te-re-ya-uh |
cakes | kek | kek |
cheese | peynir | pey-neer |
chicken | tavuk | ta-vook |
chocolate | çikolata | chee-ko-la-ta |
coffee (instant) | Nescafé® | nes-ka-fe |
coffee | kahve | kah-ve |
crisps | cips | cheeps |
egg | yumurta | yoo-moor-ta |
fish | balık | ba-luhk |
flour | un | oon |
honey | bal | bal |
jam | reçel | re-chel |
margarine | margarin | mar-ga-reen |
marmalade | marmelat | mar-me-lat |
milk | süt | sewt |
olive |