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You can buy a Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass) Exchange Order in your own country, which needs to be exchanged for the Japan Rail Pass itself when you get to Japan. The stations where you can exchange the Order are shown on the back.
次の … 行きの電車は何時ですかtsugi no … iki no densha wa nan-ji desu ka?What time is the next train to…? |
17時10分ですjuushichi-ji juppun desuAt 17.10 |
切符を3枚くださいkippu o san-mai kudasaiI’d like 3 tickets, please |
片道ですか、往復ですかkatamichi desu ka, oofuku desu ka?Single or return? |
Where is the station? | 駅はどこですかeki wa doko desu ka? |
to… | …行き…iki |
I booked online | オンラインで予約しましたonrain de yoyaku shimashita |
a single | 片道一枚katamichi ichi-mai |
two returns | 往復二枚oofuku ni-mai |
reserved seat | 指定席shitei-seki |
non-reserved seat | 自由席jiyuu-seki |
first class | グリーン車guriin-sha |
standard class | 普通車futsuu-sha |
smoking | 喫煙kitsuen |
non-smoking | 禁煙kin’en |
I want to book a seat on the bullet train to Tokyo | 東京まで新幹線の指定席を予約したいんですがtookyoo made shinkansen no shitei-seki o yoyaku shitain desu ga |
Do I have to change? | 乗り換えがありますかnorikae ga arimasu ka? |
How long is there to wait for the connection? | 乗り換え時間はどのくらいありますかnorikae-jikan wa donokurai arimasu ka? |
Is this the train for…? | これは … 行きの電車ですかkore wa … iki no densha desu ka? |
Why is the train delayed? | なぜ電車は遅れているのですかnaze densha wa okurete iru no desu ka? |
When will it leave? | いつ出発しますかitsu shuppatsu shimasu ka? |
Does it stop at…? | …に停まりますか…ni tomarimasu ka? |
When does it arrive in…? | …にはいつ着きますか…niwa itsu tsukimasu ka? |
Please tell me when we get to… | …に着いたら教えてください…ni tsuitara oshiete kudasai |
Is there a restaurant car? | 食堂車はありますかshokudoo-sha wa arimasu ka? |
Is this seat free? | この席は空いていますかkono seki wa aite imasu ka? |
Excuse me! (to get past) | すみませんsumimasen! |
Japanese taxis are safe, clean and operate on meters. The basic fee is based on the vehicle size. For different sizes of taxi, you can ask for 小型 (kogata) for up to four passengers and 中型 (chuugata) for up to five. It can be rather expensive but there is no need to tip. There are taxi stands at stations and major hotels but taxis can also be hailed from the roadside. You can identify whether a taxi is available by the sign 空車 (kuusha) displayed in the front windscreen. All the doors are automatically operated by the driver. There are many regional taxi companies, and vehicles vary in colour depending on the company.
I want a taxi | タクシーに乗りたいですtakushii ni noritai desu |
Where can I get a taxi? | タクシー乗り場はどこですかtakushii noriba wa doko desu ka? |
Please order me a taxi | タクシーを呼んでくださいtakushii o yonde kudasai |
now | 今ima |
for…(time) | …(時) に…(ji) ni |
How much will it cost to go to…? | …までいくらかかりますか…made ikura kakarimasu ka? |
How long will it take? | どのくらいかかりますかdonokurai kakarimasu ka? |
vacant (car) | 空車kuusha |
to the station please | 駅までお願いしますeki made onegai shimasu |
to the airport please | 空港までお願いしますkuukoo made onegai shimasu |
to this address please | この住所までお願いしますkono juusho made onegai shimasu |
How much is it? | いくらですかikura desu ka? |
Can I have a receipt please? | レシートをお願いしますreshiito o onegai shimasu? |
Keep the change | おつりは結構ですotsuri wa kekkoo desu |
Sorry, I don’t have any change | すみません、小銭がありませんsumimasen, kozeni ga arimasen |
Japan Railways (JR) run ferry services on certain routes where the JR Pass can be used. There is a good ferry network in Japan linking the various islands. Ferries can be used as an alternative to trains if you wish to travel between the islands and have time to spare. During the holidays some lines can be very busy, so if you are driving it is advisable to book a place in advance.
Do you have a timetable? | 時刻表はありますかjikokuhyoo wa arimasu ka? |
Is there a car ferry to…? | …に行くカーフェリーはありますか…ni iku kaa-ferii wa arimasu ka? |
How much is a ticket…? | 切符はいくらですかkippu wa ikura desu ka? |
single | 片道katamichi |
return | 往復oofuku |
How much is it for a car and … people? | 車と人が …人でいくらですかkuruma to hito ga … nin de ikura desu ka? |
one person | 一人hitori |
two people | 二人futari |
three people | 三人san-nin |
Where does the boat leave from? | ボートはどこから出ますかbooto wa doko kara demasu ka? |
Are there any boat trips around Tokyo bay? | 東京湾の遊覧船はありますかtookyoo-wan no yuuransen wa arimasu ka? |
When is the next boat? | 次の船は何時ですかtsugi no fune wa nan-ji desu ka? |
How long does the trip take? | 遊覧はどのくらいかかりますかyuuran wa donokurai kakarimasu ka? |
これが最終便です kore ga saishuu-bin desu | This is the last boat |
今日はやっていません kyoo wa yatte imasen | There is no service today |
車は何ですか kuruma wa nan desu ka? | What type of car do you have? |
At the airport, most signs are written in both Japanese and English. Most of the airport staff understand and speak some English. The three biggest airports are Narita, Kansai and Haneda. You can find airport details by visiting