Crystallography and Crystal Defects. Anthony Kelly

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Crystallography and Crystal Defects - Anthony  Kelly

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follows by noting from Sections 1.5 and 1.6 that the rotation axes consistent with translational symmetry are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Individually, these give in total five crystal classes. Their consistent combinations give another six (see Table 1.2): 222, 322, 422, 622, 332 and 432, thus totalling 11. All of these 11 involve only operations of the first kind. A lattice is inherently centrosymmetric (Section 1.4) and so each of the rotation axes could be replaced by the corresponding rotoinversion axis, thus giving another five classes: images, images, images, images and images. The remaining 16 can be described as combinations of the proper and improper rotation axes. It is convenient to begin first with the three crystal systems where the angles between the axes are all 90°, then to consider the hexagonal and trigonal crystal systems, before finally turning our attention to the monoclinic and triclinic systems.

A stereogram of an orthorhombic crystal of point group 222 centred on 001.
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